Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

When I got home I didn’t text Austin just to mess with him a little, hoping he would be the one to text me first, but that didn’t happen either.

I was really sleepy but I knew I needed to take a shower before going to sleep. I refused to use another shirt so I put back on Austin’s and went to sleep with it. I could still smell his scent in it; I was hoping it would never go away.

When I woke up the next day I felt unbelievably happy for no reason.

I looked at myself in the mirror with Austin’s shirt before changing my clothes for school. I wasn’t planning on giving it back to him anytime soon, so I fold it and placed it on the bottom of my last drawer.

I rushed outside and left to school with my mom. As unbelievable as it was, she didn’t spoke one word to me in the whole trip there. Maybe she was too caught up with work because she wouldn’t leave her phone alone.  I didn’t mind though.

My first period was biology and I thought I would see Austin there but I didn’t. He was absent, and not only to that class, but to all of them. He didn’t come to school today. 

“Don’t worry, Alex’s isn’t here either” Chloe assured “They are probably still fixing the light thing with their house” She was probably right “Or maybe they’re just too drunk” She added with a chuckle.

“Austin didn’t drink last night, so it’s probably the thing about the house” I answered.

She raised her eyebrows at me.

“How do you know that?” She asked “Did you find him last night?” And then her expression turned into a smirk “Now that explains the thing about your shirt”

“Oh no” I instantly answered “We were just talking”

“Without wearing a shirt?” She mocked, still wearing a devious smile.

“Chloe drop it. He just helped me up that’s all” I explained “You should be the one telling we how it went with Jake since apparently he won’t come to school. Did he mention anything else about his staying?”

“Nope” She shook her head “He did say something about Leo in Cali but I think I wasn’t paying too much attention”

I remembered the last conversation I had with Leo that one time he caught up to me in my locker. He said he was leaving to finish something.

“Did he say what they were doing there?” I pushed

“Something about a job” She shrugged “I don’t remember. Why are you so interested anyway?”

This time I shrugged “Curiosity” I lied “Maybe I’ll ask Jake about it” I really wanted to know.

When Austin left to go find Sarah a while back, they went to Cali, and it can’t be any coincidence that Leo is there too. Maybe Dave is there? What are they looking for if he is? Revenge?

I wanted to ask so many questions, but I had no one to ask them too.  There was only one person who popped up in my mind. I wouldn’t do it. I couldn’t.

“Have you seen Brad lately?” I finally asked.

Chloe stared at me in confusion “No” She answered “Why?”

“No reason” I lied.

“You can’t just ask about Brad for no reason” She could see right through me so easily “What are you up too?”

“I just want the truth” I simply answered. “I’ve got to go. I’ll see you tomorrow?”

I stood up without letting her answer and headed to the boy’s locker room. I had to find him. I had to talk to Brad.

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