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Can you write a drabble about Naruto being utterly mesmerized by every little thing Hinata does since they started dating, no matter how simple the activity? Like it could be the way she cleans her ninja tools or eating cinnamon rolls. I just love the idea of Naruto being so lovestruck with Hinata ️ thank you!


Oooh can you make a drabble of Naruto and Hinata's first valentine's day together? You decide if you want it to be an innocent celebration or something steamy! Thank youuuu ️ ️

She sighed in her sleep and Naruto watched the slow rise and fall of her chest. The early morning light was streaming in through the windows and hit the right side of her neck, caressing the gentle curve of her ear. She was lying on her back, but her face was turned toward him, right hand sprawled on the pillow beside her, her dark hair spread on the sheets.

He smiled to himself as he took a few locks of her hair, twirled them through his fingers, and brought them to his nose. He breathed in the flowery scent of her hair, recalling that she'd brought her own shampoo to his apartment because she hadn't liked the one he normally used.

She'd smiled at him apologetically. "I'm sorry," she said. "It just smells too manly for me? Does that make sense?"

"Manly?!" he repeated with a laugh. "I guess. I mean, I'm a man after all."

And she'd shrieked with laughter when he'd picked her up, slung her over his shoulder, and carried her to the bedroom to prove just how manly he was.

He watched now as she sighed again, loved how long and beautiful those lashes were when they fanned across her cheeks, and her face was set into relaxed and peaceful lines.

He gently brushed her hair across the tip of her nose and smiled at how it wrinkled and how the pucker formed between her eyebrows. Hinata, though, didn't wake up and fell back into her deep breathing.

Again, Naruto brushed the tendrils over her nose, lasting longer this time. Enough to make her wiggle her nose, turn her face away from him, and swat at whatever was tickling her.

Still, she slept on.

He laughed softly to himself.

Because he couldn't stop watching her, discovering how Hinata was so different from him, how feminine she was.

Keeping his eyes on her face, he took her hair again and leisurely brushed it over her cheeks, down her neck, over her shoulders, back to her collarbone, to the sensitive part of her upper chest peeking through the blanket...and observed her lips finally twitch up into a slow smile of waking.

With one last tickle of her hair against her lips, Naruto murmured, "Good morning, sleepyhead."

She kept her eyes closed, but Hinata laughed and batted at the tickling hair resting on her mouth.

She looked so kittenish and playful that Naruto couldn't resist kissing her.

"Naruto," she sighed when she finally opened her eyes.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Hinata," he said eagerly. "I've been waiting for you to wake up so I can say it."

Her eyes widened. She'd forgotten, but incredibly, he hadn't.

Their first together.

"Oh!" she said. "Naruto, Happy Valentine's Day."

She smiled and added, "A day for lovers, right? Because that's what we are now."

He grinned at her and glanced down at the exposed skin revealed by the falling blanket. "Yes, lovers."

She flushed. "That's not what I meant!"

He laughed. "I know, I know. You meant figurative love, not the dancing on the bed type."

He continued smiling at her, his expression suddenly shy. "I made breakfast, Hinata. It's not much, but since we're both working late today, I figured we can have that one meal together to celebrate."

"You made breakfast?!" she asked excitedly and she sat up abruptly. She hugged him first, but she was curious to see what he'd made. She was reaching for her pajamas on the side of the bed but shrieked when she felt his arm grab her from behind. She found herself suddenly pinned to the mattress and his mouth fused over hers again.

"Not so fast!" he said laughing. "It's a surprise so wait for me."

He was already dressed so he waited for her to put on her clothes. Then he stood behind her, placed his hands over her eyes, and slowly walked her to the dining room.

She felt her fingers bump into the table. He pressed a kiss to her temple as he slowly took his hands off her eyes.

On the table, even though it was daylight, a bunch of candles burned brightly. There was a stack of roses in a vase. And on the side of the table where she normally sat, he'd done his best to make a stack of heart-shaped pancakes.

They were a mess. One was burned on the edges, one was questionable in its shape, and the last one was undercooked, judging from the doughy texture.

She stared and felt the flutter in her breast. To her, they were perfect.

Unfortunately for the two of them, the timing for their first Valentine's Day together hadn't been right because of work. They'd been assigned missions today and Kakashi had been sympathetic, but it was difficult to reschedule everything just for the two of them.

Even still, Naruto had wanted to celebrate and made an effort to please her.

She blinked back the tears because she didn't want to show him how emotional she was.

"Hinata?" he asked hesitatingly behind her, his hand tightened on her waist for a fraction when she still hadn't said anything to his surprise.

She finally turned around and smiled at him.

"It's not ideal, but I hope you like the pancakes?" he said, a slight flush on his cheeks.

"Naruto, I love it!" She launched herself into his arms and she felt him sigh with relief against her neck as he hugged her back.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Hinata," he murmured.

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