Chapter 20

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Chapter 20:

Ashley's POV

I hurried to get out of the class to get away from Austin. He catched me at the hall but I lost him again anyways.

I was heading to the cafeteria to find Chloe and Jake.

I'm not going to lie. I am happy.

Really, really, really happy.

Austin seriously doesn't remember a bit about what happened, or maybe he does, but not much..


Was it just me or did someone called my name?


Nope. I'm not crazy. There it is again.

I turned around and saw Brad running on the hallway coming my way.

"Brad?" I asked disconcerted "What's going on? Are you alright?"

"No, I am not" He said once he stopped right in front of me "I owe you an apology. A big one"

Just when I thought he practically forgot about me.

As we were talking, we were walking to the cafeteria together.

"If it is about the party, you don't have-"

He cut me off.

"Yes I do. I invited you to the party and I left you alone. You must have thought I was an asshole, please let me explain"

I don't have a problem by hearing what he has to say. I am actually glad he came to talk to me. Could he be any better?

Not waiting for me to say yes he started explaining.

"When we arrived you greeted a friend... I don't remember his name, Jack maybe?"

"Jake" I corrected him.

"Right, Jake." He said nodding "You guys seem really cool catching up, so I thought I could go and grab us some drinks, but by the time I came back you looked pretty entertained with him and I didn't have to ask to know that I wasn't supposed to be there at that moment, so I thought I could give you guys some minutes..."

I was hearing everything he said, but all I was thinking was: He. Is. So. Perfect.

He came here, to talk to me and to make things straight. He could have just said sorry and I would have forgiven him anyways.

We where now sitting at the cafeteria on a table next to a window.

"But wait." He said lifting his right hand signalizing me to stop, even though I wasn't going to do anything. "Just in case you're thinking: 'He is making this up. He could have come after that...' Let me tell you the most important part." I nodded not knowing what to say "After a while, I thought it would be okay to jump in your conversation with Jake. But someone called me out of nowhere..."

"Brad" I stopped him "You don't have to do this, you could have said you were sorry and-"

"Okay, okay" He said laughing a little "You are getting bored with my story. It sounds cheesy, I know. I will just tell you the end of the story really quick okay?" I chuckled and nodded. He was being so sweet... and I thought I was mad at him. "It was my mom. It was a family emergency and I got out of the party as soon as I could"

"Wait" I said worried "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything is okay now. Don't worry about it." He said grinning "The thing is, that with everything that happened, my mind was somewhere else. I am really sorry I never called you or texted you Ashley"

"You have nothing to be sorry about. Everything is perfect"

"So you are not mad at me?" He said mockingly

"Ohh yes. I am really really mad" I said playfully

"Then I guess I'll have to do something to make it up to you" He was sitting in front of me and he was looking seriously perfect. His eyes, his smile... "How does a starbucks after school sounds?" He asked.

I couldn't help but smile, looking down.

"Sounds perfect" I answered looking up again.


School was over and I was talking to Jake, leaning outside his car, on the school's parking lot.

"You are going out with him!?" Jake asked astonished.

"It's just a coffee Jake; it's not a big deal"

"Have you lost your mind?" He asked still surprised I was leaving with him. Him being Brad. "Come on Ashley! We already talked about this..."

"And I still don't understand why you are always acting cold towards him" I said trying to make him see the situation from my perspective.

"You know he is part of The Crew now right?" He asked and I nodded "Then why are you still going out with him!? If you are going just to get free coffee then come with me and I'll take you and buy you as many as you want"

I laughed.

"Please Leelee" He begged "Please don't go. I don't like that guy. I am begging you. Not one of them will bring you any good. You can get hurt, just-"

"Hey Ashley"

We both turned to the right and saw Brad standing next to us.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked stretching his hand in my direction. I guess he wants me to take it, so I did. He greeted Jake meanwhile.

"Yeup, let's go" I said approaching to him.

Brad took my backpack and he placed it on his shoulders.

"Ashley..." I heard Jake said.

I closed my eyes and sighed.

I love Jake, but sometimes he gets overprotective. I don't know if he does the same thing to Chloe, but I bet he would if she was the one leaving with Brad.

"Goodbye Jake" I turned around and smiled still walking "See you soon" I waved goodbye and we left.

When we arrived at starbucks, Brad bought us a frappuccino each and we sat on a table on a corner.

We had been almost an hour in starbucks and I almost didn't feel it. Time flew.

"Let me guess..." Brad said out of nowhere "You're favorite coffee is the caramel frappuccino"

I opened my mouth surprised.

"How did you know?"

"You already finished it" He said pointing to my empty starbucks cup.

I mouthed an 'ohhh' and he laughed.

"Do you want another one?" He asked.

"Ohh no. One is enough" I said leaving the cup on the table "Thanks"

He just nodded in agreement. There was a moment of pure silence but Brad broke it.

"Can I ask you a really weird question?" He asked and I nodded "Do you have any brothers? Like, older than you?"

What? Why the sudden curiosity?

"Yes I do. His name is Erik, why?"

"Is he overprotective?"

Okay. Now I was confused.

"What? Why are you asking me this?"

"I think he is out in the parking lot spying on us..." He pointed to the window and I could see a car parked right in front of us. "He's been here since we arrived, but he never got out of the car"

"That couldn't be Erik" I said getting up.

"Why not?" Brad asked getting up too.

"Because he is studying at a university in Canada at this very moment"

Indeed, I could see someone sitting on the driver seat of the car, covering his face with his hand.

"I might be overreacting things Ashley" Brad said sitting again "It might be some dude that's waiting for someone"

I ignored him and walked closer so I could get a better look.

And I did see him better. Now I realized that the guy was wearing a beanie. But not an ordinary one, it was a red one; a red beanie that I particularly knew.

This. Can't. Be. True.

I would never forget that beanie. I have no doubt the guy inside the car is Austin.

"Give me a second" I told to Brad "I think I know him. I'll be back in a minute"

Not waiting for him to answer I walked outside and straight to the car.

I could see how he was trying to hide himself with his hand and looking everywhere but to the way I was coming. He was rapidly rolling the window up.

He knew I saw him and he will not get out of this so easily.

"What do you think you are doing?" I said standing next to his window once it was almost closed.

He pretended he was looking for something and then he looked up.

"Ashley" He said rolling the window down again "What a coincidence! What are you doing here?"

"Ha ha" I faked laughed "I am not that stupid Austin. What are you doing here? Are you spying on me and Brad?"

"What?" He asked "Brad is here?"

He is playing dumb with me.

"Don't act like you don't know Austin"

"Why would I pretend?" He asked frowning "Why would I ever spy on you?"

I laughed annoyed.

"Stop pretending you have 'no idea' of what's happening"

"I would stop if I was, but the thing is that I am not pretending anything Ashley" He said as 'a-matter-of-fact'. "The world doesn't revolve around you. Get over yourself"

"Excuse me?" I asked scowling. He is being an arrogant bastard.

"What you heard" He said not even bothering to look at me.

"Okay. I am done." My patience with him is gone. "I know the truth. You know it too. You are here because -indeed- you are spying on me" He was going to interrupt me but I shushed him "I know it's true because you confessed it to me at my house. So don't even try to deny it"

He grew wide eyes and his mouth was dropped open.

"I-I said that?" I nodded with arms crossed. I just proved my point. Score one goes to Ashley. "Well it's not true. I was drunk; I said lots of things that weren't real."

"Yeah, yeah" I said ignoring everything he said "You can say whatever you want, but we both know that's the truth. So stop spying on me and leave me alone. I mean it."

With that, I left the place and entered the coffee shop.

"Who was that?" Brad asked when I sat down.

"Uhh, it was just the son of one of my mom's friends. He thought it was me but he was too shy to come inside and say hi" I lied

Brad just nodded.

He was saying something to change the subject but right then, by cell phone vibrated. A number that wasn't in my contacts was calling me.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Ashley please come outside. We need to talk about what you said and-" As soon as I answered the call, I recognized the voice. It was Austin, and once I realized it was him, I hanged up.

I turned to see the window and I saw him taking his phone off his ear and staring at it confused. Then he saw me with an expression I couldn't read.

Not leaving his eyes from mine he pressed his phone to his ear again and my phone started vibrating again. It was the same number, it was Austin.

He was still looking at me, telling me with his eyes to answer the call. Not leaving his sight, I denied the call and left my phone aside.

I could feel the tension between us two even if we were apart.

I didn't want to look in his direction again, afraid of what I could find. I thought he was going to come inside at any second and yell at me. But instead, I was surprised to look up and find his car driving away.

"Are you okay?" Brad asked confused.

"Actually, can you take me home?" I asked trying to make it sound the most polite way possible. He agreed, and to make me feel better he said he had to meet up with some friends too. I couldn't help but think at The Crew being his 'so called' friends.


Austin's POV

I was pissed at her. No.. not her. Him.

Scratch pissed. I was so fucking mad at him.

She left me outside and she didn't pick up the call even when she knew I needed her too.

I grabbed the keys to the house and got inside.

"AUSTINNN!" I heard Alex yell from the kitchen. He came out with a bowl of chips in his hands. "I was waiting for you. How about we have a rematch of that game we played yesterday?" He grabbed the controls with the intention to hand one to me.

"Not now AC" I jogged upstairs and locked myself in my room.

I wanted to throw my phone off the window.

I threw myself to my bed groaning and covering my head with a pillow so no one could hear me.

What the hell did I said to her that night!?

I literally betrayed myself.

I grabbed a pillow angry and threw it across the room.

"Whoa man" I heard Alex said entering my room "Calm down. What's up with you?"

"Nothing" I said harshly. I wasn't in a mood of talking to anyone "Get out"

Being the kind friend he is, he did exactly the opposite and sat next to me in my bed.

"What happened?" I didn't answer. "Come on man! How long have we known each other?"

"It's really nothing" I said trying to get rid of him "I just had a bad day. That's all"

"Well then" He said getting up "This would just make your day be even worse, but Dave is down there waiting for you" He said heading to my door.

"DAVE IS WHAT!?" I asked getting up quickly.

"What you heard. He wants to talk to you. The month is over, remember?" He got out of my room leaving me alone.

What am I going to do?

Dammit. My boss is here looking for the flash drive and I still don't have it. He said he'll give us a month... and that month is over.


I hurried downstairs and walked to the living room. Next to it was a little door; it was like a meeting room. When I opened the door he was sitting at the last chair placed on the table. He was turning to the opposite side of the door, looking straight to the wall, not letting me see him.

"It was about time you showed up" He said still facing the wall.

"I am here now" I said taking a seat.

"You know why I am here, don't you?" He asked.

"Yeah, I do" I tried to sound the most confident way I could "So get to the point"

I guess my reaction surprised him because he finally turned around.

"A brave one I see" He said placing his feet over the table.

You could say Dave has been -and will always be- the boss. He is the one that brought us all into this business. He is the one in control. Whatever he asks we do. That's it... And right now? The only thing he wants is the flash drive. That fucking flash drive has done so many things and could make a lot more. You want to know why Dave wants that thing so bad? Because we are not the only ones looking for it.


That's what the person who finds where the flash drive is will get. Its value is unbelievably high.

"Your month is up and I see no advance. You said you were going to get it almost two months ago making a trade... And look at us now, two months later and we have nothing" He shook his head in disapproval "What happened to you kid? You used to be the best I had"

"I am still the best" I snapped back "But the tasks are getting more difficult every time, which makes us need more time."

"And I gave you more, but you still have nothing" He dropped his feet back to the floor and rested his elbows on the table "Do you know what's happening this time? Do you know what is making you take so long?"

That didn't sound just like a question. That sounded more of a warning threat.

"I just told you why" I answered.

"That's not the reason why you are failing. But I do know the reason to it"

He remained silent for a while. Making me go wild on the inside. A thousand memories and flash-backs ran throw my mind.

"You know..." He started. I know him perfectly well. He has something, I don't know what or how, but he does. And he is waiting for the perfect moment to drop the bomb. "Everyone has a secret, something no one knows. Sometimes is a bad secret, sometimes is a good one. It might help the ones around you or it might destroy them..."

I was waiting to hear something that was going to make me explode. I knew he was going to say some bad news.

"And it happens" He continued "That I know your secret"

"What?" I asked surprised "My secret?" He nodded grinning "Well you got something wrong here, because I don't keep secrets from anybody"

"Ohh, but you know you are wrong on that one. You do keep secrets, even from your own friends." He stopped to see my reaction. I didn't even know what my reaction was "I know that one tiny little secret you've been keeping from them this whole time."

I gulped.

He can't know. There's no way.

"I know what you've been doing since the day of the trade at the alley. You've been with that girl Austin." I closed my eyes and rubbed my forehead. How could he notice that? "You've been watching her every night, not missing a single day. You always stay outside her window, not sleeping until morning, just to make sure she'll make it through the night." I wasn't looking at him. I couldn't. I was staring at my hands hiding under the table. Just by knowing that he knows the reason why I always go out every night makes me want to punch him. It was my secret. Mine. "You can't help but think that one day, when you least expect it, something will happen to her. Just for the simple fact that she was at the time of the trade that day. You are even afraid that your own friends would come to her. But you can't do anything to stop it. She was there and you can't take back time...-"

"Stop it" I snarled "Just stop talking"

"Ohh, but you know I am right. You know how many people are looking for that flash-drive? I know you do... Now, imagine all those people knowing that, the girl you've been protecting was watching and hearing everything that happened that day. Imagine everyone targeting her, watching her every move, waiting to see something that'll make them pull the trigger-"

"Shut up!" I was seething in anger.

If he knows all of this... then why is he rubbing it on my face? Does he want me to know what will happen in his future plans? He knows I am not just protecting her because I can, he knows I am protecting her because I care for her. And just by hearing him talk of her like that...

"Let me tell you the main reason I came here Austin" He slowly got up and trudged to my place "Thinking about 'what could' happen to that girl, has been misleading you from your goal: Finding. The. Flash drive." He stopped at every word to make a bigger emphasis. My breathing was getting heavy. I could stand up and knock him down at any second. "So I am telling you, and I'll only say this once..."

He remained silent making me wonder what was happening, so I looked up to find him staring straight at me.

"Get away from that girl"

"I will never do that" I didn't even hesitate on the answer. I didn't even have to think about it, it just came out by itself.

"You can, and you will" He grabbed me by the shoulders and made me got up so I would be face to face with him. "I just said, I won't ask this twice. Now you know that you can't keep secrets from me, I will always found out one way or another. So you better listen to me kid, because I wouldn't mind making that girl's future a living hell" He loosen the tight of my shoulder and took a step back. "It's up to you"

If people could die from being so fucking furious I would have died right there and then. Not wanting to even hear Dave breathe I stormed out of the room not caring what he could or would do.

My mind was going crazy.

How could Dave know what I did? What I still do?

It's impossible.

He's been watching me. That's the only way.... But why would he do that?

I curse you Dave... I curse the day I started working for you. I swear to God that if you even dare to touch a hair on Ashley's head, I'll kill you. And I mean every word.

I was heading to the stairs when Brad came trough the door and inside The Crew's house.

I rolled my eyes and walked next to him.

You have no idea how much I hate that asshole.

"Yooh man" By the sound of the voice I knew it was Brad. But I don't give a fuck. "Hey Austin! I'm talking to you"

I stopped at the first step of the stairs and turned around.

"You look like shit man" He said chuckling.

"Do you think I fucking care about what you think of me dude?" Lucky him, he got to me when I was seriously pissed. "You are just a big piece of shit, why would someone care?"

His face changed completely, he was getting mad too.

"Listen. I don't know why you hate me so much man, but you should stop" He said,

"Why wouldn't I hate you? Why would I like you?" I didn't even realize I was yelling now.

"You know what I think?" He said coming closer to me.

"I don't give a fuck about what you think" I turned around and walked back to the stairs.

"I think you are jealous of me" He sounded so full of himself.

"Are you mentally retarded or what?" I asked stopping in the middle of the stairs, turning to see him.

"You are jealous of me because Ashley likes me better than you" He was grinning like an idiot. My urges of punching him where taking over me.

"You don't want to go there bud" I warned him "You mention her name one more time and I swear I'll pound you until you pass out"

He laughed.

"Your jelousy can be seen from miles away dude" He said "Piss off because Ashley is with me now"

That was exactly what I needed to hear to break his face in tiny little pieces.

I ran downstairs and pinned him to the ground. I punched him in the face and he tried to fight back but he couldn't.

"What is goin-" Alex came to the living room "Holy shit Austin!"

I kept punching Brad as if my life depended on it. I was able to give him one last punch before Alex grabbed me.

"What the hell dude?" He asked frowning and helping Brad up. His face looked like a smashed potato. I grinned proud.

"I don't know what the fuck is wrong with him" Brad defended himself.

I couldn't care less about what they were going to say, so I ran back upstairs heading straight to my room but I stumbled with someone on my way there. It was Tyler.

"Hey man" He said patting my back "Are you okay? You look like you could kill someone"

"I would have if I hadn't left that room" I walked pass him leaving him standing in there. When I got to my room a brilliant idea came to me. I thought exactly what I had to do.

"TYLER!" I yelled heading out to find him.

"What?" He asked annoyed "You feel in a mood for talking now?"

"Shut up Tyler" I snapped "This is really important. I need you to do me a favor"

He sigh and shook his head rolling his eyes. He knew I needed him.

He is the only one that can help me this time. He is the only one I can trust on this one.

"Please" I begged waiting for him to answer.

"You'll owe me" He said pointing at me "What do you want me to do?"


Ashley's POV

"Carmen!" I yelled getting out of my room. She answered from downstairs so I ran towards her. I found her on the laundry room. "Carmen have you seen my red pajamas, the one with the short sleeves?"

She nodded "They are at the second drawer to the left next to your closet"

"Thanks" I said walking out.

"Wait" She stopped me "It will be cold tonight, why don't you use something warmer?" She took an orange and white strip pajama with long sleeves "Why don't you use this one? You don't want to get sick do you?" I shook my head and thanked her.

The winter is slowly coming, making every day a little colder than the day before. I took the pajamas Carmen gave me and ran upstairs again. I was going to get a hot shower and then I would watch TV.

When I was about to get inside my bathroom my phone began to vibrate. I took it and saw it was Austin calling me again. I have 6 missed calls for him.

I'm not going to answer his calls or reply any of his texts messages. I'm done with him.

When I left my phone on my bed side table Martha called my name. I got out of my room so I could hear well.

"What happened?" I asked looking from upstairs

"A boy is here to see you" She said pointing to the door "He's waiting outside. Do you want me to let him in or will you get out?"

"I'll get out" I said walking downstairs.

"It's cold outside" She warned me "Took your coat, its hanging next to the door"

I did as she said and got outside.

"Hey Ashley"

I thought I'll be finding Austin outside, but to my surprise it was Tyler.

"Tyler?" I asked closing the door "What are you doing here?"

"I came to give you a message. A really important one" He took something out of his back pocket. It was a paper, and he handed it to me "It's from Austin"

"Take it back" I replied not taking the paper "I don't want it"

"He begged me to come here Ashley. He knew you wouldn't take it from him so he sent me" He took a step closer to me and waved the paper "Please take it"

"And why would he send you? Why would it make any difference?" I asked hesitating whether I should take the paper or not.

"I don't know" He shrugged "I guess he thinks you trust me for some reason"

Maybe he was right... Tyler has always been the only one of them I like. He doesn't act like he is the best guy that has ever walked on earth, he doesn't intimidate people, he is actually really sweet and kind...

I don't know what got to me in that moment but I took the paper for Tyler's hand. He smiled in victory and I chuckled.

"Thank you" He said walking backwards "I guess I'll see you later" He turned and started to walk away.

"Wait Tyler!" I yelled before he walked out of my house. He turned to see me "Thank you for everything you did for me. That day... when you let me go" He just kept staring at me and a smile grew on his face "I owe you one. Thanks"

He nodded.

"It was nothing" He placed his hands on his pockets "I would do it again if I had to"

We both smiled and he walked away.

I walked back inside my house and when I was in my room I opened the note Tyler gave me. It said:

"Please answer one of my calls Ashley. It's really important, I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't an emergency -Austin"

At the very second I finished reading the note, my phone vibrated again and it was Austin's number.

I sighed and picked up.

"What's going on Austin?" I didn't even bother to say hello.

"Ashley" There was a sound of relief in his voice "You picked up"

I remained silent. He just stated the obvious.

"You said you had an emergency" I replied cold "That's why I did"

"Ashley I know you asked me not to follow you anymore and I know that you won't answer my calls, but I have to ask you a big favor" We both remained silent for a second and then he talked again "Something's wrong. I know it, I've heard it, I can feel it. This is about to get bad and I can't be there to help you"

Something is wrong? Wrong in what? Does he mean wrong as in something bad is going to happen?

"I need you to save my number in your phone and promise me to call me if anything -and I mean anything- happens"

"Why would I do that?"

"You are in danger okay? Worse than before" He sounded serious. Really serious."Something might happen, or maybe it's just me. Maybe everything will remain being the same, but I need you to promise me that you will call me if anything went wrong"

"Austin" I said "You need to stop worrying about me. I'll be okay"

"Ashley!" He yelled frustrated but then he calmed himself "Just promise me. Please"

He won't stop until I do.. so...

"Okay Austin. I promise"


Sorry for taking like forever writing this. I hope you like it though :)

I have to say that next week I'll be really bussy with exams, so I might take I while to update.

And... yes, I know what you're thinking. Dave is the bad guy, the boss and the one in control. Hehe. Funny huh? lol

Anyways, thank you for your patience and your support.

I love you guys with all my heart! -katie xoxo

Why me? (Austin Mahone)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat