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Drabble Request: NaruHina; The Last!Naruto performing CPR on The Last!Hinata to restart her heart

When the puppets suddenly appeared, they were unprepared. A barrage of glowing orbs suddenly rained down on the flying shinobi. Sai's giant ink birds disappeared as they disintegrated under the onslaught.

Shikamaru cursed just as he and Sakura dropped down into the water. Sai tried to create more ink creatures to stop their fall but was struggling. Naruto blasted a few rasengan into their enemy just as he felt Hinata behind him take her hands off his stomach and called out, "Twin Lion Fists!"

But another puppet showed up directly in front of them and raised its arms to blast another attack. It caught their ink bird and Naruto and Hinata plunged into the ocean below them.

Just as they were falling, Naruto saw an orb enter Hinata's chest and saw her body go limp. She lost consciousness as their bodies broke through the surface of the water.


But he was in the water, too, struggling to stay afloat and trying to get to her side. When he finally did, he caught her under her arms and waded to the surface. His eyes lit upon dry land and headed in that direction.

The others can take care of themselves. Right now, he needed to save Hinata.

He dragged her to the shore and his heart dropped to see her not breathing.

He placed his ear to her chest and didn't hear a heartbeat. Quickly, he placed his palms above her abdomen and pushed a couple of times. He stopped and breathed into her mouth, pinching her nose and planting his lips over hers.

Still no heartbeat.

"Come on Hinata. Breathe, girl."

His palms pumped several times again. His mouth breathed into hers once more.

"Hinata, breathe, honey!" he muttered as his hands continued their compressions on her chest. "I need a heartbeat."

He placed an ear over her chest to find that heartbeat. Still nothing, no response from her.

"Come on," he encouraged. "Hinata, come on, babe. You gotta do it."

He continued administering CPR and dimly he heard Shikamaru coughing and footsteps heading in his direction, but he was focused on trying to bring Hinata back to life.

"Hinata!" he yelled, eyes never leaving her face. "Breathe, breathe, breathe, damn it! Come on, girl!"

And she finally did, gasping, then coughing as her pale face suddenly suffused with healthy color.

"Thank god!"

He turned her over to her side and she coughed up the water from her lungs.

"Naruto!" he heard Sakura yell out. "Is Hinata okay?"

"Looks like it," he answered without looking at her. His eyes were still on Hinata's face.

Sakura reached his side and took over. Fortunately, nothing was wrong and she declared Hinata safe from danger.

"Just to make sure, Naruto. You and Hinata aren't going out, right?" she suddenly asked.

"Huh?" he asked, his face blank. And then he shook his head. "Sakura, Hinata's a friend!"

"Right. Friend," Sakura murmured under her breath as her gaze drifted to his hand that was unconsciously still gripping Hinata's because he didn't think to let go.

Sakura hadn't missed the whispered endearments he'd called Hinata, either, when he'd been desperately trying to bring her back to life.

"She'll be fine, right?" he asked, a worried frown over his face.

"Yes, she will," Sakura answered and smiled to herself.

NaruHina: PostscriptsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz