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hello! are you still accepting requests? if so, i would like to ask you to make a part 2 of your himawari drabble where she's all grown up and brings home her real boyfriend to introduce to naruto and hinata! the boyfriend can be anyone, even an OC i think it will be hilarious to write out naruto all stressed and shocked HAHAHAHA

"Papa! Are you busy next Friday night?"

Naruto looked up from the documents scattered on his desk and saw Himawari peeking at him through the door.

He smiled at her as he noted how long her hair was now. At sixteen, she still had his inherited whiskers on her face, but she was coming more to resemble her mother. He noted it with a pang in his heart.

"Friday night?"

Himawari saw him pause from his work and ventured into his home office.

"Yes, Papa." She came and gave him a hug. "I've got a surprise for you!"

"Well if it's a surprise from you then I'm free for the night, Hima."

She gave a little squeal of happiness and hugged him again. "Thank you, Papa!"

Despite his busy schedule as Hokage, Naruto looked forward to his evening of surprise from his daughter.

He walked into the entranceway of their home filled with anticipation. He could hear happy voices coming from inside, but one of them was unfamiliar. There was also a prickle of chakra that he hadn't sensed before.

"I'm home," he called out and Hinata came out to greet him with her lovely smile.

"Welcome home, my love," she said and pressed a kiss on his mouth.

"I've been looking forward to this night all week, Hinata!"

In hindsight, he should have known it was going to be a disaster by the quick, anxious frown that Hinata had flashed him before she hugged him again.

"Naruto, remember that this is for Himawari, okay?" she asked in a hushed tone.

He'd laughed it off. "Hinata! Whatever this surprise is, I'm going to love it because it's Hima."

Hinata only pressed her lips tighter and sighed.

They walked into the living room to an abrupt silence as the people inside stopped talking.

"Papa!" Himawari cried out and stood up.

The "surprise" next to her stood up, too, with a charming smile on his face...and an arm around his daughter's shoulders.

Naruto blinked. He suddenly felt the urge to break something...but he felt Hinata come up behind him and suddenly pressed a spot right in the middle of his back, causing his Kyuubi mode to flare back into his body.

"Naruto, you promised..." she hissed quietly to him but she plastered a smile for the benefit of this handsome young boy standing next to Himawari.

Himawari must have missed the brief flare of rage that went through Naruto because she was striding towards her parents and holding the hand of this "surprise." She still had a smile on her face.

"Papa, this is Soichiro. He's an exchange student from Suna."

Soichiro was also smiling and slowly lifting up a hand to do the manly thing of greeting a girl's father. "Sir, it's nice to meet you, finally. Himawari has told me so much about you."

But Naruto was still frozen.

"Okay, I'm going to take away the tenketsu block on your body, but you have to behave, Naruto," Hinata murmured quietly beside him. "Now do the adult thing and shake his hand. Don't overreact, please."

Unfortunately, Hinata's choice of words only further incensed Naruto.



The visions popping into Naruto's head were his younger self perusing through the adult magazines at the store while he did research for his Sexy Jutsu.

And his little princess being in the arms of this "adult" man caused him to shriek with fury as he blazed into his beast mode again, quickly grabbing the boy's hand with his Kyuubi arms and raising him up into the air so Soichiro's head bumped painfully into the ceiling.

"Naruto!" came Hinata's panicked scream.

"Papa!" wailed Himawari in horror.

Poor Soichiro's head exploded with pain, only for his body to slump into a faint.

The girls' screams registered in his mind, but Naruto continued seeing red as he glared at the offending boy and shook him.

Hinata snuck up behind Naruto again and pressed at the tenketsu point she'd touched earlier. Kyuubi mode disappeared as Naruto became frozen, while Hinata quickly spun around with her activated byakugan to create the whirling mass of chakra that safely caught the falling Soichiro and landed him gently on the living room carpet.

While Himawari ran to Soichiro, Hinata whipped around and glared at Naruto. "You promised!"

Naruto glared back at her, unable to say anything back because he was still immobilized. He watched as Hinata checked on the prone body on the floor. She nodded at Himawari, who sighed with relief.

Then his daughter whirled around, too, her face chillingly enraged and almost exactly the same as Hinata's. Himawari had accidentally turned on her byakugan.

A terrified howl erupted from within him as Kurama skittered and tried to hide.

"Papa, how could you do that to Soichiro?" his little princess said as she slowly and deliberately started towards him, eyes locked on to her target.

"Himawari, I'll take care of your father," Hinata's voice came, snapping his daughter out of her desire to kill him. "You take care of Soichiro. I think he's coming around. Once he wakes up, sit him up on the couch and we'll pretend nothing happened."

Himawari shook herself and went again to sit by Soichiro's side and waited for him to wake up.

Hinata reached Naruto and shook her head. "I'm not going to take off the tenketsu block. Himawari and I are going to chat nicely with Soichiro and you're going to nod your head and smile. That's all you're going to do for the rest of the night."

So saying, Hinata scanned through his tenketsu network, touched a spot on his left hip, and led Naruto to the sofa, where he sat the entire evening.

And watched helplessly as Himawari and Hinata charmed the recovered Soichiro.

While Hinata kept him in his near-catatonic state and prevented him from acting further on the urge to rip apart this young man who dared to fall in love with his daughter.

Mercifully, the boy finally got up to leave and took himself out of his sight. But not before Naruto heard him say to Himawari as she led him to the entranceway, "Himawari, your father's really quiet. He barely said anything to me all night. I thought he was going to be different from the way you described him to me."

"Mmmm," she responded. "Yeah, I don't think he's himself today."

"Maybe we're all not ourselves today," Soichiro said. "For some reason, I've got a splitting headache. And for a second there, I had this vision of some glowing, yellow beast attacking me earlier tonight."

Himawari laughed nervously. "Oh, Soichiro, you've got such an overactive imagination!"

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