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may I ask you a drabble in which Himawari says that she has a crush on idk uncle Kiba or maybe Gaara and Naruto freaks out, 'cause she's a daddy's girl? Thank youuu :)


"Hinata, my heart and my mind is so full of you I don't think there's any room for another woman."

I'd love a follow up where Hinata remembers this point and playfully calls him a liar when he's cooing about Himawari and him being a proud dad in general.

Himawari giggled as she placed a card on the table. There was a deep sigh and she picked up the one next to it and hugged it.

The girlish squeal that followed next caught her father's attention as he walked past her bedroom door.

Naruto frowned and peeked in.

Himawari was at her desk, seemingly rifling through some cards.

He recognized the shinobi trading card game that was very popular among the boys of Boruto's age.

He knocked on the door and she smiled up at him. "Papa!"

"Hey, Princess," he said as he leaned down to kiss her on the head. His eyes caught the stack of cards and he reached out to pick up the top. Shino's face stared back at him. The next one on that pile was the same. After going through the stack, Naruto laughed. "They're all Shino!"

Himawari sighed and pointed to another stack. "Yes, and this one is of Uncle Kiba's."

"Kiba?!" Naruto said with a frown. "Why do you have so many?"

"Oh, Nii-chan and his friends gave them to me because they didn't want them."

Naruto snickered.

But Himawari only giggled, picked one of Shino's cards and gave this picture an open, adoring smile.

It sobered Naruto enough to ask, "Why do you have a collection of both of them, Hima?! You only need one picture of Kiba and Shino! You don't need to have so many of the same person."

"They're not all the same!" Himawari explained with a pout. She pointed to the one she had in her hand. "Look. Here, he's frowning, his eyes are more intense."

She picked up another Shino card. "Here, the left side of his smile is up .3 mm." She put that one down and pointed to another one. "In this picture, the angle of his smile is smaller."

He grinned. "Well, that's very observant of you."

She nodded sagely. "I have to be. What kind of a girlfriend would I be if I didn't notice things like that?"

His heart dropped. "Girlfriend?!"

"Yes, Papa!" She flashed him a disgruntled look as if he was being an idiot. "Obviously, these are my boyfriends."

Naruto felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. "B-b-boyf—"

He couldn't even say it, it hurt too much to think of his little princess with another man. And not just any other man, it was two men—who just happened to be Hinata's former teammates, teammates who she'd worked with very closely.

In tears, he asked his daughter, "But what about me, Hima?"

Her glance at him was puzzled. "Hm?"

His lips quivering with the despair he could barely hold in, "I'm the only guy that matters in your life, right, Himawari?"

She was quiet and continued to look at him.

"Right? No other guy, right? Himawari!"

And because he couldn't stand it, Naruto grabbed her and squished her with all the love in his heart.

"Ugh! Papa! Get off!"

Naruto placed her down. He pointed to her collection of cards. "Where's my card, Hima?"

"I don't need it."

And Naruto's heart finally splintered at her words, his knees buckling as he placed his hands over his face. He wanted to cry.

But Himawari's little arms came and wrapped around him.

"Papa, you are so silly sometimes! Why do I need a card when you're always in my heart?"

And the sun burst as the light spread throughout him. The smile Naruto gave her was filled with relief.

"I love you, Princess. Just so you know, you're the only girl in my heart."

She finally laughed—that girlish giggle that he adored so much. But behind her eyes lurked the same teasing gleam that he had. "Of course, Papa! Just so you know, you're the only one I really love."


Hinata pressed her hand to her mouth to keep from laughing out and giving away her presence by the doorway. She'd shamelessly eavesdropped in their conversation and hadn't been able to resist hearing their daughter tease her husband, who could always be reduced to putty with Himawari's words.

He came out of her room by himself and Hinata could hear Himawari humming happily while she remained at her desk. She could imagine her daughter picking up those cards and hugging them to her chest.

Naruto, meanwhile, had shock written all over his face.

He saw her but he still couldn't get the idea of Himawari having boyfriends out of his mind.

He took a deep breath and placed a shaking hand on her shoulder.

She nodded, and guided him to the kitchen table, sat him down, and attempted to compose her face into a more serious expression.

He blinked at her a few times then swallowed. "Hinata...Himawari...b-b-o-y-f-f," he started to say, but his mouth couldn't form the last word, lips quivering with so much emotion. His face crumpled into tears again.

This time, Hinata couldn't stop the laugh that came out of her.

Her smile was teasing when she said, "You once told me that I was the only girl in your heart, you know."

Naruto blinked again and then finally smiled, his heart unburdening every time he was with her. "You still are, Hinata."

She pursed her lips and raised a brow. "Then you lied to Himawari just now."

He shook his head. "You're the only woman in my heart. Himawari is the only girl. There's a difference, but you're both in my heart forever."

Hinata smiled. "I know, Naruto, just as you and Boruto live in my mine."

He sighed with relief and finally smiled at her, his usual open, joyful smile.

She looked at him and loved him for being such a good father to their children...

And Hinata decided she would keep the secret to herself of Himawari and this one boy in her class that she couldn't seem to stop mentioning.

Hinata took his hand in a reassuring grip.

In her heart, she made a wish. Naruto, I hope you can learn how to control your Kyuubi mode on the day Himawari eventually brings home her real boyfriend.

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