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I'd like to ask (if it's possible) for a drabble based on a Time travel AU prompt, like either have the Uzumaki kids meet the past version of their parents (probably when they're 16+) or young Naruto and/or Hinata see their future selves? It could probably be in a form of a dream or some sort of experimental jutsu haha. I'm curious on how their interactions/conversations would be hehe. Thanks!


The expression on the boy's face was puzzled, his face puckered into a frown that drew his blond eyebrows together and made his blue eyes disappear into a squint.

The expression of the girl beside him, her lavender eyes wide, was more perceptive as they stared at Shizune-neesan. "We were fossilized?"

Shizune sighed and nodded. "Yes, I know it's a crazy story, but you two were preserved and fossilized in one of Lady Katsuyu's slug bodies."

"Oh," Hinata said and looked at Naruto, who was scratching his head. His twelve-year-old mind still had trouble understanding words that had more than two syllables.

"I know this is a shock, but I need you guys to wait here for Tsunade-sama," Shizune explained. "We've found a jutsu to un-mummify you guys, but she needs to make sure that you guys are truly okay. I'll be back in a second with her."

She stood up and pointed to two chuunin shinobi standing by the door. "These guys will watch you and will get you anything you need. Just let them know if you want something, okay?"

The two young genin nodded.

But as soon as she closed the door, Naruto exploded into a morass of clones, quickly pulling Hinata under the table. His clones then clobbered the two innocent chuunin and knocked them unconscious.

"Naruto! Why did you do that?!"

"I'm not having Granny Tsunade 'examine' me! It could be a trap! How do we know what Shizune said was real? That we were in that giant slug sleeping and woke up seven years later? Can you prove that we're really in the future?!"

Hinata had no way to explain anything because she still found the situation hard to believe, too.

"We need to get out of here!"

So saying, Naruto grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the room. A quick glance showed that they were in the backrooms of Konoha Hospital. Luckily, he'd spent enough time at the facility to know his way around. They were out quickly and they headed for Senju Park.

"It's the biggest area I know and we can easily lose them there, whoever's going to come find us."

Hinata let herself be dragged by Naruto. Even she found merit in the plan. Besides, if Shizune-neechan's story was true, that they really were in the future, she wanted to be with someone familiar. She didn't want to be alone in a strange world.

They quickly found a place to hide, right behind a thicket of shrubs. In the silence of their hiding place, Hinata could hear their breathing come in labored puffs.

But the sound of feminine laughter interrupted the stillness, and the two of them froze and looked at each other in panic. The laughter came again, though. This time a male's voice joined hers.

"What, you don't think I can do it?"

Her soft laughter rang out again. "I know you can do it, but I just don't want you climbing that tree! You're going to hurt yourself!"

Naruto placed a finger to his lips and waved Hinata over. He then pointed to the bush and together, they peered through the leaves at the couple.

A young man wearing a black jacket and orange pants was holding the hand of a woman about the same age. She was wearing a purple, form-fitting, sleeveless top and dark shorts. Her long, dark hair fluttered behind her when the wind blew.

Naruto peered at her in puzzlement. Something about the way the woman smiled reminded him of something.

Hinata, meanwhile, had a frown on her face as she saw the man's blond hair, the blue eyes close enough to see...and the unmistakable whiskers on his cheeks.

Her whisper came out haltingly. "Naruto, doesn't he kind of look like you?"


Naruto leaned in deeper into the bush and took a closer look. He saw the man take a lock of hair from the girl and bring it to his lips—pulling a disgusted groan out of the boy's mouth.

He drew back and glared at Hinata. "Are you saying that's me in the future?"

Hinata nodded reluctantly.

He folded his arms. "Ugh! No way! That can't be me at nineteen! I can never have that goofy expression on my face when I'm looking at a girl!"

The next instant, though, he started with surprise at his sudden thought. "But then who's the girl with him?!"

Once more, Naruto delved deeper into the shrub and observed the woman again.

"She's really pretty! She's got long, dark hair and lavender eyes...and she kinda looks like you, Hinata."

Hinata gasped and started shaking her head in denial. If the older man looked like Naruto and the woman with him looked like her, then that would mean that—

"There you are!" came a big booming voice as Chouji Akimichi's giant hands closed around each of them, making Hinata and Naruto squirm in protest.

"Chouji!" came the voice of the startled man as the couple ran over to see them.

"I've got them! Shizune said they ran out of the medical exam room and we had to find them," Chouji said.

Two pairs of blue eyes swiveled to him and Chouji blinked back in surprise. "Huh? Naruto?"

"Yes," the owners of the blue eyes both said.

In his other hand, the girl gave a squeak, looked at the older Naruto, then at the older Hinata, and fainted.

"Hinata!" young Naruto cried out as he struggled in Chouji's hold.

Older Naruto glanced at the girl, then at his Hinata, and his eyes widened. "Oh, my god! It is!"

He addressed the older one, but he pointed to the unconscious girl. "Hinata, it's genin you!"

But he turned back to Chouji. "What's going on?"

Chouji quickly explained the situation.

"Hinata!" the boy yelled again, eyes on Hinata, ignoring everyone but the girl slumped over.

Young Naruto struggled furiously, pounding at Chouji's fist clamped around his body. "Yo! Assholes! Put me down right now! I need to help her. She fainted and she needs some air!"

Older Hinata felt a twinge in her heart when she heard the boy's words but she approached Chouji and placed a hand on his arm. "I'll take care of her, Chouji. If you can drop her in my arms?"

But before they could do anything, the two children disappeared in a puff of smoke, startling everyone.

"Oh, we're too late!" Shizune cried as she caught up to everyone. "Tsunade-sama said they were going to disappear once Lady Katsuyu released the jutsu on that fossilized form of hers. I wanted to make sure first, but I guess the jutsu has a time limit!"

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