Chapter 34

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'Flat tire. Out of all the problems, a flat tire.'

'Hey, it's better than being dead.'

'At least that can't be fixed or anything. This can, but I don't know how to do it.'

'Donna, you are a dark, dark soul.'

Alex walked towards the back end of the car. The right rear end tire had been blown out and was as flat as a pancake.

'You have a spare, don't you?'


'Damn it, Donna! When you're on a road trip, a spare tire is essential!'

'Well, excuse me!'


Donna was silent. Alex stared at her.

'You do realise you're supposed to say something clever after saying 'excuse me'?'

'Ugh!' said Donna, and stormed off.

Alex wrung her hands in frustration. She followed Donna, who'd plopped on the side of the road, her head in her hands.

'What now?'

'I dunno, we beg for help, I guess.'

'At least it's something.'

They sat there for fifteen minutes before a car passed them by.

Alex waved her hands and the car slowed down.

'Hi-' she started, but she was cut off.

'Flat tire, eh mate?' said a dude with a really strong Australian accent.

'Um, yes, we were hoping you could help out-'

'No worries, I gotcha.' he exclaimed, with way too much excitement for someone who looked thirty.

He pulled a tire out of his trunk, and lugged it across to Donna's car. Donna got up and walked towards Alex.

'Alex, who is-'

'Hallo, there! I'm Jeff!' he held out a hand.

'Um, Donna.' said Donna, shaking his hand.

'Golly, you all have fabulous names.'

'Gee, thank you.' drawled Donna. Alex rolled her eyes, and laughed.

Within a matter of seconds, the new tyre was put on. Donna dumped the flat one in her trunk and slammed the door shut.

'Well, Jeff, thank you so much.'

'Anytime, darling.'

'Where are you headed to?' asked Alex, for the sake of small talk.

Jeff leaned inside his car and pulled out three tetra packs of chilled chocolate milk. He handed it to the both of them.

'I'm headed to Arizona. Heard it's a fantastic city.'

'It's all desert. What are you gonna do in a desert?' remarked Alex. Donna smacked her arm.

Jeff apparently didn't hear Alex, probably because of all the adrenalin that was coursing through his veins. He smiled at the both of them.

'Well, I must get going!' he exclaimed, beaming at the both of them. 'Pleasure meeting you lovely ladies.'

He slightly tipped his cap, hopped into his car, and drove away

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