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Hey can i request a drabble where Jiraiya is alive and meets Hinata he makes some pervy comments in front of Naruto


Kakashi pretended he didn't hear and only slid lower onto the bench, peered more intently into his book.

But the voice was insistent.


The sixth Hokage sighed and looked up from the page he'd been trying to read for the last ten minutes. "Yes, Jiraiya-sama?"

Jiraiya was frowning, but his gaze was far away. He was looking at the couple that just emerged from Ichiraku holding hands.

The girl laughed and tucked her long, dark, hair behind her ear just as the blond-haired man leaned down to kiss her on the forehead.

"Am I seeing what I'm seeing?" Jiraiya asked. "Is that Naruto? With a girl?!" A double-take. "A real girl?"

"Wait, wait, wait!" Jiraiya gasped with disbelief. "Wait a whole goddamned minute! It's not just any girl, it's freaking Hinata Hyuuga!"

"Are you done, Jiriaiya-sama?" Kakashi asked drily when there finally was a pause. "Would you like me to answer your questions now?"


Kakashi sighed again. "While you were away, there was a mission and they got sent to the moon to rescue a kidnapped Hanabi. During that time, they apparently recognized their feelings for each other. They came back to earth and they've been together ever since. They've been dating for a few months." He cleared his throat with some discomfort. "It's quite romantic, actually."

Jiraiya heard it but he was still frowning. "And it's a real relationship, right? He didn't pay her to go out with him?"

"Yes! And no, of course not!" Kakashi yelled. He eyed the sage sideways. "Naruto would never pay anyone to go out with him. He has no money. You never told him about the inheritance Minato-sensei left him."

Jiraiya waved that comment away impatiently. "And Hiashi Hyuuga allowed this to happen?"

"Yes," Kakashi answered. "In fact, I think Naruto wants to go ask Hinata's father for her hand in marriage soon."

That made Jiraiya finally move from his spot and he quickly walked towards the couple.

"Naruto!" he called out. "How's my godson?"

"Ero-sennin!" Naruto answered with a smile, turning around to face him when he heard his voice.

Naruto hugged Jiraiya, who returned the embrace just as fiercely. He was happy to be back in Konoha and seeing his godson after such a long absence away from home. "Oh, my boy! My dear boy. You look healthy and in love!"

Jiraiya then smiled at Hinata, who was smiling uncertainly back at him.

But Naruto gripped her hand reassuringly and encouraged her to come forward to make her formal greeting towards the sage. "Hinata, I'm glad you finally get to meet Jiraiya as my girlfriend."

"Jiraiya-sama, welcome back. It's wonderful to see you alive and well," Hinata said with a bow.

Naruto was beaming at him beside her and placed a hand at the small of her back.

She sent up a shy smile at him but then turned her attention back to Jiraiya.

Jiraiya watched it all with his mouth open. He still couldn't believe it, so he peeked behind her to make sure Naruto really was touching her.

"I just want you to clear this up for me, my dear," he addressed Hinata. "You do realize that you're going out with Naruto, right? You made the decision with your eyes wide open?"

Hinata was surprised. "Yes, of course."

"Really?! Why?!"

"Jiraiya!" Naruto howled. "Stop being an ass!"

Jiraiya laughed. "Just kidding, you two!" His eyes gleamed as he bowed at Hinata. "Yoroshiku, ne, Hinata. Take care of Naruto, please. I leave him in your hands."

He said it with a straight face, which made Hinata doubt whether he'd really made that innuendo.

She bowed again and answered him earnestly. "I will, Jiraiya-sama. I love him with all my heart."

Jiraiya grinned at her. "I'm glad to hear that."

She smiled again. "He's been nothing but wonderful to me."

"That's good!" He turned to Naruto and asked, "How long have you been going out now?"

"About two months."

Jiraiya raised a brow. "Hmph! And not a word to me, no letter or anything."

"Sorry, Jiraiya! We've been busy!"

The older man snorted. "I bet."

Naruto frowned, but Jiraiya ignored it and peered at Hinata's face, saw the glow on her cheeks, the shine in her eyes. "You look happy...which means my godson is doing something right."

Hinata blinked, not completely sure but suspecting there was a double entendre somewhere in those words.

Which made Jiraiya point his chin at Naruto and say, "I'm surprised you know what to do, considering you've never shown any interest in any of my books before."

Naruto blushed. "Yeah, well..."

Jiraiya smirked. "Would you like me to gift you one of my books? Or, the whole set? I'll even autograph it for you."

"I think I'm fine. I don't need your books."

Jiraiya' eyes gleamed. "Hmm? You say that now, but I think you'll learn a few things that might be more useful than the rasengan I've taught you."

That caught Naruto's interest. "Really?"

Jiraiya nodded sagely. "Yes, definitely. More useful than just playing with whirling balls."

Naruto and Hinata looked at each other and blushed.

"Made of chakra energy, of course!" Jiraiya added.

Then he finally laughed. He slung an arm around their shoulders. "Oh, you two are cute. I'm going to have so much fun teasing you both. Come on, let's go get some sake and we can all catch up. Then you can tell me more about your love story."

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