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Can I ask you a drabble in which one of the kids discovers the scar under Hinata's breast (the one she got from Pain trying to protect Naruto) and asks about it? It will be either her or Naruto explaining how brave Hina is?. Thank you so much for sharing your works with us!

The water hit Hinata's face as Himawari dropped her hand onto the surface of the water, accidentally splashing her mother. The three-year-old was busily trying to tie her hair up in a ponytail—just like Mama's. But her shorter locks were making it difficult, putting that frown of concentration on her face. 

Meanwhile, at the end of the tub, Boruto was watching his plastic ducks float. He submerged his face halfway in the water and blew at the ducks to make them drift away from him.

Hinata leaned her head back against the bathroom wall and sighed. She was content to relax while the kids busied themselves in the bath.

A few minutes later, though, Hinata heard silence and she opened her eyes to see the kids staring at her—or more specifically, at the scars that bisected her chest.

She didn't blame them. They were quite obvious, and the angry-looking slashes of mangled skin were such a contrast to the purity of their own.

Boruto looked down at his chest then back at hers again. He was frowning, but still, he pointed to her torso. "What are those, Kaa-chan?"

She felt the flutter in her stomach. She'd thought she was prepared for the question when it eventually came from the kids, but she had to steady herself for a moment before she could answer her son.

Because despite the years passing since she'd thrown herself in front of Pain, there was still a glimmer of fear that gripped her when she recalled how close she came to dying—and possibly never meeting these two little people sitting in the tub with her and filling her life with happiness.

Instead, she smiled. "They're scars, Boruto. Once, when I was younger, a man was trying to hurt Tou-chan, and I had to help him. I got caught in the middle of the fight and got hit in the chest."

"Does it hurt?"


When she remembered.

But Hinata shook her head and pasted a cheerful expression on her face for the benefit of the children. Himawari was listening, too, her eyes concerned. "No, Baby. Not anymore."

She took Himawari's little hand in hers and brought it close to her face. "Your fingertips are raisiny and pink. I think it's time to dry off!"

Himawari giggled in response and lifted her arms up. "'Kay, Mama!"

Boruto was quiet, still thinking about the man who tried to hurt his parents, but he stood up and hopped out of the tub. Kaa-chan was already stepping out, carrying Himawari in her arms.

He wasn't going to argue. When his mother said it was time to dry off, it was time to dry off.

But maybe he could ask Tou-chan about the scars, too.

Kaa-chan went to dry off Himawari while Boruto grabbed his pajamas on top of the clothes chest. Without toweling off, he quickly put them on and went to find his father, who was in the kitchen washing the dishes.

He tugged at his shirt and Tou-chan's blue eyes smiled down at him. "Your hair's still wet, Boruto! I told you before to dry it first so you don't keep changing your shirt!"

But Boruto ignored it and asked, "Tou-chan. You know those scars on Kaa-chan's chest? Do you have them, too? 'Cause Himawari and I don't." He pulled up his shirt to show his pristine little tummy to his father.

His father only smiled and instructed his son to put down his shirt. Then he added, "That's a good thing, Boruto. I hope you and Himawari never get them."

But Tou-chan was wiping his hands on the kitchen towel. He then grabbed Boruto and sat him on the counter so that they could continue the conversation while he dried the dishes and put them away.

"Why do you ask about the scars?"

"Kaa-chan said somebody was trying to hurt you and she helped?"

Naruto sighed, looked away for a minute, and closed his eyes. When he finally opened them, he smiled at Boruto. "Yeah, she did. She wanted to save me because she thought I needed help, even though I told everyone not to. She was the only one who disagreed with me. She was very brave."

Boruto nodded. Sounds like Kaa-chan. "And strong?"

Naruto laughed. "And strong," he confirmed. "The guy we both fought was really strong, too, but Kaa-chan's tougher. Maybe even tougher than me, Boruto."

Boruto shook his head. "No! Nobody's tougher than you, Tou-chan!" Then he glanced guiltily at the direction of Himawari's bedroom, looked back at Naruto, and dropped his voice to a whisper. "...but Kaa-chan's scarier than you!"

Naruto laughed and dropped his tone to match his son's. "You're right, so don't tell her I agreed with you."

Boruto beamed at him and raised his arms. Tou-chan was done putting away the dishes, so the only thing left to do was get his hug, say good-night to everyone, and go to bed.

His father's arms wrapped tight around him, making him squeal, and then shriek with laughter when he got lifted up higher than he'd expected.

It drowned out the whisper from Himawari, who was in Hinata's arms as they stood in the hallway, hidden from view. The little girl was looking at her mother hastily wiping away the tears in her eyes. "Mama?" she asked as she touched a small hand to her mother's cheeks. "Sad?"

Hinata smiled at her. "No, Hima. My heart's just full."

Himawari nodded in understanding. "'Kay!" she said and pushed at her mother's shoulders so she could go on the floor.

Then, together, the both of them went to the kitchen to join Naruto and Boruto.

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