Chapter 31

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It was 1:15, and they'd made it to Utah.

Utah was a combination of barren land and metropolitan cities. Beyond the buildings, there were canyons and rock structures, which were a brilliant red in colour.

Alex hadn't said much since Colorado. She sat quietly and looked out of the window, occasionally showing an interest in her surroundings.

'You wanna stop for lunch?'

'Yeah, that'd be great.'

They stopped at a local diner, which was apparently pretty popular, judging by the number of cars that stood outside.

Soft rock played through the speakers. They both took a seat. Almost immediately, a waitress placed two bottles of beer on the table. Donna started to say something, but the waitress had walked away. Alex grinned.

'Real polite.' she chuckled, and took a sip.

'Yeah, oh well.' shrugged Donna.

A drop of water from the bottle fell on the table. Alex traced it with her finger, making an incomprehensible figure. She sighed heavily.

'Do you ever, just, think about how differently things could have gone?'

Donna looked down. 'Yeah, I do.'

'Like, if I'd done something differently, the world would have been so different, no matter how trivial the choice might have been.'

'Yeah. It's crazy. My life is full of regrets, and I hate myself for it.'

Alex reached over the table and held Donna's hand. Alex's warm touch sent a shiver through Donna's spine. She smiled.

'Do you think it's some sort of a crazy coincidence we both met?' asked Donna, taking a sip of her drink.

'I don't believe in coincidences. Stuff happens for a reason. It's up to different people and how they view it.' answered Alex, matter-of-factly

'Hmm, so I happened for a reason?'

'Definitely. It can't be that I just meet someone and fall in love with them as time passes.'

'That's true, I am amazing.'

Alex laughed, and Donna cracked up.

'I wonder what your parents are like.' pondered Alex, gazing at Donna.

'They're exactly like me, only much older.'

'Must be nice, then.'

'When we go back, you're gonna meet them.'

'Wait, you want me to-'

'Yeah, I really do.' said Donna, pressing her thumb on Alex's palm.

Alex stared at Donna. She looked a little worried.

Donna seemed to pick up on this.

'Oh my god, is it too early-'

'No, no, that's not it, it's just that I'm a little worried.'


'I'm not exactly a "perfect" girlfriend.'

'Nonsense.' said Donna. 'If my parents can't accept you for who you are, then... well, let them not. We're together, that's all the matters to me.'

Alex smiled. 'Donna, that's so sweet.'

'Yeah, well, not to worry. After what Ryan did, everyone I date is a hundred times better than him, so you've got nothing to freak out about.' said Donna, beaming at Alex.

Alex kissed Donna, not caring about anything for a few blissful moments.

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