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Naruto about to do something incredibly stupid (like eat a ton of spicy ramen or race down the hokage mountain on his hands or something like that) and his friends are all just facepalming at him but here we have Hinata egging him on and being the biggest supporter among their friend group! That would be so cool seeing Hinata actually condone Naruto's dumb games

(NOTES: For visual reference, check out the youtube video above )

"Ino, why do boys do dumb stuff?" Tenten asked as she stared at Kiba and Naruto glaring at each other while going over the ground rules again.

All of them were gathered at her dojo to watch this fight between the two.

Ino laughed as her eyes gleamed with laughter. "That's a question I can never answer, Tenten."

"Like Naruto could resist anything that provokes him?" Shikamaru snorted.

Shino only shook his head and added, "Especially if it's coming from Kiba."

"Why can't he just leave it alone and not respond to Kiba's taunts?" Sakura sighed with frustration. "I am not healing either of those idiots if they get hurt from this!"

"Still, they'll be okay, I think. It's not like they've never done this before," Chouji said as he munched on his potato chips.

Lee leaned forward and eyed the two combatants. "It reminds me so much of our chuunin exams, when they faced off against each other in that practice hall."

Sai said nothing. He was busy with his brushes, painting the scene. He was adding color to the chosen weapons the two guys wore around their bodies. Naruto's was blue while Kiba's was green.

Hinata held her breath. She was rooting for Naruto, of course. And she loved Kiba, but this time, she was a little peeved at him for instigating this, knowing Naruto's penchant for competing against him.

"Remember, no use of chakra!" Kiba yelled. "We do this simply with regular stength, no power-ups."

"And no Akamaru!" Naruto retorted.

"Yeah, yeah!" Kiba grumbled back. "Oh, and no farting this time!"

Naruto laughed, reminded of their youth seven years ago when they'd done this before. He was about to scratch his head but found that he couldn't because his entire body from the neck down was encased in a giant inflated balloon. So was Kiba's body.

Various sharp items like nails, knives, shurikens, and kunais protruded from the surface of the walls around them. They gleamed in the light, ready to pop their balloons.

"Naruto! You can do it!" Hinata cheered from the sidelines. "But just don't hurt yourself!"

Naruto blushed, his face happy as he smirked at Kiba. "Did you hear that?" he taunted. "Your teammate is cheering me on."

"Haaaah?! Hinata! No fair!" Kiba yelled as he glared at her. "Just because you're going out with him doesn't mean you have to be automatically on his side!"

"I know, Kiba! But you threw down this challenge!"

"He didn't have to say yes!"

"Kiba!" Hinata answered back. "This is on both of you, but I'm taking Naruto's part in this challenge."

She waved at Naruto and pasted on her face what she hoped was an encouraging smile.

Oh, god. Kiba and Naruto being dumb. She had a very bad feeling about this, but he needed her support. "Do your best, Naruto!"

"Right!" Shikamaru growled as his patience finally ran out. "Get your butts in the middle of the ring and stop dragging this out. Let's get this over with quickly."

Both Kiba and Naruto hopped to the middle of the room.

"So first balloon to pop is the loser, obviously," Shikamaru said. "Ready, you dumbasses?"


"Bring it!"

"Go!" Shikamaru yelled and quickly stepped out of the way as Kiba and Naruto pushed at each other, each one trying to get the other to back into the wall of sharp objects.

But it was hard because it was surprisingly difficult to maneuver the giant rubber balloons. It was hot inside the damned thing, and Naruto was sweaty so he couldn't find a good way to grip it and move the balloon along. His footing was also slippery and he couldn't plant himself on the floor, much less move forward.

Kiba, however, seemed to have gotten the hang of it and was able to push at the balloon, causing Naruto to slide back. Naruto resisted, but somehow, Kiba was endowed with superhuman strength and was managing to push him unerringly towards the nails and knives. Next thing he knew, there was a loud bang that deafened him and Naruto watched as pieces of his former blue balloon rained down on him and Kiba.

Then Kiba started laughing hysterically as everyone around them gasped.

Because Naruto had been wearing nothing inside that balloon.

There was another loud bang as Kiba popped his own balloon, only to reveal himself dressed in shorts and a t-shirt.

"Kiba!" Naruto yelled as he placed his hands over his groin. "The hell, man! You said not to wear any clothes!"

"I lied!" Kiba screamed, still cackling with laughter.

Meanwhile, Hinata's hands were over her hot face and she was shaking her head.

"Hinata!" Ino said with a teasing glance at her. "No wonder you've been wearing that smile on your face all this time!"

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