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Soooo I don't know if you've seen this movie, but can you write some Naruhina a la The Princess Bride?

I just LOVE reading everything you put out and would absolutely adore reading my favorite couple in the style of one of my all-time favorite movies!


Oh, no! Naruto thought as the priest began the ceremony.

The sounds of the organ echoed through the church, but they were slowly dying off now.

He could hear the priest again, his voice carrying to where Naruto struggled to stand up.

"Mawwidge is what bwings us togethah today."

Naruto cursed himself and his useless body. The ceremony was far from the point where the priest would declare them man and wife, but he was still progressing so slowly.

He hoped he could get to them in time.

He looked down at this black outfit and wished he still had the mask covering his face. But he could hear the priest still droning on in the background. Naruto could imagine Hinata struggling against getting forced into marriage by the evil Prince Humperdinck.

Even though he'd come back from the dead this second time thanks to the help of the gentle giant, Chouji, and the darik-haired swordsman-sworn-to-vengeance Sai, the after-effects of the drugs he received from Miracle Max still dulled his senses.

Correction, mostly-dead, not dead.

"Mawwidge, that blessed awwangement, that dweam within a dweam," the priest continued speaking.

"Can we go faster, Chouji?" Naruto whispered.

"I'm doing the best I can, Naruto," Chouji hissed back.

"Why the hell did Sai go off in a hurry like that?"

"He saw Count Rugen and now he's going to exact his revenge."

Naruto sighed. There was no help for that. He didn't blame the guy. After all, Sai had finally found the six-fingered man he'd declared his nemesis. He just hoped Sai was getting the chance to finally use the monologue he'd been saving all his life to say.

Hello. My name is Sai Yamanaka. You killed my father; prepare to die!

In his mind's eye, Naruto could still see the image of Sai practicing it, his sword in his hand as he thrust at his enemy.

Good luck to you, Sai.

But the ceremony inside the church was progressing steadily.

Naruto gasped as he heard the priest say the dreaded words, "Have you the wing?"

He couldn't hear the rest of what was happening, but suddenly Humperdinck was angrily yelling, "Will you hurry this up?! Get on with it! Say, 'Man and wife!'"

And the priest repeating the same phrase soon after: "Man and wife."

Shoot! He was too late!

But he wouldn't give up this easily. He continued hobbling with Chouji's help. Since the wedding ceremony was over, Humperdinck would most likely drag Hinata away from the church and into the castle to imprison her there.

They soon entered a tight hallway, and Naruto noted that he could move a little bit of his legs.

"Naruto, I think we're here," Chouji said as he propped Naruto up against a suit of armor.

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