Chapter 23

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It was time for dinner. The family gathered around the table, settling into their seats, shifting their glasses and plates around, handing out forks and knives to each other.

Mrs Arnolds really knew how to cook up a welcome dinner. Baked potatoes, chicken soup, salad, beans and some gravy. Mr Arnolds had been kind enough to get Donna and Alex's bags, placing them on the storage shelves in the living room.

Donna sat down. She was about to dig right in, but Mrs Arnolds stopped her.

'Darling, we're gonna say grace first, alright?'

'Oh my god, I'm so sorry-'

'Don't you worry about it now, sweetheart.' she said sweetly, holding Donna's hand. Donna reached out and held Alex's. She shut her eyes.

Mr. Arnolds spoke. 'Thank you, lord, for giving us the opportunity of having such good food in front of us. We're truly blessed in every way possible. Thank you for letting us have the privilege of having Alexa and Donna over today. Amen.'

'Thank you for having us today, Mr. and Mrs. Arnolds.' chimed in Donna.

'Amen!' said everyone, raising their wine glasses.

There was the faint sound of silverware clinking against the plates. Donna, Alex and Lynn talked quite a lot, over the weirdest things. Ever so often, Mr. Arnolds would tell a ridiculous workplace story, which resulted in Mrs. Arnolds gently slapping his hand and commenting 'You did not!'

The scene reminded Donna so much of home, she lost herself in her thoughts. What would her parents be doing right now? Would they have eaten dinner? Dad was probably yelling at the Yankees. They'd had a bad season. Mom would probably be on the phone with her friends.

Mrs. Arnolds tapped her shoulder. 'You here, honey?'

'Yeah, yeah, just... got lost.'

'Remembering home, eh?' asked Mr. Arnolds studying her look.

'Yeah, kind of. This place... it's very much like home.'

Mrs. Arnolds smiled. Her smile reminded Donna of her mother. The way her warm brown eyes saw the homesickness in Donna... she had the sudden urge to hug this woman.

'Well, I'll set up your room, should I?'

'Mrs. Arnolds you don't have to-'

'Oh nonsense!' she cut Donna off, waving her hand in the air. 'You both are staying here tonight, and that's an order.'

Alex smiled at Donna. 'Yes ma'am.' they both said, in unison.

'Donna, Alexa, you both should shower it off. Come on.' said Mrs. Arnolds, clearing up the table after dinner was done.

'You're going first.' said Donna.

'Damn it.' cursed Alex. Donna smiled, and kissed Alex on the cheek.

'Bye.' said Donna, sweetly.

As Alex stepped into the bathroom, Lynn handed her a towel. Alex took off her jacket and locked the bathroom door.

Lynn sat herself down next to Donna with a grunt. Donna scooched aside and made space for Lynn.

'You okay?' asked Donna, looking a bit worried.

'Yeah... just-' Lynn grunted again. 'Stupid meds. They don't help at all.'

'Oh. Do you need any help? Want me to get anything?'

'No, Donna. I'm alright, thank you.' said Lynn, smiling with a lot of pain.

Lynn sighed. 'I would love to talk to you though.'

Donna sat up. 'Sure. What about?'

Lynn smiled. 'About Alexa, of course.'

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