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hello! i was wondering if you could write a drabble of the uzumaki family's reaction to the boruto popularity poll results that came out not long ago. kind of like a breaking the fourth wall fanfic? i apologize if this doesn't make sense ? anyway i love your work :) and thank you in advance!

"Kaa-chan! I'm number one!" Boruto cried out as he burst into the living room. "I can't believe it!"

Hinata looked up and smiled at him. "Boruto, number one in what?"

He rushed into room, gave Himawari a quick hug, and faced his mother. "So you know those gemaki cards? They're planning a special edition printing of Konoha shinobi. But this time, though, they took a poll and included all the ninja, all the Konoha citizens, and I mean everyone who's ever worn the forehead protector—and they included current genin shinobi along with retired ones and those from the past!"

"Oh, that's wonderful, Boruto!"

"Yeah! And guess what?! I'm number one!" His eyes were huge, bright blue in that young face. He was excited, hopping up and down, unable to contain his joy. "I think it was because of my fight with Momoshiki! I think everyone remembered it and they thought I deserved it."

"Well, you do," Hinata said, smiling.

Himawari came and sat next to her on the sofa.

"Nii-chan, who were the other people on the list?"

At this Boruto's excitement dimmed a little. "Tou-chan's number two."

Hinata's smile was proud. She wasn't surprised.

Himawari's eyes lit up. "Papa!" She turned to Hinata and cried, "I knew it! Everyone loves him."

Boruto made a face. "Tch! Right. Whatever."

But he brightened again when he said, "Sarada's number three and Sasuke came in at number five. Isn't that awesome?"

Himawari was frowning. "Who's number four?"

At this, Boruto grinned. "Kaa-chan is."

Hinata blinked, startled to hear the news. "Me?"

Boruto nodded. "Yup!"

"But I'm not shinobi."

He shook his head. "Kaa-chan, they included retired and past shinobi in the list. You were shinobi, right?"

Hinata placed a hand over her chest. "I guess. But I'm really flattered. I never expect that people remember who I am, much less choose me to be on a card."

She shook her head in disbelief. "I still can't believe it."

"But Mama, you're so beautiful! I know somebody who always wants to look at you!" Himawari said with a giggle.

As if on cue, they heard rapid footsteps at the entranceway.

"Hinata! Hinata! I'm number twoooo!" Naruto yelled.

They could hear him curse as he bumped into the wall and then the living room door banged open as he rushed inside.

He had the same exact expression that Boruto had on his face, and Hinata had to shake her head at how similar the two were.

"Papa! Congratulations!" Himawari cried out as she ran to him, arms outstretched.

Naruto picked her up and swung her high up in the air. She was squealing and giggling, but she remained in his arms.

"Hinata! I'm number two," he repeated again.

Hinata smiled at Naruto. "Boruto just told us the news."

"I still can't believe it! Hinata! Number two!"

"Yeah," Boruto mumbled under his breath. "Like shitty poop."

"What was that?!" Naruto said as he glared at him.

"Nothing, Tou-chan," Boruto responded, faking a smile and giving his father a thumbs-up. "Good job!"

But Hinata had heard the muttered curse.

"Boruto!" Hinata said as she glared at her son. "Where did you hear that word?"

Boruto frowned. "Kaa-chan! Tou-chan uses it all the time! Why can't I use it?"

Hinata whipped around to stare at Naruto, who backed away a step. He smiled apologetically at her but shot a glare at his son. I'll get you later, the look said. He turned back to Hinata. "I don't use it all the time, Hinata! It just slipped out 'cause I was mad that time. I swear!"

She nodded, satisfied. But she turned to Boruto and said, "No cursing."

Boruto saw the seriousness of her face and was immediately contrite. "Okay."

She stared at him a few more minutes in silence and he could only pray that his mother would finally take her gaze off him.

Eventually, she did and then turned back to Naruto. "How did you find out the news?"

Relieved, Naruto grinned at her. "Shikamaru told me on my way out. The newspapers are making a big deal out of it. I mean, the whole family's on the list!"

Himawari gasped. "Me, too?"

"Yes, Hima!"

"But I'm not shinobi!"

"That doesn't matter because you're so cute! You deserve your own card!"

Her eyes shone and she squealed again as Naruto squeezed her. "You were written in. The papers said there were a lot of requests for your card even though the company was planning on printing just shinobi."

"Hima! That's awesome!" Boruto said.

"My very own card! I can't wait to see it!" Himawari gasped. "Yay!"

"Argh! But we need to make sure we can get a hold of those cards! You know Grandpa's going to buy all of them!"

Hinata laughed. "He would, too."

Boruto quickly stood up and picked up his jacket. He ran for the door, calling out, "I'm going to talk to Denki and his dad!"

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