Chapter 41: The END

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Delany's POV

"They're still out there," Finn peeks through the window curtains. 

"It's only been a week. They'll probably be gone in a few days." Oliver sighs on the couch.

"Get away from there." Uncle Chris frowns. "We do not want to encourage them." 

"Is there a way to get them out of there?" I sigh and play around with my food. I haven't been able to go outside because of the constant hovering of the media. The FBI tried their best to keep my profile low-key but my name was released to the public since I was of age. They assigned me a lawyer and a guard for protection, but otherwise, the FBI left me alone. 

"Not really, and stop playing with your food," Uncle Mark sighs.

"Yeah," I nod as I slowly eat the food. It is a lot better than the hospital food they made me eat for the past month. I was only released early because of my uncle's occupations. They were instructed to watch over me for the next few weeks to see if I was going to have PTSD or anything. Honestly, I am surprised at myself for being this calm. It kind of seems surreal when I think back on what happened. 

Mason's father was charged with basically all the corruption laws. There were fifty policemen who were also brought down with him. The FBI also managed to link the corruption through many higher-ups who had positions in governments, charities, business corporations, and even conglomerates. This was the latest scandal of the year. I was questioned by the FBI for a bit but otherwise left alone. 

My family was so worried. Allen even flew back for a week just to check up on me. It was nice having everyone back. 

I haven't seen Mason since we went to the hospital. I'm sure he has more things to worry and figure out. His father was the criminal and his face is posted on every news media right now. I doubt Mason wants to be in public right now. 

I glance at the scars along my arms. If it weren't for the remnants of the scars, then I would have thought I dreamed everything. I sometimes run my hand along them to remind myself this is real. 

"Hey, you okay?" Uncle Mark glances at me worriedly. 

"I'm fine," I put on a smile. Everyone has been delicate around me. They are worried but it is uncomfortable. "I'm just going to head upstairs."

I've been seeking alone time in my room but I leave the door open so they don't freak out. 

"Hey..." My uncles peer inside my room and I nod for them to enter. 

"You know, when I was being interrogated by the FBI, I found out about my parent's accident." This was a half-life, since I heard most of it from Mason's father. However, I did peep on a file that had some redacted information on it about my parents when I was being questioned by the FBI. I'm surprised I did not get caught or arrested since i had to sneak around for it.  

I also found out that Mason's father had lied to me. 

"Mason's father was making a sort of deal with the policemen. My parents happened to pass by and see it. It was the wrong place and the wrong time. They got in their car and drove back home. Mason's father and the policemen went after them, but they ended up getting into an accident with them. Dad died instantly upon impact. Mom was injured but she climbed outside the car to get to me. She managed to flag down a nearby highway patrol but the policemen and Mason's father shot him and my mother down. My mom was still holding onto me when they found me. I don't know why they left me alive, but they blamed it on a drug cartel. The highway patrol was framed for illegal drug use and had an elaborate story to back it up with." 

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