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Hellow honey surprise XD am I allowed to ask for something too? would you mind to do a naruhina drabble with THIS too? I can't get it out of my head! :D love yaa!

(Based on this ride posted by shamylicious on her tumblr blog:

(Also the above video is a compilation of the ride called Disco Pang Pang from Korea. This drabble is inspired by the very last scene of the above video (around the 8:30 mark), about the girl with the long, pink hair.)

He was going to kill Shikamaru.

Naruto gripped the railing by his head and held on to it for dear life as he got lifted and bounced around in the ride. He and his friend—and a whole bunch of other people—were sitting in a round, open vehicle the size of an outdoor trampoline. Its job was to shake up and down, whirl, and tilt in the process of dislodging its passengers.

Screams filled the air, shrieks filled with hilarity and fun.

He gritted his teeth and guessed he was the only one miserable on this ride.

He hated rides, hated amusement parks. But Shikamaru had wanted to come to this newly renovated park that had just opened for the season.

"Come on! We just finished school, we're on break now for the summer! Let's go have fun," his friend had wheedled. "I'll pay for everything."

Those magic words.

Naruto was broke and he knew he needed to find a job for the summer. But Shikamaru had offered to pay for gas, for the tickets, and for the food, so he knew he couldn't afford to pass this up.

He'll worry about finding a summer job later on, maybe when he got home from this trip.

At least he'd be the one driving, and he didn't mind it because the long drive to the town where the amusement park was always fun and relaxing.

And because Naruto was curious to see the new rides and attractions, he'd agreed to the deal.

Except he'd forgotten how much he hated feeling discombobulated when he was hanging on to the seat of this dangerous, flimsy contraption. He slid his eyes past the railing and saw how far up they were in the air, away from the ground, how far the drop was.

Ugh, he thought again as his center of gravity went haywire.

He tamped down the nausea inside him as Shikamaru laughed with glee.

"Holy shit!" he was screaming. "This is so much fun!"

Naruto only closed his eyes, clamped his jaw shut, and prayed this would be over soon.

All around him, the other passengers on the ride were having fun.

"Ino, Temari, you guys gotta hold on!" he could hear a girl yelling. "That's the second time your hands smacked me in the face!"

"Sorry, Hinata!" one of the girls answered back, suddenly shrieking when the ride did one giant twirl then plummetted two feet to the ground.

The girl named Hinata laughed as well. At least somebody was having fun. Unlike him, she was loving this.

Naruto could hear her breathless gasp, the loud joyous whoop, as the vehicle dropped down again and then tilted on its edges.

It pushed him back into his seat and he was able to momentarily relax and release his arms. They were so tired from straining, from gripping the rails around his head.

Good thing, too, because the next thing he knew, something came flying at him. Something soft and voluptuous, something sweet-smelling and long-haired suddenly pressed into his body, landed on his lap, and gripped his shoulders tightly.

Instinctively, his arms went around the curve of her waist, even as she clung to him, her arms latched around his neck, and her face pressed against his ear.

The machine continued to wobble, continued to make the girl bounce all over his body, and Naruto felt like he'd died and gone to heaven as each feminine curve brushed against his chest, his legs, his arms.

"I'm so sorry!" she was gasping even as she continued to breathe against his neck.

Naruto had nothing to say because he wasn't.

Sorry? No way in hell!

He was in love with the world, and with this angel who was now looking at his face, smiling apologetically, her dark hair whipping around her as the ride dipped down again.

He felt his heart drop, too. But he was smiling back at her, noticing the lavender tint to her eyes, and the plump lips with the pink lip gloss.

"Hi," was all he said, his arms tightening once more around her body.

She laughed and said, "Hi, back."

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