Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"You can't say that about him" I said a little bit angry. How can he say that if he is worse than everyone?

Austin just said I should stay away from Brad, but he also said he doesn't even know him. So how can he judge him?

"When I say something you better believe me Ashley" He said "I always say the truth"

So if he said he saw me getting out of Brad's car is the truth.. Then he was following me.

"Oh you sure?" He nodded "Then you just confessed you were following me"

"Following you?" He asked lifting his eyebrows "Pfft why would I do that?" He shook his head and turned to see every where except me.

"I don't know, why don't you tell me?" I said making emphasis on you.

"Ashley I never followed you anywhere" He said turning to face me again. "You misunderstood what I said"

"What did you say then?" I asked finding this very amusing. Teasing him is so much funnier than I expected. He is so nervous for a reason and he is failing so hard trying to hide it.

"I don't know why you find it so important but it was nothing" He said rubbing the back of his head "Just forget I even said it" Not letting me any time to respond he continued talking to change the subject "Are you done with the cuts?" He said pointing to the bruises in his head.

"They are not perfect but at least I helped" He got up and looked in the mirror. He touched his chin and frowned in pain.

I couldn't contain myself, I wanted to ask him something since the moment he walked in my room.

"Why did you come to me?" I was a little far behind him, he was still looking at himself in the mirror touching his bruises and placing a red beanie covering his hair, but when he heard me, his face changed and he looked at me through the mirror.

"I don't know" He answered lightly. He walked back a few steps and turned his eyes to the grownd "My friends were mad at me for starting the fight so I guess I had no one else..."

"What about your mom?" He then turned around and looked straight to my eyes.

"She is kind of mad at me at the moment... Anyways you were the first person that ran through my mind"

My cheeks went instantly red and I had to fought the urge to smile.

God I thought What is wrong with me?

Austin chuckled and his lips formed a smile.

"You're blushing again" He was serioulsy enjoying this moment. His smile, that smile I never see, seem like it was permanent. It fit him perfectly. He slowly trudged closer to me until he was right in front of me. "You blush so much" I couldn't help but stare at his beautiful eyes. I kept trying to look away but I was failing misserabily.
He slowly raised his right hand and gently rubbed my right cheek with his thumb. "And I love it when you do" His face was so close to mine. He was a few inches taller than me, so he crouched his head and placed it next to my ear. His left hand suddenly interwined his fingers with mine. The hand that was slowly rubbing my cheek went up to my ear and he placed my hair behind it. "You look so cute when you blush" His voice was slow and almost a whisper. I could feel his lips touching my ear when he talked and that made me extremely nervous.

I don't know why but I coudn't move. Just knowing he was this close to me sent shivers down my spine.

What's wrong with you Ashley?

All of a sudden he stopped moving and backed off moving his hand from mine.

And me, feeling embarassed as ever I turned my head down.

What did just happened?

My heart was beating fast and my chest was going up and down.

How could someone make me feel like this? Especially Austin

It makes me feel so vulnerable.

I turned my head up and found Austin looking at me. He had that look, the one he always has, the one I can't even explain. It was like he was trying to read me, find something in me. My glance turned to his left hand. He was rubbing it with his own hand, like if he had something in it. The thing was that it was empty. I then stared at my right hand... He just holded my hand a minute ago..

"I must go now" I heard Austin say. He opened the bathroom door "It's getting pretty late, and you should get some sleep" I followed him to my room.

When he passed next to my shelf of books my heart started beating really fast for no reason. But luckily he walked pass it and stopped next to the window. He opened it and placed a foot out. Before he climed out he turned to me.

"Thank you Ashley" His lips turned into a light smile and then he jumped out.

I looked through the window and saw him getting down with the help of a tree next to my window. Then he jumped down, shook his hands and then he placed them inside his pockets. Without me even expecting it, he turned to my window and smiled before walking away.


The next day I woke up at 11:00am.

Yes. I am a heavy sleeper.

Worse thing you can do to me? wake me up.

I rubbed my eyes and sat in my bed. Even tho I sleptwhat felt like a century I still felt tired. That's the worst feleing in the world. Hoping to get my energies back, I got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face.

I was walking like a zombie. Eyes closed, big frown, and arms up to prevent myself from crushing with something. I opened the door and rubbed my eyes again to open them after.

That's when I had a flashback of everything that happened last night. The Aid-kit was still opened and placed at the bottom of the stairs that led to my bathtub. Red papers, filled with Austin's blood were spreaded all around the floor.

I looked up to find my reflection in the mirror. With my eyes glued to my reflection, I raised my right hand slowly and I pressed it to my ear remembering what Austin did last night. I closed my eyes at the thought of it.

Damn it Austin. Why did you choose to come to me last night? Why me?

I came back to reality and started picking up the mess that I left yesterday. When I finished cleaning everything, I took a shower and then went downstairs to get some breakfast.

Gemma was the only one in the kitchen and she offered to make me scrambled eggs. They were delicious, or maybe I was just starving, either way, they were perfect. I thanked her and went back upstairs to my room.

I checked my phone and I had 3 texts. One of them was Brad asking if I was still up for the party today. I answered him that I was, and he told me that he and Finn were going to pick Chloe and I up at 7:00. The next text was from Chloe, saying almost the extact same thing but added if I wanted to go shopping with her today to get something for the party, I told her I would love to and then I checked the last message that was from my mom, explaining she went to work and that she would be back later.

I told my mom I was going shopping with Chloe and she said it was okay. So Bob was taking me to her house at 3:00. I had one hour left to do whatever I wanted and I was bored as hell. I decided to call Jake and know whats up.

After a few seconds Jake picked up.

"Hey Leelee" Jake greeted. Leelee has always been Jake's nickname for Ashley, as Ashwee is Chloe's nickname.. weird huh? And I am the good friend that just calls them by their name.

"Hey Jake" I greeted back. I was laying in my bed looking up at the ceiling.

"What's up?" He asked cheerful.

"Hey, someone's happy about something.." I said curious

"Yes I am" He answered "I have a football game in 5 minutes"

"Seriously?" I asked surprised "They are letting you play?" He hummed a 'yes' "Oh My God Jake! That's fantastic! That means your leg is so much better!"

"Indeed it is" He said happy "But you didn't call to know about my game did you? What's up?"

"Me?" I asked "Nothing I am just bored"

"So you called me to unbore you?"

"Yes I did"

"Well I am glad you thought about me instead of Chloe" He said joking.

"Don't be so happy, Chloe is not answering her phone, plus I am going to go shopping with her in less than an hour" I said breaking his ego.

"Ouch" He said "Too bad you won't be able to talk to me either" He said laughing.

"What? Why not?" I asked confused.

"The game is about to start and I gotta go" I could hear people talking in the back.

"Are you with your team right now?" I asked curious.

"Yes, the coach is giving us the game plan so I got to go Leelee. See you later" Then he hung up the phone without letting me say goodbye.

He has a game... A football game and he is with his team. Which means Austin's in there. Jake didn't give me time to ask about it.

Wait. Actually I am glad he hunged up. Otherwise I would have said something really stupid like asking if Austin was there, Jake would start making some questions and I wouldn't be able to answer any of them..

I still had some time left and I had nothing to do.

Maybe I can keep reading 'The Fault in Our Stars'. I am three chapters close to the end. I walked to my shelf and took the book out. It was next to my Harry Potter collection and I couldn't help but stare at the seventh book.

God. I wish I could just get rid of it. But how?

I left the book in my desk and took 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' out. I went to my bed, sat, and leaned against my pillows. Carefully opening the book I took the flashdrive out.

I perfectly knew what I was not supposed to do with it, but that was exactly what I wanted to do.

I was dying to see what was inside it.

The information or whatever this thing has inside, must be really important.

But that's when I come to my senses and realize that if the information inside it it's important, it would be dangerous too. I might be in trouble for just hiding this stuff, but by reading what's inside it, I would be digging my own grave.

I think this flashdrive is better far away from me, so I left it back inside the book.

When I was about to get up to put the book back to it's shelf my phone's ringtone blowed up.

"Chloe?" I answered after seeing the caller I.D.

"Ashley where are you? I thought you were coming to my house" She sounded like she was in a hurry.

"Yes I am. I will be there at three" I answered.

"Three Ashley? It's 3:20"

I turned to see the watch at my bed desk and realized I was late..

"God, time went fast. I'll be there in five"

With that I hung up and ran to get my purse before jogging downstairs to get Bob.

Just as I said, no more than five minutes passed before I was at Chloe's house.

Her mom lent her the car, so she drove us to the mall. I can honestly say she is a pretty good driver, I, on the other hand, am a disaster. No wonder why my parents don't even let me get anywhere near the car.

When we got there, the first place we went, was the food court. None of us had eaten and we were both starving. After eating and chatting a bit we finally headed to the clothes stores.

We've been to a dozen different stores, tried a hundred different dresses, and still Chloe hasn't found the perfect dress for the occasion.

"So..." Chloe said coming out of the dressing rooms "How do I look?" She placed her hands on her hips and showed me her dress from all angles.

"You look perfect Chloe" My voice sounded kind of bored, cause I was. But she really looked beautiful in that dress, and not just in that one, she looked perfect in everything she could possibly wear.

"I look like a baby doll right?" She cringed and sighted, dropping her hands.

"Chloe! Trust me! You look amazing!" She was wearing a cute pink smooth dress.

"You really think I do?"

"A hundred percent" I said honestly. I have no doubt she would totally get some of the boys attention at the party.

"Perfect then" She smiled excited "I am taking this one"

When she paid for her dress, we headed back to her car. She chose a dress that made her look stunning. I chose a light blue simple dress, it had nothing out of the ordinary. It was just a blue strapless dress.

It was already 6:00 when she drove me back home. I told her I would call her when Brad picked me up to let her now when we were coming. She agreed and then I got out of the car and into my house.


I was already in my blue dress, I was wearing a pony tail and some black high-heels when Brad and Finn came to pick me up. I texted Chloe that we were on our way. Brad and Finn looked perfect. When we were all inside the car approaching to the party, we could hear the sound of music and lights from outside the house.

"So whose party is this?" I asked curious.

"It's of one of the dudes from your new school" Finn said pointing to Brad "What was his name?"

"Alex" Brad finished.

"ALEX CONSTANCIO!?" Chloe and I said at unison. Both Brad and Finn turned back to see us surprised.

"Wow" Finn said "That was awesome! Do it again" Brad slapped him on the shoulder and parked the car somewhere nerby.

"Does it bothers you?" Brad asked taking my hand guiding me towards the house. "I thought you two knew each other"

"Ohh, trust me. I do know him"

We got inside the house and it was full of people. Alex must me really well known...

WAIT A SECOND. Austin is Alex's best friend. He has to be here.

Oh My God.

I am not mentally prepared to see him.

"Ashley!" Someone shouted my name. I turned around to find Jake with some friends

"Jake!" He came closer and gave me a hug "What are you doing here?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing!" He said laughing. He had a red cup in his hand and he drank from it once in a while. "I am here to celebrate!" He shouted "We won!"

"Serioulsy?" I asked excited "That's awesome! Congratulations!"

"Thanks" He said grinning "Are you here by your own?" He asked me

"Oh no, This is-" I turned to where Brad, Finn and Chloe were but they weren't there anymore. "Uhmm I was with someone..."

He laughed "No problem, you'll be with me" I tried to fake a smile. Where the hell did they go? "Do you want me to bring you something to drink?" Jake asked me.

"I would love you if you do" I said smiling.

"Perfect. Don't move, I'll be here in a minute" He walked away and disappeared in the crowd of people.

I leaned against the stairs waiting. I turned to see the living room where lots of people where dancing and I suddenly spotted Chloe and Finn dancing around a bunch of other people. I chuckled.

Go guuuuurl! I thought She won't stop talking about this tomorrow.

"Look who decided to show up at my party" I turned to my left to see Alex standing right next to me. I rolled my eyes and looked the other way. "It's nice to see you too"

I didn't answer, but that didn't stop him. He was standing right in front of me. "You look nice tonight"

"Oh please Alex" I said annoyed "Do me a favor and leave me alone"

"But you are all alone" He said challenging me "Do you want to be alone in such a big party?"

"I am not alone" I stated "I am waiting for someone"

"Really?" He asked with an amused tone "Who?"

"Me, you dumbass"

Alex turned to find Jake standing behind him with two red cups.

God bless you Jake. I love you for this.

Alex raised his hands in 'surrender' "Sorry man. Just trying to be nice here"

"Just go away Alex" I said harshly.

"As you say" He bowed his head down pretending I was from the royalty or something like that. I seriusly wanted to punch him really hard in that little face of his. Before leaving he walked past me and whispered in my ear "I know you'll be needing me sometime, and I don't know if I'll be in a good mood to help you" He smirked and kept walking like nothing happened.

What is that supposed to mean?

I was smarter than that. I would never, and I mean never need his help.

"You alright?" Jake asked handing me a cup with soda.

"Yeah, it was nothing" I said shrugging "But thanks for standing up for me tho"

"No problem" He said smiling.


I was with Jake the whole party. Poor him, he must be sick of me.

Brad? that fool never showed up. And Chloe? she was having such a great time with Finn that I am sure she forgot I even existed.

It was late and almost everyone was drunk by now. All of a sudden the party was not good anymore. The people were crazy. The only thing I wanted was to get out of that place.

Apparently Jake read my expresion "Do you want me to take you home?" He offered.

I said yes instantly. Before we were out I tried to look for Chloe to see if she wanted a ride too, but I coudn't find her, so I texted her I was leaving with Jake.

Jake was heading us to the front door, he was behind me, guiding me to wherever it was. Just when we got to the door, I turned to the left to find Austin drinking and laughing with some friends...

I never saw him the whole time I was at the party...

He surprised me, by randomly looking up while laughing about something and finding me staring at him. He stopped laughing and stared at me with an emotionless look.

"C'mon" Jake talked to me, making me snap back, turning my eyes to the door in front of me. "Let's keep going"

I opened the door and we walked to his car.

He drove me home and we got there in less time than I expected.

"We are here" He said smiling

I turned to the window next to me and saw my house. "Ohh Thank you Jake" I got up and closed the door. Jake rolled the window down and said goodbye.

He waited until I was inside the house and then he drove away.

As soon as I was inside my house I took my heels off and place them next to the door. My feet hurt for standing in them so much. I raised the stairs barefoot and got to my room. I went to the bathroom, dropped my purse in my dressing table and let my hair drop.

I was going to wash my face when my phone begun to buzz. I took it out of the purse and saw it was a call from a Blocked ID.

"Hello?" I asked a bit scared.


"Who is this?" A sudden nerve got to me.

"Ashleey, Ashleey" The voice repeated. It sounded... weird. "It's me"

"Me who?" I imagined the worse.

"It's me, Austin" He finished.

Oh geezz, no way.

"Ashley" He repeated. What's wrong with his voice? "Can we talk?"

"Austin, it's really late and I just left the party, I'm home now"

"I know" He said sounding sad? "That's why I am here too"

"Here where?" I asked frowning.

"Look outside"

My room's window view was to the backyard, so I ran and went to the one in the guests room, where I could see the front of the house, I peered from the curtains and saw him.

He was standing on the sidewalk in front of the door with a cellphone pressed to his ear. He was looking for me in all the possible windows, and then he found me.

"Austin, what do you think you are doing outside my house?"

"Ashley, please let me talk to youuu" Something was seriously going on with the way he was talking. Wait a second...

"Austin, are you drunk?" I asked surprised.

"Yes.. I mean no, no" He said sounding a bit lazy.

"Oh God" I murmured. Of course he is drunk. Now what?

"Please come out" He begged not leaving his eyes from mine "Please?"

I let out a big sigh and rolled my eyes.

I can't believe this.

I hanged up and without me even noticing, I was already walking downstairs towards the front door.

Guess I have no option but to come out.



I have something BIG planned for next chapter ;)

Sorry for making you wait, I am trying to make the chapters longer so it takes me a little bit more time than before.

I just realized I use "Oh my God" a lot hahaha, but what can I say? I am a girl :p

Banner at the side! :)

Thanks for all the support! Until next chapter!

Love you tons xoxo -katie

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