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Hi! I'm not sure if you're still taking drabble requests, but I'm hoping that this can still be done. In the Boruto anime, there was an episode where Boruto was trying to get a copy of Jiraiya's novels and managed to find them in his father's home office, but was later on confiscated by Hinata. If it's ok, can I ask for a drabble about what happens after that scene, like a conversation between Hinata and Naruto regarding that... maybe Hinata would scold her husband a bit for storing the books somewhere accessible by their children, but later on hints of trying out some scenes in the novel?

"Naruto! Do you know what your son did?"

"My son?" Naruto asked. It was his turn today, he realized with a secret smile. Boruto was only his son when he did something wrong, but he was theirs when he did something good.

He'd gotten home later than usual and walked into the living room to find her not sleeping as he'd expected, but sitting at the kitchen table flipping through the book on herbs she often consulted when she was making the Hyuuga ointment.

She'd stood up and came to hug him and bombarded him with their son's exploits immediately after she kissed him.

He groaned aloud but then he walked to the table to where he saw she'd laid his meal for him. "Hinata, what did he do this time?"

She'd walked to the refrigerator to get him some tea.

Hinata poured it into a glass and placed it in front of him. She then planted her hands on her hips and glared at him. "Naruto, he found the Icha Icha novels in the shelf. In your office. Why did you put them there? In a place where he could easily access them?"

"Hinata! That's not fair!" Naruto protested as he chewed his food. "I don't think this is my fault! I didn't know he'd go looking for them, right?"

She poured herself a cup of tea. "He's a curious boy, Naruto. Are you telling me that you didn't go looking for those types of things when you were younger?"

Naruto blushed, remembering those days he did research for his Sexy Jutsu.

Hinata saw him flush and she laughed. "See? You should know how he thinks. You guys are cut from the same cloth."

Naruto laughed. "But seriously, Hinata, I really didn't think he'd be interested in those books. When I was twelve and Ero-sennin asked me to read through them, I didn't think they were that interesting."

But then, at that age, he'd been so focused on becoming Hokage and trying to outdo everyone in his class that he hadn't really cared about how people fell in love and the ways they could show that to each other.

He quickly finished dinner and they walked up the stairs to the bedroom after washing and putting away the dishes.

Naruto knew that she wanted to continue the conversation upstairs because from the expression on her face, she was still unhappy that Boruto had almost read those novels.

He frowned and sat down on the bed. "Did he tell you why he went looking for them?"

Hinata sighed. "That's the thing, people had told him that it was a coming of age story, an adventure story where he could learn a lot of techniques. Boruto just assumed they were talking about shinobi stuff and not the, you know, other stuff."

Naruto burst out laughing. "Who the hell told him that?"

"Everyone!" Hinata huffed. "I still can't believe it. And it's not that funny! Stop laughing, Naruto!"

"Techniques!" Naruto gasped, still chuckling.

Hinata lost her frown, starting to see the humor in the situation.

"Still, in the end, Boruto found Jiraiya-sama's novels, which he's not allowed to read yet."

Naruto shook his head but kept smiling.

Hinata continued, "I was lucky. He was about to read them but I took them off his hands before he could open the book."

He was getting ready to change so he reached for the zipper of his jacket and grinned at her. "Good one, Hinata! I'd love to have seen his face had he found those pages."

Hinata blushed. "You know, I forgot how explicit those books were. I read through them again."

"You what?" Naruto asked, pausing in the act of taking off his jacket. He stared at her and she missed the sudden gleam that lit his eyes.

"Just a couple pages," Hinata said, not paying attention, her back to him as she started fluffing the pillows on the bed.

"Hinata, which one? Was it Icha Icha Tactics or Paradise?" he asked as he got closer to her.

She was pulling the covers off now. "I think it was Paradise."

And then he was suddenly directly behind her, pulling her close to his body so he could whisper in her ear, "You know, Hinata...We never did get around to trying out page fifty-seven of that book."

Hinata snorted with laughter even as his arms tightened around her. She looked over her shoulder and met his eyes before answering his seeking mouth.

He broke the kiss, grinned at her, and winked. "What do you think?"

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