Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

I had to blink more than once to make sure that what I was seeing was true.

Dave was speaking to Brad just a few steps in front of me. Even though Dave had his back to me I was able to see his face for a second. That's all it took me to recognize him. I knew it was him.

In order to prevent any of them from noticing I was there, after staring at them for a good long minute, I rapidly knelt behind the bar stool.

I took in deep breaths, one after the other, staring at a non-existent point.

This meeting wasn't anything like what I'd expected to find in here, not tonight.

I knew I couldn't stay hidden and ignore the fact that I just saw Austin's two worst enemies speaking to each other. One of them being Dave, the one who's responsible for my kidnapping, and Tyler's murder; he's always been after the flash drive, he has done innumerable things to get it, and so far he hasn't succeeded.

I didn't have a plan but I was ready to improvise one. I got back up ready to make a full spy report, but surprisingly Dave was no longer sitting there, Brad was sitting by himself.

I stared around the dark room, searching for any sign of Dave but there were none; it was like he was never here.

I went back down, hiding behind the table on an instinct of panic. My head started to pound for no reason and I had to put both of my hands over my forehead and ears.
I hadn't drunk a single drop of alcohol today so there was no possibility I could have imagined Dave here. I know I saw him, but I had no proof of it.

If seeing him wasn't a product of my imagination, he still had to be here. On the thought of it, I got back up, the pounding on my head making it hard to concentrate.

I left my hiding spot and carefully peaced around the place, making sure Brad couldn't see me.
I focused on the men in the room, they were outnumbered by women, and they all looked the same to me; none of them had Dave's complexion.

If he was really here before, he was surely gone by now.

Trying to keep my identity secret I went back to the bar where I could have a perfectly good sight of Brad. He was still sitting on the same chair, all by himself.

What is he still doing here?

My thoughts were answered when I saw a familiar blonde girl approaching to him. There was no one behind her, giving away the fact that she came here alone, probably to speak to Brad privately.

I saw her give him a kiss on the cheek and he gave her a quick hug before sitting back down.

He said something to her but there was no way I could hear what that was. Their mouths moved but I couldn't make out a word.

What is this all about? Does Austin know about Sarah's sudden and suspicious visit to Brad?

My awful thoughts told me there was a possibility that she could be double-crossing Austin. I tried to put those thoughts away. I know we've had our differences, those being a lot, but Austin trusts her and I should too.

The talk between them both started to seem a lot more interesting when Sarah kept quiet, letting Brad do all the talking. I wasn't about to miss that conversation.

I took a random tray with drinks I found over the bar stool and walked towards Brad and Sarah, using it to cover most of my face. I stopped right behind them and placed the tray on a table nearby.

"Everything is worked out" I recognized Brad's voice "We just need to wait and stick to the plan"

"What about Ashley?" Sarah pointed out.

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