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It's Friday evening and in another 24 hours I will race against Kai Holland . I know that Scar is furious but I want to do this. I started racing because of her. When she left me , I felt incomplete. I needed to race. I know that she is back but I love racing now.

I open social media , and I see that I have 50 new followers. I don't post often , I only have 2 posts. One of myself with my bike and one with olivia. She made me post it!. Scar is not on insta , i mean back then she wasn't on insta. Maybe she is on it now?. I go to Charlotte's followers and I search scar's. Yes I got it!.

I click on it . She has 700 followers . It's a private account and she has 700?. Her bio just has a guitar emoji and her profile pic is a photo of her. I bring the phone closer to my cafe. It's her with a flower in her head and she is smiling . awwww my heart.

Should I give her a request?. I am pretty sure she is angry with me , what if she blocks me?! Ok i am not gonna give her a request now.

 I am pretty sure she is angry with me , what if she blocks me?! Ok i am not gonna give her a request now

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I never felt nervous for a race , but today I did. Maybe because of the things Ryder told me. I am at Noah's house. I am bringing him along to the match.

"This one or this one" Noah asks me, holding up two shirts in his hand. I chose the black on DUH. " Why are you concerned about what you are wearing for a race?" I ask him. " street racers are hot, ok? I need to look good" he replies. Omg this dude. I roll my eyes

I am on my bike now , I look to my side to see Kai Holland with a smirk. He walks up to me "i heard that you are one of the best? "he asks me with his eyebrows raised . "Yes I am," I said confidently . "we will see about that" he says, making me wanna punch him.

Suddenly I hear a voice which I absolutely hate. Jake, ugh i am racing against him too?!. "Hello Asher '' he says, making me gag. "What '' I spat at him. "Woah chill I am just here to say all the best and hope you lose" he says with a smirk. Ughh why are there so many dicks here!?

"Racers! Are you ready!?" Panther announces, I give him a nod. A woman , who is half naked comes and stands in front of us with a red flag. I look around. I couldn't find Noah. Where did he go?. I found a pair of blue eyes. It's scarlett.

What is she doing here?! I see Ryder standing by her side. " 1...2...3..go!" the woman announces , and i accelerate the bike as fast i can. The race was going well. I was in the lead , when suddenly Kai's bike dashed mine , my bike flipped over and I crashed to the side, everyone gasping. I look over to see Kai give me a smirk before driving away. The people around rushed to me to see if I was okay.

Luckily I was okay. I see Scar running towards me. I am still on the ground. Scar bends down "Ash Ash are you ok? "She asks , panicking . I slowly get up .She helps me up. "Yea i am fine" i say while wincing in pain.

"Asher come let's get you inside the car" she says. Ryder helps to get into his car. I lie inside the car and Ryder starts driving , while Scar sits in the passenger seat.

"Don't go to my house, "I tell Ryder. I certainly don't want my parents finding out that I am a racer. "Go to mine," Scar says to Ryder. " Ash, do you need to see a doctor?" scar asks me. " no no no I just have some bruises and scars" I assure her.

After 1 hour we reached her house , now I am sitting on her bed while she is searching for the medicine kit. "Ryder you can leave home if you want , it's late" she says Ryder who is leaning against the door. " Are you sure?" he asks her. "Yes Ryder" she tells Ryder with a smile. "Ok then , take care ash" he says while leaving. Scar turns towards me

He brought her med kit, and sat next to me. We are so close. She hasn't spoken a word to me. She takes a cotton and pours some rubbing alcohol on it and she slowly dabs it on the scar which is on my forehead. I try my best not to show my pain.

I directly look into her blue eyes. It makes me calm. She slowly moves to another bruise on my cheek. She scrunches her nose when I wince. "It's okay , it doesn't hurt" I whisper. She scoffs at my words.

Why isn't she talking to me? Is she angry that I am hurt or that I am a racer? I should be the one who is angry at her. She came to a place like that , why would she do that?

She comes closer to treat my lips. We are only inches away. I couldn't stop looking at her lips and by the looks of it she couldn't stop looking at mine either.

I could feel my heart pounding against my chest. Just as the longing became unbearable, her lips met mine. Her lips were soft and gentle, caressing mine with the slightest movement. Before things could get any further my phone rings startling us and making us break apart. Scarlett's whole face is red and I look to see who was the fucker who called me and ruined my moment with Scarlett. Noah. Of course.

"Dude, I heard your bike crashed! I am so sorry, I saw Ryder and I left. Are you okay now?" he apologizes.

"It's fine noah and it's about time you are ryder get over your silly fight. Yeah i'm fine now" i tell him with a pointed look even though he cant see me.

"Wha- it is not sillyyyy!" he whines making me let out a laugh.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night" I tell him. He just groans and cuts the call.

I see Scarlett staring at me and when I catch her doing that she immediately looks away.

"Uh... that's never gonna happen again" she said, stepping back, making some space in between us.

"What do you mean?'' I asked her with a confused look. She can't really be saying that.

"I said that this is never gonna happen" she tells me with a stern look.

"What I don't understand," I ask. I thought she wanted this to happen.

"That kiss! We are never gonna do it again!" she says, throwing her hands up in the air.

"What's wrong with you Scar!? And what's wrong with us kissing?!" i say getting annoyed. Is she delusional or something

"Ash don't you understand we are not good for each other!" She says pacing around the room.What does she mean we are not good for each other?!

"What makes you think that?!" I yell, at this point I'm standing next to her.

"You could have killed yourself today!" she shouts pointing to my scar. Is that what this is all about?!

"Why do you care!? The last time I checked we weren't friends and you didn't care about me!" I yell at her. I know we are friends but in the heat of the moment I couldn't care less.


"What! You left me scarred! You are the reason why I started street racing!" I exclaim, making her eyes go wide.

"You think leaving you was easy for me?! And don't give me bullshit like this ! you did this to yourself" she yells making me even more angry.

"You took a piece of me when you left! And I had to fill up the space somehow!" I tell her, my eyes getting glossy too.

"And you think street racing was the way to do that!?" she shouts back. Well yeah! obviously.

"Honestly Scar , I wouldn't expect you to understand. Don't worry i will be out of your life AGAIN.'' I say and walk out of the room. 

The one person who truly understands and supported me before, now can't even do either of that.


Sooo...that happened
INSTAGRAM: _destinydawn._

- DD

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