Chapter 33: Gift

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"Things are going to change so much," I sigh deeply, thinking about the next months of summer.

"You're worrying too much," Mason knocks my head lightly with his fist. 

"Well, it is true." I glance at him briefly before watching the waves crash onto the sand.  It's been two whole weeks of bliss with him. We've spent almost everyday together just enjoying the moment together. However, I know it's going to end soon. I will be moving to Stanford for my soccer training camp, which will be until the end of summer. He still needs to finish some family stuff before he can leave. He also remains tight lipped about how he is planning on cutting his ties with his father. I don't know when the next time I will see him...

My thoughts get distracted as Mason leans closely to kiss me. My heart leaps out in joy as he melts me with his kisses. He stops and smiles at me, resting his forehead against mine. Chuckling to himself, he swoops me into his arm and runs into the water with me. 

"Stop! It's cold!" I shriek as I brace myself against the icy water splashing onto my sun-kissed skin. He merely laughs heartily as me before he stops. Thank god.

Then, we both plummet into the water. I let out a scream as the water grips me coldly. 

"That was rude," I splash him with water right into his face. 

"But it helped you get out of your head," he winks unapologetically. He's right, but I don't want to admit it. 

"You're a strange one." I flick his forehead lightly. I'm in awe with him. He's been through so much but has grown to become a strong-willed, amazing man. The more I learn about him, the more I fall deeper in love with him. Seeing him grow throughout the years for better and for worse, I have sen the subtle changes. Being by his side, I've learned to understand him a lot more. 

"What?" His eyes pierce into mine questioningly. "What's up with your expression?"

"Nothing," I shrug though a small smile slips through my lips. 

His handsome face brightens as he pulls me into a deep kiss once more. My legs almost collapse but he holds me tightly. Without warning, we fall into the ocean once more. 

"You're such a tease." I roll my eyes and finally leave the cold water. I shiver and grab my towel on the sand. 

"I need to head home and pack," I don't want to dampen the atmosphere but I'm flying to the camp tomorrow afternoon. I have not started packing. 

"It's okay," he ruffles my hair knowingly. We pack up our stuff and head to his car, talking the whole time about everything but the summer ahead of us. 

"I'll come by tomorrow morning," Mason says. 

"Why?" I wonder.

"You'll see," he gives me a mysterious smile. 

"Bye." I lean in and give him a quick peck before heading to my house. He waits for me to enter the house before driving off. 

"Why are you still with him," Finny grumbles on the stairs as soon as he sees me. He and Ollie have been very against Mason. Actually, all three of my brothers have been disapproving of him. Allen, however, has just left for his culinary adventures last week so he cannot keep the disapproving brother act up. The twins have gotten more overbearing as if to make up for Allen's absence. 

"You two are so annoying," I sigh. "You can't just judge him before you get to know him." 

"He's bad for you, Del." Ollie comes in with a bag of Hot Cheetos in his hands.  "I just don't like him."

"Well, you guys will learn to like him. He's changed for the better." I defend Mason because he's really changed. He's trying his best now. My brothers are only judging him from how he was in high school. That is in the past. 

"I'm not going to argue with you the day before I leave," I sigh. "How's your college applications going?"

"We don't even need to turn it in until December. We have time," Ollie says in between his crunches. 

"And you'll help us with it anyways," Finn shrugs. 

"Excuse me, you lazy good-for-nothing asses," I arch an eyebrow at them to see if they dare repeat it again.

"You'll help us, please?" Finn dares to ask me.

"I can't with the two of you right now,"I groan and stomp to my room upstairs. They have nothing besides their part-time jobs this summer. Thus, they have all the time in the world to pester me. I love them, but their boredom and protectiveness gets quite annoying over time. I'm glad I am leaving tomorrow. I'm also quite nervous since I don't know how any of the summer invitees' levels are. I've always been a little competitive, but I'm also shy when I first enter new situations. 

I grab two suitcases and start packing my essentials. One suitcase is full of my soccer cleats and workout clothing. I frown as I wonder how I will pack my cleats and other gear without stinking up the entire luggage. I grab multiple laundry sheets and stuff them in every little crevice. Then I wrap each cleat in a plastic bag with another laundry sheet to clear out the smelliness. I also own like ten cleats so I cannot decide which ones to bring. 

Struggling to zip my soccer backpack up, I keep pulling on the zippers in hopes of squeezing the suitcase shut. After many fruitless attempts, I take out three pairs of cleats. I also start rolling all my workout bottoms and tops to lessen room. Finally, everything fits. I lean against all my luggage and sigh deeply.

Time really flies. I'm excited for this soccer training camp since it can mean big things for my soccer career. It's just that I want to stay with my family and friends back home. 

I'm a sentimental fool. 

I turn my head at the sound of knocking. Finn and Ollie stand there with anticipating looks.

"Yes?" I'm still mildly annoyed that they are being brats about my relationship with Mason.

"Since you're going off for almost the entire summer, we got you a little gift." Finn pulls something from behind his back. In his hands, he holds sleek Nike protegga shield shinpads.

"Pretty sure your shin guards should be replaced," Finn holds them up like a forgiveness gift.

"I'm not going to stop dating Mason through bribery." I reply sternly. 

"That's now what this is. It's just a small gift." The twins protest.

"And here's some air fresheners you can stick in your bag and cleats to air out the stench." Ollie pulls out a couple bean bag looking things. "They had good reviews on Amazon. It's made out of some porous charcoal thing. It eliminates odors so it should be perfect."

"You guys didn't need to do this,"  I look at them appreciatively. 

"It's fine." The twins shake their heads. "Allen helped out. It's his going away present to you, if that even makes sense."

"Thank you," I grin. "Really. I love you all." I give them both big hugs. 

They head back to their rooms shortly. I start getting ready for bed so I can get up early tomorrow. 



Short and sweet. I'm getting back into the writing groove so I didn't want to write too much. Writing is much more difficult now. Thank you for patiently waiting per usual. I hope you're enjoying your summers~



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