Chapter 20

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The house was quite big and spacious. The lawn grass looked freshly mowed and the bushes were trimmed, though quite badly. The house itself looked intact, painted a light shade of denim blue. The window sills were white. The window was caked with dust from the inside. It was quite obvious that no one had been inside the house, even though everything on the outside looked normal.

By the time Donna had stepped out of the car, Alex had already reached the porch, fiddling with the doorknob.

'It's locked, Donna.'

'Yeah, well, it would be, wouldn't it?'

Alex started at her in deep thought. Then, with a start, she rushed towards the backyard.

'Alex, please don't act weird. What are you doing?' asked Donna, running behind Alex.

But Alex was already on the floor. She was moving a few rocks here and there, apparently trying to find something.

'Alex? Alex, are you okay?'

Alex stared up at her, blowing a few strands of hair out of her face.

'Yeah, I'm fine. Why are you asking though?'

'Um, you're searching for something, in a pile of rocks, and you can't seem to find it. What are you looking for?'

'I'm looking for a specific type of rock.'

'So... you're looking for a rock in a bunch of rocks?' asked Donna, looking really concerned.

'Yeah.' said Alex, unfazed by Donna's tone.

Donna put her hands on her hips. 'Yeah, okay, you're coming with me now-'

'FOUND IT!' yelled Alex. 'I found it!'

In her hand Alex was holding a rock in her hand. Below it, there was a small hole in the ground. Something metallic shone inside. Alex fished it out with her fingers.


'I wouldn't be so sure, Alex.'

'Mhmm, yeah, I'm acting weird.'

'Yes you are-'


'Alright.' sighed Donna. She trudged back to the front door.

The door opened with the soft click. Alex slipped the key into her jacket's pocket.

Alex stepped inside, and a wave of memories engulfed her. Everything was just the way it had been when she had left. The coffee table, the sofas. Alex walked up to the kitchen counter. A newspaper lay there, covered with dust. The date read '24th May' from five years ago.

Donna put her hand on Alex's shoulder. She squeezed it gently.

'You feeling okay?' she asked.

'Yep.' replied Alex. 'Totally not gonna dissolve into tears now.'

Donna laughed softly. 'You'll be okay.'

'Will I, though?'

'Yes, you will. Trust me.'

A minute of silence followed. Donna walked around the house, the floorboards creaking slightly. She glanced at framed pictures on the wall.

One photo showed her parents holding Alex as a baby. Another showed Alex, maybe 7 years old, wearing a graduation hat and gown, with a small scroll in her hand. She was smiling widely, showcasing the gap of a missing tooth.

'I always hated my parents for putting that picture in the foyer.'

'It's cute.'

'You wanna see my room?'

'The answer to that could never be 'no.'' said Donna, running up the stairs. 

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