🔺 Chapter 36🔻

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Chapter 36


Folabi held a recorder close to the Justice Lateefa's lips, "What are you thoughts so far on the evidence provided, can you say Chief Akinola is guilty?" "I'm a woman of protocols, I stand by the unbiase protocol which states that a defendant is innocent until proven guilty. It'll take proper examination and coincided evaluation before judgement can be made."

"But Ma, the recording proves for a fact that Chief tried to bribe his way" " If Judges made decisions based on a day hearing, errors may occur that is why there is a need to adjourned this case for proper evaluation and...."

Osifo watched Morenike being interrogated by another section of reporters and Tacha walked up to him. "Hey Daddy" she said hugging him and he kissed her on the cheek. "Are you okay? It's like you're growing lean. I hope you're not losing weight because of one music video" "No. I haven't had any appetite for a while now. I'm not happy that's why. When are you coming back home?"

"I already filed for divorce and you know there's no going back"

Tacha exhaled, "Everything is just falling apart, my home,my family, my relationship,my life" "Hey!" Osifo held her hands then he turned towards Chike, "I still don't understand why you broke up with him" "I don't want to talk about it, here's not the right place, besides you'll only hate Mom the more and I don't want that"

"What did she.... Did she send thugs after him"

"No Dad! Not here"

"When then, I want to know now." He demanded and she shrugged turning back at her mother then back at her father. "She made me promise not to date Chike and I'm doing it because of her health. Its the sacrifice I have to pay"

"What!" Osifo asked shutting his eyes, "Your mother is impossible! Why will!" "See! You're doing it again Dad. She's not happy about what's going on, if you ask me, Mom is dealing with more stuff that she's telling us, she's just hiding under that superhuman face and its annoying but. ..."

"You should talk to the boy, he's a good boy"

"I know, he's too good for me. He doesn't deserve me"

"Go"  he gave her a push and she walked up to Chike, "Hey" she waved at him. "Hey" "How have you been?" She asked and he raised a brow at him, "Really Tacha? Really?" He asked, "I was listening to the radio show the other day and they played your song. You're really going to go places Chike"

Chike shut his eyes, "What do you want?" He opened it, "You broke up with me remember? Do you want to rub the wounds cause that's what you're doing right now. You did what you thought was better for the both of us.... Aren't you worried your mother might see us together right now?" He asked staring right at Morenike and Tacha blinked her tears back in.

"I'm sorry" she apologised leaving him alone and  Chike exhaled wondering is he was being too harsh with her. Or maybe she deserves worst! Or should he be more understanding?

"That was a good one" a man shook Osaze and he shared a look with his mmother who was still speaking to the press. "I'm sure with what you've done, you've managed to convince the jury otherwise, the ghost situation with the prosecution is quite incredible I'll have to confess but I believe you can sort it out" he tapped his arm walking away.

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