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I was thinking like a first official meeting with his family and Hinata is nervous but right when they arrive at his house Kushina can't get enough of her and her cuteness that Naruto and Minato needed to pull her away from Hinata. :)


Drabble request ! Hiiiii this might sound odd but could you write a funny and slightly awkward story of teenage naruhina getting caught "getting frisky" by Naruto's parents and them giving them the "talk" at dinner

"Just one more," he whispered against her lips as Naruto pressed her more closely to his chest. "Then we can finally go inside so you can meet my parents."

She frowned at him, and her tone was dubious as she asked, "Really? I don't think more kissing would make me less nervous, Naruto."

Hinata glanced at the house where his parents were waiting for them. They'd invited her to dinner because they were curious to finally meet this young girl that Naruto had been raving about over the last few weeks.

"Hinata!" he said with a laugh, but she smiled back and nodded as he leaned down again to kiss her on her temple.

When he did nothing else, Hinata looked up at him with disappointment.

"That's it? Just a tiny kiss on the head?"

He finally laughed, closed his eyes, and smashed his lips against hers while his hands wandered down her back, and then drifted lower so that he could squeeze—

"Ahem!" came Minato's voice from the window.

Hinata squeaked with surprise as she jumped. Naruto, meanwhile, glared at his father.

"Dad!" he complained. "Come on! Not cool! I was going to stop!"

"Right," Minato answered drily, but he leaned out more and waved to Hinata. Smiling blue eyes met embarrassed lavender ones. "Hey, pretty girl. I'm Naruto's dad. You guys better come in before his mom comes out and drags you in. Trust me when I say you don't want that because she really will."

He popped back into the house before Hinata could reply.

Naruto sighed, but he looked down at her and gave her a reassuring smile and an encouraging squeeze on the arm.

They sat at the dinner table next to each other but two feet apart. He wouldn't be able to reach out and put a hand on her thigh as he'd originally planned. Naruto glared at his mother, who was sitting diagonally across from him and knowing she was behind the seating arrangement. His father only pressed his lips together and winked at Hinata. She blinked at him and smiled back in response.

Kushina raised a brow at Naruto. "Did you really think I didn't know what you'd planned?"

"Mom!" he said with a protest and with a surge of embarrassment because he'd been rightfully caught.

"Hmph!" Kushina responded, but she turned a bright smile on Hinata. "It's nice to meet you, Hinata. Finally."

Hinata dipped a shy bow at her. "It's nice to meet you, too, Mrs. Uzumaki."

Kushina reacted with horror. "Oh, god, no! Call me Kushina."

"Kushina," Hinata murmured shyly, which made his mother smile again.

Naruto was about to dig into his meal, but his father stopped him.

Minato cleared his throat and gazed at the young couple then pierced his son with a look. "Before we eat, I think this needs to be said: If what happened at the doorstep is how you guys normally conduct your relationship, I will create shadow clones to follow you around to make sure you don't go too far with the public displays of affection."

Naruto and Hinata gasped.

But Minato had one more thing to add, "Also, no sexy time until you guys are married."

"Dad!" Naruto yelled in equal parts horror and embarrassment.

Hinata blushed and then nodded contritely. "It won't happen again, sir, I promise you."

Naruto tore his gaze away from his father's and swung his horrified eyes back to her when he realized what she was promising his father. "What?! Hinata, don't say that! No kissing?!"

Minato laughed. "You don't have to go that far, Hinata. I will allow you guys some kissing, provided it's done with some decorum."

"Minato, stop teasing the kids," Kushina said as she saw how clearly embarrassed Hinata was. But the look she turned on Naruto froze him. She didn't need to say anything out loud in addition to his father's advice, but he got the message clearly.

Because between the two of his parents, Naruto feared the wrath of his fiery mother more than his father's.

"Let's eat! We're all hungry, so time for dinner," Kushina announced as she smiled again at Hinata.

All four of them held their palms together and said, "Itadakimasu!"

Kushina did her best to make sure Hinata was comfortable, completely charmed by the young girl's demeanor toward her son. She watched as Hinata surreptitiously moved the bowl of miso soup away from Naruto's flailing hands so that he wouldn't knock it off the table accidentally. Kushina was also particularly fascinated by how often the two would just suddenly stop talking and simultaneously meet each other's eyes.

Poor, Naruto, Kushina thought as she observed the love-struck expression on her son's face. He was a goner. Then she smiled at herself, because she was, too.

The hug lasted for five minutes, Minato realized as he kept looking at the clock. His wife refused to let go of the young woman. He smiled to himself because though his son and Hinata were still new in this relationship, Kushina was finally getting the daughter she'd always wanted.

"Mom, please! You need to let go of Hinata because she needs to go home soon. If I bring her home late, her father will kill me," Naruto begged.

With one last squeeze, Kushina relented and released the girl. "It was nice meeting you, Hinata. From now on, please think of our home as yours. You're welcome any time."

Hinata's gentle smile appeared and she looked into Kushina's eyes. "Thank you. I'll make him happy, I promise you."

Then Naruto was dragging her along, and Hinata gave a hasty wave at Minato and a final smile at Kushina.

"Hinata, we need to hurry! Walk fast! I don't want your father attacking me with the byakugan again," Naruto hissed as he pulled her along.

Kushina watched the teens walk away from her sight. Minato gave her a one-armed hug and she sighed up into his smiling eyes.

"She's wonderful. I can tell she really loves him," she said with another sigh. But then her smile turned teasing. "No sexy time until they're married?"

Minato laughed. "Yes. You know how Naruto gets."

"Well, you do have a point," his wife responded with a soft laugh. "But imagine it, Minato...grandkids."

"Kushina! You just met her! That is one big leap."

Kushina could only laugh with joy. Like Naruto, she was sure of their destinies, of the future that stretched between the two. Just as her son did, Kushina knew that they would love each other until time stopped.

She was certain of it. Hinata was the one girl who would complete her son.

"You're right, Minato. I'm projecting too far in the future...I guess we should plan a wedding first?"

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