Chapter 15

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'Alex. Alex!'


'We're here. And I don't think-'

'We're not gonna get a hotel, and I'm too exhausted to bother searching.'

'You just slept for three hours.'

'I know. Only three hours.'

Donna stamped her foot in frustration. 'I need sleep. Driving is tiring, Alex. Let's go. Come on.'

'Ugh, no.' groaned Alex.

Opening the door, Donna grabbed Alex's arm, pulling her out of her seat. Finally, Alex relented and got out. Donna grabbed the bags.

'There should be a restaurant somewhere. Let's go.'

They found one, surprisingly, which was empty. It was a rather subdued dinner, with both of them too exhausted to make small talk.

Finally, Alex spoke. 'Where are we gonna sleep?'

'No clue.'

'Park our car?'

'No idea.'

'Take a shower?'

'I've got nothing, hon.'

'We haven't planned anything for Kansas have we?'


Alex groaned and smacked her head against the table.

'Well, we're fucked.'

'Pretty much.'

'Donna, you're not even trying!'

'Well, what am I supposed to do?'

'I don't know, maybe try giving a fuck about what we're gonna do now?'

'Oh, so it's my fault?'

'I never said that!' yelled Alex, slamming her hand on the table.

They stared at each other for the next ten seconds. Donna sighed.

'I'm sorry.'

'It's alright.'

'Yeah, I really dunno what to do.'

'We can sleep in the car.'

Donna raised her eyebrows. Alex shrugged.

'It's the only option we have left.'

'Fair enough.'

They trudged back to their car. Donna shook her head in disgust.

'Yeah, my car is horribly dirty.'

'We'll find a car wash tomorrow, Hudgens. Get in and go to sleep.'


They lowered the backrest, and gazed up at the stars.

'Should I-' started Donna

'No, it's okay. The stars are brighter tonight, for some reason. Leave the roof down.'

'Huh. You're right. Okay then.'

For a few moments, there was a comfortable silence.

'Did you ever used to think the dead become stars in the sky?' asked Donna, her voice sounding small, almost like a child.

Alex smiled. 'I did, yeah.'

'I still think they do.' said Donna, shyly.

'You're cute, you know?'

'I know.'

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