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Can I request a drabble please! The girls teach Hinata to flirt but she ends up being awkward and dorky though Naruto finds it absolutely adorable and the girls are just left confused by the whole thing. I love awkward Hinata! ? probably early on in their relationship haha


Hello are you still taking request? If so I hope you consider this one. It's about the Konoha 12 all together in a restaurant or somewhere else being embarrassed and annoyed at Naruto and Hinata being the annoying lovey-dovey couple in public

"Here, try doing this," Ino said as she shrugged daintily while simultaneously brushing her long blond hair over her shoulder. Everyone's eyes were drawn first to her hand and then to her chest.

Hinata blushed because Naruto would definitely stare at her breasts if she ever did what Ino suggested.

Tenten nodded with approval. "Good one, Ino!"

"If not that, there's always this," Tenten said as she pouted and batted her eyelashes. She then took her pointer finger and tapped it at the corner of her mouth. In a fake-angry tone, she said, "Oh, I don't know, Naruto... That's not really what I had in mind..." she let her voice trail off suggestively. For good measure, she fluttered her eyes several times.

Hinata flushed again. Oh, god. She couldn't do that.

"Tenten, stop that!" Sakura said with a frown. "That's just wrong."

"Oh?" Ino asked as her eyes darkened with annoyance. "You show us how you would flirt, then!"

Sakura sighed with frustration. "It's too obvious, guys! That's a caricature of flirting. It should be more subtle and not so glaring."

"Really, Sakura?" Ino said as she raised a brow. "This is Naruto we're talking about. He needs it to be clear so he could be hit in the face."

Then she lit up as she realized something. "Hinata! First, you gotta wear your hair tied back tonight. Then flip your hair like this." Ino snapped her head back and her long ponytail whipped backward in a whoosh. "Then it really will smack him in the face."

Tenten laughed. Hinata giggled nervously. Sakura sighed again with irritation. "Ino!"

Ino grinned at them all. "Just joking. Still, though. Sakura, show us how you flirt."

Seeing it was her turn to explain this flirting business to Hinata, Sakura rolled her shoulders and cracked the bones of her neck. "Right. So I heard it starts with a smile, a gentle one." She pasted a smile on her face that looked more like a grimace because she was finding all of this uncomfortable. Then she looked down shyly at the ground and slowly raised her eyes to meet theirs—which caused Ino and Tenten to burst out laughing.

Sakura rolled her eyes, but she was smiling, too. "I know, I know. I don't know how to flirt either. But I think if you try any of these tonight with Naruto, I'm sure he'd love it."

By this time, Hinata was bright red and completely embarrassed. She still didn't know why the girls felt compelled to teach her all these flirting methods, but she didn't want to ruin their fun. Plus, she didn't know how to stop them. They'd all told her she needed to learn these now that she and Naruto were an item.

But she looked at the clock. She had to go and get ready. "Thank you, everyone. I'll see you tonight at Tsunade-sama's party."

Later that night, Naruto stood next to her in the corner of the room while everyone was trying to give them their privacy. Why they were suddenly left alone, she had an idea why. She knew everyone was watching them while pretending not to.

She could practically feel the girls' pressure on her, waiting for her to try out the flirting tips they'd shown her.

Tenten was even being very blatant about it when she flashed Hinata a wink.

Oh, god. Hinata panicked, which made her blink rapidly as she tried to remember what she was supposed to do. This was good, right? She was supposed to flutter her eyelashes...

"Naruto, um," she started saying as she tried to do the Ino hair-flip, but she forgot about the drinks in their hands and consequently got her long hair caught in both their cups.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!"

He was smiling at her though, and she thought she saw a glimmer of understanding in his eyes, which made her blink in confusion and tilt her head up. She frowned, and then she remembered she was supposed to do that fake-angry pout, but it made her feel uncomfortable, so she wrinkled her nose instead as she tried to puff out her cheeks.

Naruto, though, instead of being seduced, thought she was making a face and was trying to make him laugh, which made him burst out with a chuckle. He was clutching his stomach by the time Hinata realized he wasn't responding according to plan.

"Hinata! What the hell are you doing?" he asked as he saw the real frown on her face. But he was still laughing softly.

Offended, Hinata folded her arms and humphed. She was also trying to hide her embarrassment by trying not to look at him.

Still chuckling, Naruto grabbed her drink from her hand and placed both hers and his on the table next to them. Then he reached for her hands and brought them to his lips, kissing her fingertips.

"Whatever it is you're doing, it's cute. You're adorable," he said, gazing at her eyes as he pressed a kiss now at the inside of her wrists.

Oh, god. She couldn't breathe, so her lips fell open slightly, which drew his attention to her mouth.

She tried to pull her hands away from his because she could feel everyone staring.

He wasn't supposed to do this. He was supposed to just smile and flirt back at her.

But he was already pulling her close to him, hugging her. She recognized his intent a second before he quickly leaned down to kiss her flush on her lips. But then she stopped thinking and instead wrapped her arms around his back while he continued to thoroughly kiss her in front of everyone at the party.

"Ugh!" Kiba cried out, his voice revolted as he made gagging sounds. "Goddamit! There they go!"

"For Chrissake!" Shikamaru muttered with annoyance then he lifted his cup to take a drink. "Somebody go stop them because I sure as hell won't. Freaking pain in the ass."

"This is so inappropriate," Shino mumbled low to anyone who could hear him. "Why? Because we are all in public."

"Oh!" Lee exclaimed. "Such a wonderful expression of springtime youth! Still, I am overwhelmed with embarrassment."

"Hmm," Sai said, his tone musing as he watched the couple kiss. "Naruto, your technique needs some work."

Chouji just laughed and grabbed some more potato chips from the bag in his hand and continued munching.

At first, watching Hinata fumble through her instructions made the girls frown in confusion. Ino almost grabbed Sakura and Tenten to head for the two, but the way Naruto was looking at Hinata with that smile on his lips made her stop.

When he laughed and then leaned down to kiss her, all three gasped with approval.

Ino and Tenten were clutching each other, eyes avidly watching as Hinata held on to Naruto because he wouldn't let her come up for air. "Yes, Hinata. Go get it," Ino squealed and Tenten only added an enthusiastic, "Definitely!"

"Good lord!" Sakura snorted. She was happy for the couple, but she was also embarrassed to see the two of them unashamedly kissing each other. She looked up at Sasuke and blushed when he only met her eyes and said nothing.

There was no expression on his face, even as he said, "She needs to breathe at some point."

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