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Drabble request! They try to kidnap Bolt and Himawari, but their parents are actually the strongest couple out there.

"Hinata, make sure the kids don't see you," Naruto whispered low as they chased their prey, who were walking slowly because the children were taking their time.

"Already on it, Naruto," she answered quietly. Hinata weaved hand signs and slipped into her henge. Instead of lavender, she had brown eyes. Instead of black, her hair was now brown.

They had to do this rescue mission slowly and properly because the motives of the kidnappers were still unclear. What was the point of taking the children? Particularly, these children?

Naruto trailed all of them using his sage mode. He flew over the roofs, keeping his eyes on their kids and also being aware of Hinata following stealthily behind them.

He wasn't worried. Boruto looked fine and Himawari was chattering away happily as any friendly four-year-old would. She probably thought it was going to be a fun adventure.

Oh, it was going to be fun, all right, Naruto decided. Once he got the kids back safely. As soon as they were separated from the criminals, he would unleash his fury on these monsters who would harm children.

He looked down again and saw Hinata. He amended his thoughts: Unless Hinata got to them first.

She showed no anxiety, either, and it wasn't as surprising as it should be. Her earlier youthful fears had disappeared when she'd become a mother. He knew she was just as fierce as he was when it came to protecting their cubs.

This Hinata was determined, relentless, and ready to use her Gentle Fist to crush these kidnappers.

The thugs and the children were now veering left after they stepped out of Konoha's gates, which proved to the pursuing parents that their intent was to hide the children away from the village to probably demand their ransom.

It was much easier to commit crime away from the heavily defended Konoha.

Now was the time to strike while they were still within reach.

Quickly, Naruto activated his Kyuubi mode and overtook Hinata, who nodded at him as she changed back to her true form. She understood his signal to rescue the kids now.

He got to the two kidnappers and imprisoned them in his Kyuubi arms just as his real arms ripped the children away and drew them away to safety.

A split-second later, Hinata's "Haa-aah!" rang through the air as she came at the men, byakugan activated and piercing through their skin to hit vital chakra points. She whirled around with a low kick and swept their feet from under them. The two criminals fell down.

She loomed over them threateningly just as Naruto yelled out, "Hinata, don't kill them!"

Hearing that, one of the kidnappers twitched with fear, Naruto saw with satisfaction.

"I'm not going to," she answered coolly as she made sure the men couldn't move with a hit to their necks. She might have hit a little bit harder than normal, though.

Naruto approached with Boruto and Himawari in his arms. They all looked down at the men and decided that they were fully incapacitated and wouldn't be able to escape.

Hinata opened her arms and the kids ran to her, hugged her, then started chattering excitedly.

"Mama! You were so awesome!" Himawari chirped.

Naruto smiled at his children but he turned back to the kidnappers he'd just bound with rope. The look on his face was fierce as he made them a promise:

"I don't know who you guys are. I don't know what you want. If you wanted ransom I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you forget about kidnapping my children again, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, but if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you."*

They nodded furiously.

Hinata came to him with Himawari in her arms.

"We'll let Shikamaru handle the interrogations," he said to her.

Boruto tugged at his hand. "Tou-chan! I did what you told me!"

Naruto squatted down and hugged his eight-year-old son. "You did, Boruto. Good job."

"I didn't panic!" Boruto exclaimed, his face full of pride. "I let them snatch us because you told us before."

He'd followed his father's instructions to the tee. The children had let themselves be kidnapped, had not resisted being taken. Naruto and Hinata realized that the best way to ensure their children remaining unharmed was to lull kidnappers into believing that the kids would not offer resistance. Once they saw that the children would come quietly, then there was no need to hurt them.

Boruto and Himawari had also trusted that their parents were going to be there to save them.

"We will always come find and rescue you," Kaa-chan had promised and he believed her. Kaa-san never went back on her word. It had kept Boruto calm enough to make sure his sister wasn't hurt.

And watching both of them take down the kidnappers only confirmed their beliefs: Mama and Papa were both the strongest shinobi in all of Konoha.



Obviously inspired by the movie Taken

*Sorry, I couldn't resist using those lines from the most famous kidnapping movie ever😅

I mean, come on. Naruto with Liam Neeson's voice and delivery? Swoon.

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