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How come we still don't have a fluff moment between Akamaru and the kids? ? ゚ᆬᄎ Can you fix this in a drabble please? We need Hima playing with Akamaru's fur and Boruto ... Being Boruto I guess?

"Kiba, please? It will only be an hour?" Hinata implored her former teammate. Her palms were pressed together in supplication. "Naruto's out on a mission and my father and Hanabi are off to Kiri for some clan business. I need you to watch the kids while I go help Sakura at the hospital? She needs the help of a byakugan user."

Kiba huffed an annoyed snort and glanced at the children. One of them was already petting and hugging Akamaru. The other one was trying to punch him on the side of his thigh.

"Hyah!" Boruto yelled as he aimed an open-palmed hit against him. "Uncle Kiba, look! I can do a Gentle Fist, just like Kaa-chan. Hay-yah!"

Kiba sighed, unable to say no to Hinata who was looking so anxious that he would turn her down. She smiled at him when she felt him caving in to her request.

"Hinata, only for an hour. I don't think I can handle the kids for more than that. They've got way too much energy for me."

She reached up and hugged him. "Thank you so much, Kiba!" Then she smiled at him. "I owe you one."

Kiba grinned and shook his head in response. "Better yet, I'll collect on Naruto someday. So he owes me one."

She laughed. "Okay, I'll let him know." Hinata quickly leaned down and kissed each child on top of their heads. They were in good hands with Kiba and Akamaru.

"Be good," she called out as she walked away.

The kids waved her away, their attention focused on their companions for the next hour. This was a rare opportunity to spend time with Uncle Kiba and Akamaru, who was a favorite among the Uzumaki kids.

"He's so fluffy!" Himawari squealed aggressively as she ran her fingers over the dog's back. She then smushed her face into his fur and rubbed her skin against the soft pelt.

Akamaru whined and looked at Kiba with an accusing expression.

"Don't blame me, Akamaru. You can take it out on Hinata later when she comes back."

Akamaru gave a soft woof, but he licked Himawari's hand, who giggled with delight. Boruto heard the bark and he went over to hug Akamaru, too. He scratched under the dog's chin the way Kiba had shown him before.

Akamaru's eyes closed in bliss as he let himself be massaged by the kids.

Kiba smiled at the three of them. If this was how the two children were going to be for the next hour, then he would have it easy.

He looked down at Boruto, who was looking up at him, a frown on his face. "Uncle Kiba? How come you only have one dog and Auntie Hana has three?"

Kiba laughed. "Because Auntie Hana wanted three and since she's older, she got three."

Boruto's eyes were round and excited. "I'm older, so you think I can get a dog, too?"

Kiba crouched down and met the boy's eyes. He was smiling, picturing Naruto's reaction to his next words. "Why don't you tell your dad you want a puppy and I'll see what I can do?"

Boruto whooped with glee. "Okay, then I want three!"

All this time, Himawari was gently petting Akamaru on his tummy, who had rolled over onto his back, legs up in the air, sighing with ecstasy. When she heard Boruto's and Kiba's words, she yelled, "No fair, why only Nii-chan! Uncle Kiba, I want five puppies!"

Kiba laughed and then grinned at both of them. "Hmm? You think you can handle all those puppies? You guys need to ask your dad first."

Himawari ignored it, and with childish expectation, cried out, "Eight puppies! Yay!" Then she pressed her face into Akamaru's fur again and squealed, "They're going to be so fluffy! I love them already!"

"Yeah, let's hope your dad does, too," Kiba said with a snicker. In his mind, he could picture Naruto trying to deal with eight puppies and two young children in their apartment. He belted out another laugh, picturing the chaos of such a situation.

"But don't tell your mom, though!"

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