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The most awaited day is finally here, the football match. Today is the day to finally prove I'm better than Jake and to win the game for our school, that too. I woke up early and exercised for a while and finally got ready for the day. Sophia is still sleeping and I have to go wake her up. I soflty open the door and sit down by her bed.

"Hey, Soph, wake up it's time" I say, gently shaking her. She groans and pulls the blanket over her head. I feel you Soph, I really do. I open her blinds so that the sunlight can finally enter the room.

"Come on now, we don't have all day. I have my football match today, oh and mom made waffles" I told her knowing that would catch her attention. As soon as she heard the word waffles she shot up from the bed. Of all the things I said, she wakes up to this!

"With extra whipped cream?" she asks practically bouncing on the bed.

"Yes but only if you get ready now or else I'm gonna eat it all" I taunt her with a smirk.

"I'm up, I'm up, I'm up!" she yells running to the bathroom at a hyper speed. I don't think I've ever seen her run that fast. Waffles to the win as always.

I enter school and head to my locker to keep my books there and head directly over to practice. This is the final practice before the match so we have to be damn good here, then only we can win the match.

"Hey dude," Noah greets me. He and a few others have gotten here already and are practicing.

I keep my bag at the side and get to practicing before the coach starts shouting at me. He can be terrifying when he wants to be.

It's finally match time and the rival team has arrived. We stretch for a bit and enter the field and our school starts cheering. I turn around to see Scarlett staring right at me but as soon as she cached my gaze she looks away. I don't know why but knowing that Scarlett is here makes me feel ten fold happier. A smile finds its way to my face. But that smile is wiped off at the speed it came on my face when I see someone else staring at Scarlett. Jake fucking Cooper. I have hated Jake ever since I joined the football team. He always finds a way to take everything from me and I am NOT going to let him take Scarlett for me too. I don't know how she and Jake know each other but it seems as though she is uncomfortable with him and doesn't really like him. A whistle startles me, the coach is looking at me with an angry expression clearly asking me to snap out of it!

I run towards them and the coach blows the whistle for real this time.


I am at the game but I can't push the thought from the back of my head of that "unknown person" exposing my secret to the whole world, well in this case to the whole school.

Its 3:3 time is running out , one of the players passes the ball to Asher , he decides to run with it , he pushes some of the players and BAM touchdown! The crowd roars. Asher's teammates carry him in joy and Asher has a huge grin on his face. Suddenly he locks his eyes with me , making my heart flutter. I gave him a smile , I walk down to congratulate him suddenly my phone vibrates , I take my phone out from my back pocket to see a notification from UNKNOWN

Unknown: meet me in the parking lot , if u dont come u will have to pay consequences .

My palm starts sweating , who is this and what does he or she want with me?

I jog towards the parking lot to see an oh so familiar face leaning against his motorbike. He was the one who texted me? I look around and nobody is there. I don't wanna die.

" You were the one who texted me ?" I ask as politely as I can because I am dead scared.

"Of course darling" he says with his disgusting smirk. 


What do you think is gonna happen now? Guess we will have to find out

- DD

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