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Ay Dios me encantó Naruto me derrite! No se si podrías hacer uno capitulo donde nauto tenga una conversación con sasuke donde hablen del amor de naruto por hinata y la hermosa familia que ha construido o antes de que estuvieran casados. No se si me explique bien *_*

(Using Google Translate: Oh God I loved Naruto it melts me! I don't know if you could do a chapter where Nauto has a conversation with Sasuke where they talk about Naruto's love for Hinata and the beautiful family he has built or before they were married. I do not know if I explained well *_*)

"You know, your head's just as big on this rock as it is in real life."

Naruto laughed at the insult, recognizing the voice. Still, he didn't turn around as he sat atop the Hokage monument and gazed at the village of Konoha.

He felt Sasuke approach him and stop a foot away.

"Funny. I haven't seen you in a while and the first thing you do when you get home is insult me."

Sasuke snorted. "Old habits die hard."

They were silent for a while as they both looked out over the twinkling lights of the homes and buildings sprawled before their eyes.

"So? How long are you staying this time?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke remained silent.

Naruto waited, content to bask in the silence. Sasuke was home. That was all that mattered.

Still, he continued looking out over his village.

And it was his, of course. He was responsible for every single one of these lives.

The lights continued twinkling.

"Not sure."

Naruto finally sighed and shifted so he could look at Sasuke.

"Well, Sakura's not going to be happy if it's a short visit this time."

Sasuke smiled briefly. "That means I'm going to have to make her happy, then."

Naruto laughed and then he brought his gaze back to the village, peering closely at something. He was still smiling as his sage mode activated and his gaze pinpointed, focused at a spot, and found the people he was looking for.

The smile on his face became soft and fond—loving.

Sasuke stared at it for a while and didn't say anything else.

But eventually, he said, "Sakura told me you and Hinata are expecting a baby girl. Congratulations."

This time, Naruto's laugh was louder, filled with so much joy.

It was clear for Sasuke to hear.

"Thank you," Naruto said.

Then he turned rueful eyes back to his friend. "I'm a little nervous, though, because I don't know how to handle little girls. Girls are cute and delicate and precious and—just plain adorable. They scare the shit out of me."

He slid a teasing sideways glance at him. "But you knew that."

Sasuke sat down next to Naruto and shrugged. "They're not bad."

He didn't know it, but the expression on Sasuke's face matched the same look that Naruto had on his when he'd found Hinata and Boruto in their home. He'd seen them sleeping together on the bed through his sage mode.

Naruto chuckled. "God, you're so close-mouthed! Just be honest and admit it. Girls are wonderful."

"Yes," Sasuke finally admitted, thinking of his own family he was going to see soon.

Naruto only shook his head but he smiled wide. "I love Sarada, you know. She's got Sakura's spunk and your sass. Can't wait to see what she grows up to be in the future."

"She's an Uchiha. She'll be the best in everything," came Sasuke's confident voice.

"She's already the best in making my son cry," Naruto added drily. "They're arguing all the time. Watching two toddlers fight over snacks is fascinating. It reminds me so much of us when we were younger."

"Hmph!" But there was a smile on Sasuke's face.

Naruto sighed and then swept his gaze over the village again. "It's different, isn't it? Now that we're older and we have families? And now that we're working to protect so many things in this world?"

"Yes. Very different."

"And yet, you still find the need to be away from Konoha so much? Away from Sakura and Sarada?

"Naruto, you know just as much as I do that somebody has to keep watch in the shadows in order to protect Konoha."

"Yes, but not all the time." Naruto raised a brow. "Sometimes our families need us, too. And that means staying in the village."

He was adamant and was forever going to argue his cause. He just wanted to know with certainty that Sasuke was safe in Konoha, in the loving arms of his wife and daughter—just as Naruto was content to be with Hinata and their son, and the new baby arriving anytime soon.

He just wanted the same happiness for Sasuke.

But Sasuke remained silent for a long time. Both of them didn't look at each other. Instead, they continued to gaze at the village of Konoha, bigger now, hardly resembling the town they'd known in their youth, but each one content to think about the home they'd lived all their lives.

Eventually, he said, "You've changed, Naruto."

Naruto shrugged. "I know."

Sasuke looked at him in surprise.

Naruto was grinning. "More adult, right? More mature?"

Sasuke nodded. "It's boring and not fun."

Naruto laughed and Sasuke finally cracked a genuine smile. He asked, "Still, are you happy now?"

"Sasuke! You don't have to ask."

But then Naruto sighed and looked out over the village, eyes lingering on his home, anticipating entering that house so filled with contentment, warmth, and love.


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