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Today is Sophia's birthday and I park my vehicle outside of Asher's house and enter the house which is filled with loud music. I greet his parents and look around for the birthday girl. I finally find her talking with a few of her friends but when she finally sees me a huge grin breaks out on her face and she runs over to me.

"Noah!!! You came!" she says jumping into my arms making me spin her around making her giggle.

"Of course I did! I wouldn't miss it for the world! And here is your gift!" I tell her with a chuckle, making her smile even wider if that was even possible. She mutters a quick thank you and runs off to her friends probably to guess what is in the big box I gave her. I bought her a Barbie dream plane set. Honestly, I didn't have any clue what eight year olds like nowadays sso i can only hope that she likes it. I see Asher standing a few feet away with a bright pink hoodie. This is going to funn!

"Dude! I love your hoodie!" i say with a fake gasp making him flip me off.

"Shut it Noah, Sophia made me wear this," he says. I'm not surprised. That girl can make anyone do anything with her puppy dog eyes and a pout.

"Is Scarlett coming?" i ask even though i already know the answer, surely she is not going to miss Soph's birthday. "Yes she is" he says, making me nod.

"So do you need help with anything?" I ask looking around.

"Yeah! Please help me with the balloons! They kept running out of air before I could tie them! It's as if they hate me" he whined with a pout. I chuckle and shake my head going over to take some balloons to teach him how to tie it.

Ok decorating is hard!. Damn that took a long time. Slowly all the guests came to the house , all were 7 seven year olds. They are loud as fuck. I suddenly see Scar entering the house so I nudge Asher , he looks at me with confusion "what?" he spats. I point my finger towards Scar , he immediately looks. He couldn't stop staring at her , his eyes softened. This is how people see their loved ones I guess. Scar walked towards us and she laughed at Ash's hoodie. Ash still couldn't stop staring at her!. "Wow the decoration looks really good" she looks stunned with the decorations. "Yes the credit goes to Noah" I say pointing at myself. Ash rolls his eyes and scar laughs it off. "I am gonna go see Sophie , be right back" scar announces it to me and Ash. I nod my head with a smile.

After she leaves I turn my head towards ash and I give him a smirk. "What" he says with a boring look. "Stop staring at her dude" I say to him. "What! I wasn't staring at her" he replies, making me roll my eyes. I'm standing near the door and suddenly I hear a loud sound, one of a bike. I figured it was one of Asher's friends and brushed it off and walked away to get myself a drink.

"Well no party is alive without me" a deep voice boomed making me freeze in my tracks. No it can't be right? I turn around to see Ryder standing there with a smirk on his face staring directly at me. I don't know how but Ryder only seems to have gotten hotter in the past 3 weeks. Stop it Noah! You are supposed to be mad at him, not gush over him. Ryder knows exactly what I'm thinking and his smirk only widens. Seeing his face reminds me of what he did, leaving without any message making me wonder if I did something wrong. I guess the hurt is pretty evident in my eyes because his eyes soften and he opens his mouth to say something but is cut off by a loud squeal. Scarlett runs over to him and hugs him and I take that as my cue to leave.

 Scarlett runs over to him and hugs him and I take that as my cue to leave

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It's the next day and yes I still haven't talked to ryder. Don't blame me! He didn't so much as send me a text nor did he tell me about him leaving. He only told me after he left and said that he would never be coming back. I thought we both had a connection but I guess not.

I hop onto my car and drive to school hoping nothing bad will happen, but with my luck it probably will. My first class is maths and by the time i enter the class most of them have come and there's only one bench in the left corner free. I sit down and look to my left to see Scarlett and Charlotte talking and laughing while Asher is making lovey eyes at Scarlett. That dude really needs to stop being so obvious. I keep my bag to the side when I hear the teacher announce something.

"Good morning class, today a new student will be joining us. I want you to make him feel as welcome as possible" she tells us. Him? Who is this person?

Right on cue a guy enters with a black tshirt, ripped jeans and a jacket. Wait..that jacket looks familiar. NO! It can't be! The guy finally turns to us and my eyes widen and Scarlett has a humongous smile on her face. The teacher asks him to introduce herself.

"Hello, I'm Ryder black and I've recently moved from California," he tells us with a smile. Something just hit me, next to me is the only place free as all other places are occupied. Oh god, kill me now.

"Alright! It's nice to have you Mr.Black, you can have a seat next to Mr.Adler" she tells him, making me groan internally and he looks at me with a smirk. Ugh could this day get any worse?!

He comes over and sits next to me while I only look at the board where the teacher is teaching. I'm determined to get through this class without acknowledging him. While writing what was given, I could feel his hand brushing against mine making me blush. I turn to the side so that he cannot see the effect he has on me. Ryder Black what are you doing to me.


So Ryder is back for good! What will happen between him and Noah 👀

- DD

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