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I have a #drabblerequest! Kiba & Shino are being the annoying (and embarrassing) overprotective brothers threatening Naruto while Naruto and Hinata prepare for their first mission together after The Last? That would be fun to read!


Can you write a drabble about Kiba teasing Naruto because he smells like Hinata? And Hina being super embarrassed and cute about it. Hope you're doing ok and stay safe?

"Thanks for meeting us, Naruto. I know this is sudden, but we have a couple of things we want to talk to you about," Kiba began.

Shino nodded his agreement.

They all faced each other over the low table in his living room.

The two had barged in on his apartment unannounced this morning and he'd had no choice but to let him into his apartment.

"Just some ground rules," Shino added. "Why? Because you are finally with Hinata."

"We just want to make some things clear," Kiba said.

Naruto sighed. These were her teammates, and Hinata had particularly asked him to talk with them.

He could still see Hinata's blushing face when she'd made her request. Or, the lack of it. He'd continue hugging her while she'd hid her face in his neck the entire time she'd mumbled Kiba's message to him, keeping her eyes hidden away from his blue ones because she was dying from embarrassment.

When she'd finally looked up, her index fingers were pointing at each other, and Naruto didn't have the heart to resist her.

"Kiba said he had a couple of things to say to you," she'd asked shyly. "You think you can do this for me?"

So now here Naruto was, wincing as Kiba laid down the rules.

"Number one: I can smell you on her and vice versa."

Naruto's ears burned. He really hoped he wouldn't need to give an explanation why.

But Hinata had mentioned that Kiba had smiled at her with a peculiar expression on his face the last time they'd met each other.

That day, Naruto had lingered over their kisses and she'd been very late getting home that night.

Mercifully, Kiba didn't ask for an explanation and continued on. His face was just as red but he didn't stop. This was important for everyone.

"Number two: No kissing in front of me or Shino."

"What?!" Naruto gasped.

"Or, just keep it PG," Kiba relented. "I just don't want to lose my appetite."

Naruto humphed but he didn't say anything. No way he was going to stop.

"Number three: Just hold her hand when you're with us. No pinching of the butt, no squeezing of her boobs, no disrespectful behavior towards her out in public."

"I won't," Naruto solemnly promised.

"Unless she asked for it, then you can do so," Shino offered, which startled both Naruto and Kiba.

"Shino!" Naruto yelled.

But Shino took up his cue. "Number four: If you hurt her, we will bury you. I happen to know a jutsu that is stronger than Kurama."

"No, you don't!" Naruto cried out as he felt the beast rumble within him.

"You don't want to test it." Shino's gaze was implacable. "Insects have roamed the earth far longer than your beast. They have secrets that many fear."

"Boy's right," Kurama piped up with a shudder. "I hate cockroaches."

Kiba continued. "Number five: We follow her lead in everything."

"Yup! Got that part," Naruto said with a smile. "It's our first mission together since coming back from the moon. Funny how it all worked out that the four of us are working together for this next mission."

But Kiba shook his head. "Yeah, she's the team leader for tomorrow's mission and since she's captain, there's no going against her orders. But what I meant is we follow her lead in how she wants to go about this relationship. You and her. Then all four of us. Got that?"

"Yes," Naruto said, understanding exactly what he meant. "Anything else?"

"Just one more," Shino responded. "Just make her happy."

Kiba nodded.

"I will."

Then all three finally smiled at each other because they all knew Hinata already was.

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