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Hi! I know you've done NH drabbles of a jealous Naruto, if I recall correctly one was when they weren't a couple yet and the other they're already in a relationship, but can I also ask for another jealousy fic after they're already married (and probably Naruto is already the Hokage?) or have it reversed, instead of Naruto, have Hinata be jealous? (still post-marriage/hokage period). Thanks!


I read so many fan fiction where naruto gets jealous so can write fan fiction where Hinata gets jealous of his fan girls or something like that and naruto is teasing about her jealousy.

Hinata Uzumaki was married to a good-looking man.

And unfortunately for her, many women agreed with that fact.

Even after years of marriage, Naruto seemed to become more attractive as he aged. Plus the fact that he was the strongest shinobi in Konoha and Hokage meant that he still got letters from the many fans he'd cultivated over the years.

She could forgive the giggly teenagers and young adults who didn't know any better. They were young.

But the older females, the ones who should know better, the ones who had status in the community, especially in the shinobi world at large, she couldn't forgive.

Everybody knew Naruto was a happily married man, but this one woman seemed determined to test their marriage, and Hinata couldn't find it in her heart to feel grace towards this bi—this female.

Instead, she fumed silently as she glared at this female and tried to pat her dress dry from her spilled drink.

They were here in Suna, attending an event that Gaara had particularly wanted the Uzumakis to attend—the ten-year anniversary of him coming back to life, when Naruto and the rest of team Gai and Kakashi had saved him from the Akatsuki.

Unfortunately, many guests were also attending this celebration hosted by the Kazekage.

One of them had written a letter ahead of this event, a month before. She'd sent a perfumed letter directly to the Hokage office. Shikamaru, not knowing or caring about any of it, had sent it to their home because Naruto had forgotten it at the office. Hinata had seen the feminine handwriting and had been curious. Naruto, thinking nothing of these types of letters, shrugged casually and handed it to her.

The woman had introduced herself as Seika Ichinose, a shinobi and also Gaara's dear friend. She'd written a long, rambling letter expressing her admiration for Naruto's efforts during the war, his work as Hokage, and of her express hope to spend a few minutes of conversation with him during the event.

But Hinata could read between the lines. Conversation, my ass.

The woman was a menace and Hinata had known who she was as soon as she'd walked into the large hall where the event was held. The Ichinose woman had vibrated with predatory energy, stalked deliberately to their side, and bumped into Hinata with an expression of innocence she didn't believe.

She recognized her because her perfume matched the sickly sweet scent of that letter Hinata had tossed into the garbage. The woman had knowingly walked between her and Naruto and had purposefully grabbed her on the arm to make Hinata spill her drink on her dress.

Hinata needed to go to the ladies' room to try to repair the damage, but she hated leaving Naruto at the clutches of this woman.

Naruto, though, was blithely unaware of what was happening between the two women. He'd offered to go with Hinata to the bathroom so she could do something about the stain on her gown. The other woman had stopped him with a hand on his arm and instead encouraged him to remain by her side while Hinata went to clean up.

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