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Hiii! I do not have an actual "plot" for this drabble request, so sorry if it sounds weird ?. But I would really enjoy reading about Naruto being a little possessive/protective towards his wife and children.

"Who said what?" came Naruto's angry hiss as he gazed at Boruto.

Boruto's lips quivered as he tried to blink back the tears in his eyes. He wanted so badly to howl with frustration but Himawari was clinging to his legs. He didn't want her to see him lose his composure. Instead, he kept his arm around her as his father's face tightened with rage.

"They made fun of her because of the whiskers on her cheeks, Tou-chan! And they made her cry! I was just trying to protect her!" Boruto protested.

Seeing the tears in his son's eyes, Naruto realized that he wasn't helping the situation with the fierce expression on his face.

He softened his gaze as he crouched down to hug his son. He then forced himself to smile reassuringly at Boruto. "Oh, Boruto, I'm sorry. I wasn't angry at you, I was angry at those boys who were picking on Himawari."

Boruto melted with relief and hid his face in his father's neck as he let a few tears slide down his cheeks. He hastily wiped them on Naruto's uniform even as he felt their father hug both of them closer to his chest. When he looked down on Himawari, his eyes were clear and held no hint of tears.

"Nii-chan," she murmured, hero-worship in her eyes, and then squeezed him.

Meanwhile, Naruto was holding on to his temper because he realized that the kids Boruto was talking about were the new neighbors that moved in a few doors from their apartment.

The family were new to Konoha and didn't know who he was—he would assume—because nobody in the village would ever dare say anything about his family. They knew who the Uzumakis were and knew who Kurama was.


He looked up to see Hinata running towards them.

"Are they okay?"

He could only nod because he was still too angry to speak. He remembered something else that Boruto said that set him off again.

"They said Kaa-chan has scary eyes," Boruto had told him. Then right after that, his son had launched into the reason why he'd gotten into a fight with the kids.

Really! Who are these people? he inwardly fumed. Why would anybody say anything negative about his family to his son's face when they knew he was the most unpredictable ninja in all of Konoha? Like right now. He wanted to do something really knuckle-headed, like burn down their apartment—but only after he'd shred their bodies into little bits.

Hinata reached them and gave the children a kiss. He watched as Boruto and Himawari hugged her back, and normally he would be happy to see such a scene, but he was still angry and he wanted to rip somebody, something, apart.

Hinata came over and kissed him gently on the chin. She looked into his eyes and asked, "Naruto, are you okay?"

He shook his head. "No," he whispered for her ears alone. He didn't want the children hearing him commit murder. "I am so ready to kill these people."

"It's fine. When I heard that Boruto got into a fight, I knew it would be something like this. His temper only gets provoked whenever somebody says anything about the family." Then she looked at his tense face and smiled. "Same with you."

"But Hinata, the kids are nice and friendly! Why would anybody say anything negative about them?!"

She nodded and patted both children on the head. "We're going to talk to the neighbors right now while Hanabi watches over them."


He wanted to do more than just talk, he wanted to pulverize something.

But Hinata was calm and he had no choice but to follow her lead.

The Hyuugas were more than delighted to take in the two. While Himawari and Boruto brushed off their encounter with the bullies by spending time with two of their biggest fans, their aunt and grandfather, their parents knocked on the door of the family who moved in a few doors downs.

A woman with short brown hair opened the door.

"Yes?" she asked coolly when she saw them standing there. Her glance at Hinata was dismissive.

The timid wife, that look indicated to him.

Naruto, behind Hinata, flared up, Kyuubi mode activated. He watched with satisfaction as the woman took a frightened step backward.

But he quickly extinguished it when Hinata looked back at him with a frown.

She turned back to the woman and explained the situation.

"Yes, I heard from my sons," the woman responded. She glanced at Naruto a little fearfully.

Hinata was saying, "There's really no need for the children to be fighting with each other. We all live in the same building. Everyone knows everyone here."

"How do you know my kids started the fight?" the woman asked, a little rudely.

Hinata smiled calmly, slowly held up two fingers to activate her byakugan, and looked beyond her to the two kids hiding under her bed. "Because guilty children know when they've done wrong, and yours are cowering in fear right now."

The mother started to protest, but Hinata cut off the rest of her words. "Plus, I know several people who saw the whole thing and can confirm that your children threw the first punch. My son only hit back after that. And I'm not even going to comment on the fact that it was two against one."

Naruto's glower was filled with his killing intent and the woman tightened her grip on the doorknob. She wanted to slam the door in their faces, he could tell, but she was too scared to do so.

Hinata was still smiling, her byakugan also still in place. "You guys are new to Konoha so you might not have heard about me and my doujutsu. But just to let you know, I can see through a lot of things...sometimes, even through lies."

Hinata glanced back at Naruto and gave a little nod, which he took to be the signal for him to activate Kurama's power, and he turned it on in full force, glowing brightly until his chakra filled the hallway. Together, the two of them stood in front of the door and made sure the woman understood that the Uzumakis were not a family to be messed with.

"And I will know if it happens again," Naruto said and watched with satisfaction as the woman nodded in understanding.

She closed the door as the two of them started walking away and headed for Hinata's childhood home.

"Talk, Naruto," Hinata said as she deactivated her byakugan. "That's all we came to do."

She gave a little nod and a shrug—as if she was convincing herself.

Naruto grinned to himself as he reached for her hand and pressed a kiss on top of her head.

Sure, he thought. Whatever you say, Hinata.

Author's Notes:

Just a heads up, guys. There won't be any drabbles for the next week. A work project came up that requires my absolute focus so I have to concentrate on that. But I'll be back next week for our scheduled daily drabble, I promise.

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