Chapter 20: S'mores and cocoa

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"Here," Mason takes out a huge basket from behind the bushes. At my look, he explains, "It's mine. I left it here earlier today. Don't worry."

One hand holding the basket, he looks at me and holds out a hand to me. "Follow me."

"The last time you said that we ended up jumping off of a cliff." I laugh.

"But you enjoyed it, didn't you?" He winks.

I take his hand instead of answering.

"Now where are you taking me?" I ask him.

"Always so curious and suspicious." He clicks his tongue and shakes his head. "You'll have to find out. It's a surprise."

"-but," I begin.

"But nothing. Wait." A cocky little grin splits his face.

I cannot help pouting, but I remain silent for now.

He gets behind me and covers my eyes. "Nu-uh." He whispers teasingly into my ear as I move my hands to my eyes.

"Trust me," his warm breath tickles my ear a bit.

Then, he lets go.

We enter a clearing and stand near a cabin. It's one of those nice, decently sized cabins you see in the movies with a porch and everything. It's one story and has nice . It's modern looking but retains the woodsy feel to it still. Of course, it's build with wood.

It's quite beautiful. The cabin has lights dangling from the ceiling of the cabin. The top of the porch is illuminated by candlelight.

I'm impressed.

He pulls me toward the cabin and unlocks the front door. "After you," he winks and bows exaggeratedly.

The inside is just as beautiful. It's warm because of the fire heating up the place. Couches surround the fireplace and a bag of marshmallows, graham crackers, and dark chocolate cover a table nearby.

I freaking love s'mores.

I almost leap towards them, but Mason brings me back.

"Dessert goes after dinner," Mason wraps his muscular arms around my waist to stop me from reaching the food.

"And what's dinner?" I lean my head back onto his chest. 

He leaves me, causing a slight feel of emptiness, before coming back with two big bags.

"Chipotle!" I grin widely. He hands me one bag. Hell yes. 

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