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hello! I was wondering for a Drabble if you could make one about team 8 and kurenai helping hinata with her confidence towards Naruto. maybe kurenai acting as a mom figure for hinata?

"Nee-chan!" A voice called out, followed by a childish giggle.

Hinata turned around to see Mirai running for her.

With a smile, Hinata spurred her legs forward to pick up the younger girl and crush her into a hug.

"Mirai! Hi! You've gotten so big!"

Hinata looked up to see Kurenai-sensei catching up to her daughter.

"Hinata, did you just come back from a mission?"

She smiled. "Yes. I was with Chouji and Sai for a couple of days, chasing some bad guys."

Kurenai laughed.

"Pretty!" Mirai said as she ran her fingers through Hinata's hair.

Kurenai smiled wide, noting the change in Hinata, the new uniform that fit her much better than the baggy jacket she'd worn when she'd been younger.

"Hinata, are you busy right now?" she asked abruptly. "Do you have time to grab a cup of coffee with me and Mirai?"

Surprised, but eager, Hinata accepted the invitation.

It seemed only natural for everyone to agree to have coffee at the nearby cafe. Once Mirai was settled into the chair next to her, Kurenai suddenly asked, "How's your love life Hinata?"

"My what?!"

"Your enduring crush with Naruto?"

"Oh." Hinata suddenly fanned her heated cheeks and took a long swallow of her iced coffee.

Everyone knew, of course, except for the man himself.

But Kurenai only smiled again, her amused glance taking in the lovely glow on Hinata's face.

"I saw Naruto the other day when he came with Konohamaru to drop off some of Asuma's things they'd found at the Sarutobi home. I noticed that he got a shorter haircut than usual and also got a new uniform."

She grinned mischievously at Hinata. "But I bet you knew that."


"I'm sorry, Hinata. I just couldn't resist."

"But it is nice, isn't it?" Hinata murmured but then she realized what she'd said and she then hastily clarified, "I meant Naruto's new uniform."

"More than nice, Hinata! He looks incredibly sexy!"

"Kurenai-sensei!" Hinata's face burned even hotter.

Kurenai laughed and stirred her drink.

"And if I noticed, some of the other girls noticed too. So what are you going to do about it?"

Across the table, Hinata looked miserable. "I know. Some of the girls I've teamed up with recently have said the same thing."

"Hinata, you have no competition," Kurenai said loyally as she reached out to pat her hand reassuringly. "You're the most beautiful girl I know. All you have to do is ask him out."

Hinata gasped. "I just can't! What if he says no?"

"He won't," Kurenai said with confidence. "First, he's a friend and he knows you. Plus, if you tell him you're going to Ichiraku then he really won't turn you down."

That had Hinata smiling.

"In all seriousness, Hinata, it's time, don't you think?"

Hinata remained silent and Kurenai took it as permission to continue. "You're not the same girl as before. You've gone through a war, lost a dear family member, and you've taken up a bigger share of your responsibility to the Hyuuga clan."

Kurenai paused and took a sip of her drink. She slid a gaze to Mirai, who was busy in her high-chair coloring.

"You can face anything, my dear girl, even this."

Hinata gazed back at her and nodded.

"And that means you can do it. You can ask Naruto out, invite him to a meal, and just see how he reacts to the two of you being together, sitting close to each other, and just talking."

"Talking?" Hinata asked, startled.

"Yes, Hinata. Little steps," Kurenai said with a smile, remembering her time being wooed by Asuma. "It starts with a conversation. That's it. The first step isn't going to be some grand gesture of falling suddenly in love. It's gradual, so don't put too much pressure on yourself or on him."

"Gradual," Hinata murmured to herself. "Baby steps."

"Yes," Kurenai said. Then she looked up and gazed out the cafe's window.

She brought her eyes down to her daughter, smiled at Mirai, and asked, "Mirai, you ready to go home?"

"Mama, yes," she said as she held her arms up. Kurenai picked her up and Hinata stood as well.

Kurenai could see that she was thinking about their conversation.

They walked to the door and stepped out onto the street.

Before she said goodbye to Hinata, Kurenai said, "You're strong and confident, Hinata. You can face anything."

Hinata nodded and looked into her former captain's face. "Thank you for always believing in me, Kurenai-sensei," she said earnestly.

Kurenai smiled, then laid a hand on Hinata's back and gave a gentle push, startling the younger girl.

Hinata stumbled forward a little bit, but she didn't fall to the ground.

Naruto was suddenly in front of her, arms wrapped around her. He looked just as surprised as she was.

"Remember, Hinata! Little steps!" Kurenai said as she turned away with a laugh.

With Mirai in her arms, she started walking, leaving the couple staring at her back.

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