One Hundred

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I know your closing soon, but considered this a request before you close. In boruto opening 9, the uzumaki family including Kawaki are going to a picnic. Can you do a drabble about that?


Hai, I was wondering if there's still slot for a drabble request? If yes, would you mind writing a drabble in which Kawaki calls Hinata "Mom" for the first time? Or calling Naruto "Dad"?


I have a drabble request. I was really mesmerized by the cover picture and wanted to request a fluff drabble where Hinata kisses Naruto's forehead and he hugs her tightly and smiles cause he loves it. He feels like he finally found someone who cares about him

"Please?" Himawari asked.

She was doing that thing with her eyes again, making it wide and shiny as she pleaded with him.

"Tch!" Kawaki said as he looked away. But then he snorted and said, "Fine."

"Thank you!" she yelled then she leaped forward and hugged him around the waist. "Yay! It'll be fun, you'll see!"

He felt the breath knocked out of him, but then he patted her head awkwardly.

"Tell your mother I said I'll go with everyone to the picnic."

"She's not just my mother, Kawaki," Himawari said as she looked up at him with her sunny smile. "She's yours, too."

Then she gave him one more squeeze and traipsed off to go tell Hinata the news, leaving Kawaki staring at her, suddenly unable to breathe.



And by that extension, Nanadaime...


He felt his knees weakening so he dropped down on his butt and sat staring at nothing in front of him, reeling from the words.

Mother. Father.

The minutes passed as he sat in the middle of the Uzumaki's backyard and listened to birds fly over him, the flapping of the sheets hung outside to dry, Hinata vacuuming inside the house.

These past few months with the Uzumakis, he'd been up and down with his emotions and he still didn't know how to process his feelings. Everyone was always up in his business, so boisterous, and loud, and crazy, and nice, and friendly, and accepting.

Just plain...loving.

Kawaki still couldn't wrap his head around it. That they would open their home to him despite knowing his past. That they'd let him sleep on a comfortable bed, eat some of the best food he's ever had.

But what made him even more rattled was that they'd not only accepted him, they'd treated him as if he'd always been one of them. As if it was the most natural thing in the world.

He was a stray, something to be thrown away when he'd served his purpose. Something to be used and easily discarded.

But here they were, folding him into this intimate circle they called a family—and expected nothing from him.

And now, Himawari was saying he could have a mother and a father.

Real parents.

He blinked rapidly, not knowing why he suddenly felt this way, this burning in his lungs, this ache in his chest, this—

NaruHina: PostscriptsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora