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Hi there! So do you remember, or have you heard of, that scene in Boruto when Boruto complains to Mitsuki about Naruto, saying that all he ever does is flirt with Hinata? It's one of the very few (and I do mean few) NH moments from Boruto that continues to have me giddy over them. I would looveee a drabble about all these cute (or a little more than cute *wink*) flirty moments. Maybe from Boruto's pov. If you want to of course! I adore your writings :) thank you for reading this!


I have another request lol, there's this part in Boruto where he said that everytime Naruto's home, he would always flirt with his mom and end up not doing anything other than that lol. Would love to see that lolol


can you write a drabble where boruto catches naruto and hinata kissing or making out and feels disgusted


Can I request a drabble where Naruto still flirts with Hinata even after being married already and Hinata tries to keep her cool but secretly she's like a helpless teenager?


Oh, no. There he goes, she thought. Hinata felt her heart thump, then drop as the butterflies started fluttering inside her.

God, what is it about his voice that always reduced her to a mess?

She smiled to herself as she continued soaping the dishes, but she didn't turn around to meet his gaze.

She knew she was being ridiculous because they'd been married for ten years now. This should have stopped a long time ago, but even now, she felt herself melting at the thought of him, especially when he got into his playful moods.

Even still, her senses were attuned to him, there was no denying it. She could feel him walking towards her, felt every step vibrate through her with each footfall. He'd just come from the bath, so she knew what he smelled like, the soapy fragrance mixing with the scent unique only to him even though the whole family used the same soap. She could feel and touch the heat he always gave off when he was close.

Hinata fought it, knew that he was going to be silly for the next few minutes. She needed to stay sane and just remain conscious, much less try to resist.

So she continued to wash the dishes even as she felt him come up behind her to press himself at her back.

"Hinata, are you busy right now? I have something that requires your assistance..."

She laughed despite herself. Such a terrible joke.

"Naruto, I can't wash the dishes if you're stuck to me like glue," she said.

"Hmm," he said as he pressed himself closer, his arms came around her waist and his hands rested at her tummy. His lips were close to her ear as he whispered. "Don't worry, I won't bother you. I'll just stand here like this while you wash the dishes. Or maybe I should help you? So you can get done with it more quickly and help me with that thing that requires your assistance."

She glanced in front of her at the kids sitting in the living room, watching TV. The sound was on, so at least they wouldn't be able to hear Naruto now that he got into his mind to tease her. Himawari's back was to them. She was lying on her stomach on the carpet, doodling on a piece of paper. She was half paying attention to what was happening on the television screen. Boruto was slouched on the couch, knees drawn up, feet resting on the ottoman. She couldn't see his head past the sofa's backrest, but she could hear him yelling in frustration. He was playing with his handheld game.

So she turned around, wiped her hand on the towel, and smiled at Naruto. Her hands met at the back of his head. "Okay, Naruto. I'll help you with whatever requires your assistance."

"Hinata," he sighed. "You're so kind to help me out."

Naruto then laughed and leaned down to kiss her.

. . . . .

Ah, crap, Boruto thought, there he goes!

Even though the TV was on, he could still hear his mother giggling and his father murmuring low.

He resisted the urge to cover his ears, but he knew they were hot. He pretended to yell at the game in his hand even though it had been game over the past few minutes. He was also out of lives.

"Take that, you final boss!" he shrieked, feeling like a fool as he stared at the dark screen in his hand.

It was still a whole lot better than hearing his parents flirting with each other.

Boruto sighed, knowing exactly what was going to happen.

Sure enough, his mother had stopped laughing, and the silence in the kitchen meant the two of them were kissing.


Jeez, didn't they understand they were adults? There were little kids around!

He glanced at Himawari, who was still working on her piece of art. She didn't seem bothered that their parents were in the kitchen making out.

But he knew his sister. Himawari liked it when their parents were doing lovey-dovey stuff.

Meanwhile, he could feel the bile rising up in his throat, but he tamped it down.

No help for it.

Shinobi rules say that you tough it out, endure it.

Maybe a couple more minutes and he could finally go to bed, he thought and prayed as he glared at his game.

Still, though, this was so freaking awkward! He wanted to go to his room. But that meant he would have to pass through the kitchen, and he didn't want to see them kissing. Or worse, interrupt them and deal with the embarrassment afterward.

He sighed again and closed his eyes. What the hell was he supposed to do now?

"Mama, Papa. Are you done kissing?" Himawari suddenly piped up, her voice full of amusement.

Boruto's eyes flew open in surprise.

Hinata and Naruto broke apart, laughing.

"I'm ready for bed now," Himawari said as she stood up, her forgotten doodles on the carpet. "Can I get a kiss, too?"

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