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I woke up, the events of last night etched into my mind. I turn over to see Scarlett cuddling the pillow with her back to me. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of her. I was a damn fool to ever let her go. I place a soft kiss on her shoulder and I quietly get up and sneak out of the house. It was around 5.30 am and my parents would be awake soon and I had to go to my room before they found out I snuck out.

I tip toe into my house and quietly get inside my room and I close the door. I turn around when I see Sophia sitting on my bed with her arms crossed and a frown on her face making me jump back. What the fuck is she doing awake?

“where were you?” she asks in an accusatory tone, making me shrink at her gaze. That girl can be scary as hell when she wants to be. “Oh you know..out and about” my voice becomes high pitched and she squints her eyes and walks towards me with a raised brow.

“Was it Scarlett again?” she asked and my eyes widened. How did she know? Before I ask her how she continues. “Oh come on Ashy, everybody sees how you look at her, and when is she coming over? She likes playing dolls with me unlike you” she asks, bouncing on her feets. Damn I could never hide anything from her. I give a defeated smile and her eyes light up.

“Fine, fine, I'll bring her over soon, and besides what are you doing awake anyways?” Now it was my turn to squint my eyes at her.

“oh you know…out and about” she replies with a sheepish smile.


finally get ready for school and bid my mum goodbye and leave the house.
While entering my car I get a phone call.


What does he want? I picked the call up. “Hello son, how are you?” he says. “I am fine panther what's up” I ask him and i sit in the driver's seat to drive to school.

“We have a match this weekend, are you interested?”he asks. Am I interested? Hell i am. But if Scarlett finds out she will end me.

“It's with Kai” he states, making me remember the horrid memory I had the last time I raced with him. I really want to show who is the best but what will Scarlett think?. Should I do this behind her back or?

“Panther, is it okay if I tell you my answer later? I ask him. “Sure Ash!” He says and I cut the phone. I run my finger into my hair in frustration.

I entered the school with only one thing on my mind, Scarlett. I just had to see her. I see her getting books from her locker and a huge smile takes over my face. I practically skip over there and lean against the locker. I clear my throat, but she doesn't hear me. I clear it louder but still she doesn't seem to notice me.

“Oh come on, really?” I ask with a whine and she finally looks at me. “Good morning gorgeous,” I tell with a smirk.

“don't talk to me,” she says and walks to her class. I frown and follow her, did I do something wrong? Before I could ask that, the bell rings and we both rush to our class. It's maths first and the teacher is pretty kind so I'm not worrying about that. Coincidentally the only seat available for Scarlett is next to me. I smirked and she rolled her eyes and sat next to me. I decided not to bother her for the first 20 minutes of the class but then I got bored.

Poke. Poke. Poke. “Scarlett. ” I dragged out poking her arm once again. “i'm gonna keep doing this until you talk to me” I told her and this went on for another 2 minutes before she finally had enough.

“What?!” she whisper-yells. “why aren't you talking to me?” I ask, a sad expression present on my face. “how will you, you left before I could even wake up” she replies with a pout and turns towards the teacher, ah so that is what's really bothering her. The class got over before I could make it up to her and we don't share anymore classes for the day.

Lunch time is going to get over, and I see Scarlett walking out of the cafeteria while I rush up to catch up with her. “Scarlett….. SCARLETT” I yell, making a few heads turn towards us.

“What are you doing?!” she whispers at me, not wanting people to stare at us. “I want to explain why I left before you woke up. I thought your parents were gonna wake up and I just… I didn't want them to find out that way” I explain, my ears burning red in embarrassment and I scratch the back of my neck.

Oh, I just I really  wanted to see you when i woke up” she replied just as embarrassed as me
and looked down at the floor. She looks up at me only to find me staring at her. I lean down and capture her lips in a soft yet passionate kiss and both of us smile into the kiss.

“to make up for this, I will take you on a date” I tell her after pulling back from the kiss and her smile widens.

“reallllyyyy?!” she asks, jumping up and down in a childish manner, making me  chuckle. “yeah” I tell her with a smile and she grabs my hoodie and pulls me down for another kiss. Everything feels perfect now. Or does it?


Aren't Scarlett and Asher the cutest?!


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