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I don't know if you've been asked to do this particular drabble yet or not, but if not can you do one about the first time Naruto and Hinata TALK about having sex? Maybe because things start getting hot and heavy between them during a make-out session? I'd like to see cute, fluffy, and awkward :)

As conversations go, this one was probably the most awkward they've had.

He sat in front of her, the low table of his living room between them. It was there to prevent him from reaching out, grabbing her, and touching her.

Because Naruto knew that the next time his skin would press against hers, he would end up in flames and they would proceed to the point where he would no longer be able to control himself.

He was blushing, and he knew he was probably as red, maybe even redder, than she was.

Her eyes were wide, her cheeks pink, and her mouth was slightly agape. She took a deep breath and repeated what he'd just asked her. "Sex?"

"Yes," he said. "I want to."

She blinked again.

"Have sex."

Another flutter of her eyelids.

"With you."

The breath left her slowly, but she continued meeting his gaze. Her hands came up and trembled nervously in front of her as she took another deep breath.

Yes, he was dying from the awkwardness, but after months of dating and nothing said between them about the topic, he felt it was up to him to take the lead—which was why he was here now telling her bluntly what he would like to do.

Unless he was wrong and she didn't share the same feelings. His heart started beating nervously. What if she said no?

He shook his head. He wouldn't think about that.

Which was why this conversation was absolutely necessary. He was just clearing up some things.

Naruto looked into her eyes and asked, "Do you want to?"

She looked down for a second, but then she met his eyes again and said, "Yes?"

He frowned a little bit, not understanding clearly. "Hinata, your tone is up? Is that a no?"

She laughed nervously. "Sorry, I wasn't aware my tone was up?"

Still blushing, he smiled. "It's up again?"


Her intonation was down.

Was she angry?

Naruto peered more closely at her face. She didn't look it. But he still didn't know what that meant.

Still nervous, he rambled on, not knowing what he was asking or even saying. "Hinata, I think I just want to know, to be clear if this is what you want to do. Because we almost did it last week but we stopped. And I still don't know if you really want to. But I'll wait, of course. I don't really want to pressure you. I'm ready, any time. But will you tell me when it's going to happen? A general idea? Like soon? Or maybe next month? In two months? Maybe I should plan it? As in, I'm supposed to take you out to dinner and there should be candle lights and roses and things like that?"

He finally stopped talking and took a deep breath. "Because you know, it's going to be our first time, and it should be special, right?"

His fingers tapped anxiously on the table and he looked down at them before he looked up again and blinked rapidly, still unsure of what he'd said.

He just wanted her to reassure him that it was okay, that it was fine to talk about this topic with her.

"Oh!" was all she said again because Hinata was remembering last week when they'd almost done it.

She'd stopped by that evening on her way home from her mission. She'd been so excited to see him and had only meant to spend a few minutes with him but the instant their lips had met and he'd lifted her off her feet, she forgot about her original intention.

Instead, he'd dragged her into the living and she found herself sitting on his lap facing him, unable to stop kissing him and running her fingers through his hair, then under his shirt, her palms skimming over the warm skin of his chest even as the top of her uniform came off and his hands were caressing her arms.

Even as she could feel him underneath her responding to the heat of the moment.

Then she suddenly felt his fingers fumbling at her shorts—abruptly causing her to come to her senses. He'd felt her hesitation and had immediately stopped. They looked at each other, each one breathing heavily, which did nothing to muffle the awkward silence that suddenly filled the room.

Without saying anything, embarrassed, Hinata had dressed and slid off his lap. She'd mumbled an apology and abruptly left.

But now Naruto was facing her and they sat looking at each other as he stated plainly how much he wanted to take their relationship to the next level.

And the answer to his question was obvious—that she did, of course, want to have sex with him.

The mention of candle lights and a nice dinner filled her with happiness, that he would want to do something so romantic to please her and make their first time together memorable for her.

But as she looked at his eager, hopeful face, she realized that she didn't need any of that.

So she reached out and grasped his hand. She smiled, and even as she felt the heat climb up her cheeks, she knew that he needed to know.

Clearly and unequivocally, Hinata opened her mouth to say, "Yes, Naruto, I want to have sex with you, too."

His fingers gripped hers more tightly and he smiled, the flush on his cheeks even more pronounced. But it did nothing to hide his joy.

And Hinata knew in her heart that the timing didn't really matter. "How about now?"

"Hinata!" came his screech of surprise. "Now?!"

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