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Drabble request for Naruto being all worried about Hinata being sick, until she reveals him that it's probably just morning sickness c: (I think preg with their second child would be cuter, but it's up to you) Lots of love


drabble request! Naruto brings Boruto to his hokage office and Shikamaru freaks out 'cause this baby is an actual troublemaker

Naruto unceremoniously plopped the blond-headed toddler into Shikamaru's arms and left the Hokage office without a backward glance.

"Sorry, Shikamaru, but Hinata's sick, and I need to be with her right now. I'm taking her to the hospital. This is an emergency!"

"Oi, oi! What?!" Shikamaru sputtered at his back, but it was too late. Naruto had already left, the coattails of his Hokage cloak fluttering before it disappeared in a flash.

Normally, the cool-headed jonin was calm and collected, but as he looked into the blue eyes glinting up at him angelically, his heart filled with dread. Shikamaru closed his mouth after realizing his jaw had dropped when he'd heard Naruto's sudden request.

"What the hell do I do with you now?" he asked the boy.

Boruto smiled. "Shikamaru-jichan."

And Shikamaru made his first discovery of the day when he placed Boruto on the floor: Little boys can easily find something to amuse themselves. Boruto, on his first visit to the Hokage's office, went exploring, heading for the files arranged in order on the shelf. He started pulling them down.

"Stop that!" Shikamaru cried as he went to prevent another folder from hitting the floor.

Boruto squealed with excitement as he saw Shikamaru approach him.

He was off.

Shikamaru's second revelation of the day profoundly changed his life: When two-year-old boys discover the fun of being chased around by an adult, they suddenly become the fastest creatures on earth—and they don't stop.

Boruto ran straight toward the wall, smacked his body hard, fell back, and giggled with unabashed joy as he stood up again. Nothing fazed him as he headed in a different direction and he bounced off another wall, causing the photos of the previous Hokages to fall to the floor.

Shikamaru had lived long enough with Temari to recognize that the boy had a wind affinity and was easily using it to wage destruction around the office.

Little puffs of air materialized on the soles of his feet as Boruto hurtled towards the stacked pile of documents and knocked them down.

"Argh!" Shikamaru yelled as he watched weeks of hard work and overtime disintegrate into a mess.

He tried to grab the boy with his shadow technique, but he realized that his binding jutsu was easier to use on adult enemies in battle because their feet were bigger. Trying to grab the feet of a hyperactive toddler having too much fun was infinitely more difficult.

My god, this boy is a genius, he thought. Then, Poor Naruto and Hinata.


Meanwhile, at the opposite end of town, Naruto burst through Sakura's office holding a visibly embarrassed Hinata in his arms.

"Sakura, fix her!" Naruto cried.

Hinata tried to calm her overly-excited husband. "Naruto, it's—"

But he drowned her out. "Sakura, something's wrong with Hinata! She's pale as hell!"

Sakura glanced at Hinata but frowned at him. "Naru—"

But her words were difficult to hear when he bellowed, "And she feels so much lighter than before, like she's lost a lot of weight!"

He gently placed Hinata on the floor and put a palm on her forehead.

"Sakura! Wait, now she's burning up! She feels really hot!"

Hinata tried again. "It's no—"

But he cut her off as he addressed Sakura. "And she won't eat anything!"

Hinata laid a hand on his arm. "There's noth—"

He only put his palms on her cheeks, gently squeezed, leaving her lips puckered, which prevented her from talking. Naruto tried to reassure her. "It's okay, Hinata. I got this, I'll explain everything to Sakura. I've been paying attention."

Sakura stood up. "Calm d—"

Naruto only shook his head, determined to list Hinata's symptoms to Sakura. "Hinata said she's got backaches, too!"

In front of Sakura, he gently laid a palm on Hinata's back as he pressed her to his body and proceeded to give her a back rub.

Hinata's embarrassed squeak was drowned out as he squished her face to his chest.

"Naruto! Stop treating Hin—" Sakura started to say but he only yelled over her words again.

"She said she feels very lethargic recently and has no energy!"

He missed the look the women shared as he said, "Hinata can't even get out of the bed some days."

Sakura's reassuring, "Everything is ok—" was cut off again when an even more desperate Naruto pointed to his wife.

"Sakura, can you do something for Hinata, please?"

And because he was finally looking at her, Sakura burst out, "Hinata's pregnant!"

"Sakura!" Hinata cried in dismay.

"Sorry, Hinata, but he's being an ass."

Naruto finally stilled, Sakura's words reaching the deep recesses of his mind where understanding lived. "Pregnant?" He looked down at her. "Hinata?"

She smiled at him and the joyful truth was so clear to see. "We were going to tell you until after we made sure the pregnancy can be carried to term." She glanced at the medic, who nodded back at her. "So I guess Sakura thinks it's okay to tell you now that the dangerous phase is over."

"You're pregnant?" he asked again.

Hinata beamed at him. "Yes, we are."


When Naruto got back to the office, Shikamaru, looking disheveled and worn out, held the boy hostage.

"I'm not giving Boruto back to you until you sign this," he said, shoving a piece of paper into his face.

"What?!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Sign this here." Shikamaru pointed at the line waiting for his signature.

"Without reading it?!"

"Yes, or else I won't give you your son back!"


"Sign it!" Shikamaru yelled and Naruto finally saw the desperation on the face of his right-hand man. He quickly scrawled his name on the paper.

Shikamaru saw the signature and melted with relief.

"What the hell did I just sign?" Naruto asked.

"You just signed a proclamation that no more Uzumaki children are allowed into the Hokage office!"

Naruto laughed. Children.

"Oh, this reminds me. Hinata and I just found out that she's pregnant again."

There was a smile on the Hokage's face.

Instead of celebrating, however, Shikamaru's eyes became even more haunted. He hastily thrust the boy back into his father's arms. "Naruto, congratulations, but you keep your devil children away from me!"

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