Chapter 19: Under the starry nights

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"DON'T YOU DARE!" I yell at him. "You take one more step, I swear to God I will karate chop your ass to the ninth realm of Hell!"

"What?" Mason pauses and bursts out in deep laughter. He laughs for a couple minutes before calming down.

"What?" I frown.

"Nothing." He shakes his head. "Ugh, that gave my abs a workout." He rubs his stomach. He takes a step towards me.

"No. Back away." I step back.

"You know. Most girls would be dying to get as close as they can get to me." He waggles his eyebrows.

"And here is the part I say, "I'm not like most girls" to you. Then, you get intrigued with the girl who is immune to your charms. Blah, blah, blah. The rest is history." I roll my eyes.

"But you aren't like most girls." Mason looks at me, his eyes too dark for me to know what he's feeling. He continues to come closer. I back up until i hit a tree behind me.

"Ah, bravo. That line is amazing." I say sarcastically.

"Also, I've never brought a girl here too," he continues as if I never said anything. He leans down and traps me between his arms. I admit; I am momentarily disarmed as I glance into his eyes.

A wide smirk breaks his face as he lifts me into his arms.

"Hey, put me down!" I scream.

"Okay," he laughs.

I am confused as he just puts me down right next to the cliff. I crouch and stare at the drop below me.

Mason brought me to this cliff which is far far away. It's quite beautiful as it is far away from the city lights. Thus, I can see all the constellations here.

"Catch." He throws something at me.

I catch it automatically and glance at it. I think it's his shirt?

"Wait-" My eyes widen as he proceeds to strip. All the way down to his boxers.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," I stop him. "What are you doing?"

"Aw c'mon. Don't be shy." He teases me. "You've seen my abs of steel plenty of times." He actually flexes his muscles as he says that.

I'm mortified, but I don't deny my eyes the pleasure of seeing his physique. He works hard for his body to be in top shape, so I might as well admire it as he is openly flaunting it.

Then, I remember Hunter. 

Hunter is the better guy. Mason is a fuckboy. I keep telling myself this so I don't get confused. Still, I find myself in a weird position. 

To be quite honest, I am very boy shy. To clarify, I am boy-shy if said boy does not happen to be wearing clothes. Also, I tend to be shy if said boy happens to be very attractive without clothes.

"I'm not shy." I refuse to admit it to him.

"I'm sure you aren't." He throws me his pants. I almost faint right there, but instead I fold them neatly in a pile.

"You know you want to..." he wiggles his eyebrows as he darts towards me.

"No way!" I blush and back away.

"Have it your way," he shrugs and gives up easily.

Without warning, he jumps down the cliff. "AHHHHHHH!" He shouts crazily.

I watch as he makes a huge splash. Then, his head pops out of the water. "Hurry up you slowpoke!"

"Is it cold?" I frown. I've never actually went cliff-diving before.

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