64 - The Confrontation

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The old mental hospital was as disgusting as the last time I was there, and I suspected that the massgrave in the backyard had grown even bigger.

But I could only guess because now Lumiere had other workers who did the dirty work for him so we were excused, which was both nice and uncomfortable at the same time.

Clocksworth got out of the car first of all and looked around, he signaled to spread out before he went alone for the main entrance.

Dressed in the same old leather coat with a fur collar as always, a cigar in the corner of his mouth and confident steps. His whole body vibrated with strength, but I still couldn't help but feel a sting of anxiety.

"He'll be fine, you'll see." Dominic mumbled bitterly next to me and broke me from my trance.


"I can sense what you think."

I ignored his tone and nodded to the right. "You and Mass go that way and we will meet at the back." And so I went before he had time to say anything more.

I could not bear to fight right now, we had other things to think about. But deep down I knew he was right, I haven't stopped thinking about Clock since that kiss.

I pushed my thoughts away and walked towards the picnic areas. On my way there, I met some newborn vampires who were digging pits for the dead. No one took any special notice of me but I couldn't help but think how they'd react in a few minutes from now. Would they flee for a new life or would they attack us and be loyal to him?

I kicked a rock that lay at my feet on the overgrown gravel path and decided that it didn't matter, we were prepared for both options.

My steps became heavier and heavier as I began to approach the place where I knew the dead people were piling up.

It was not the bodies themselves or the fact that they were dead that haunted my thoughts, it was the smell of the blood that I was unsure of how to handle. It was always a different reaction from time to time.

I pressed my hands deep into my pockets and went in through the open back door.
The first thing that struck me was the terrible stench of rotten meat, but it got worse because then the sound of scratching claws and loud screams echoed into my ears..

"Belmont?" Lumiere's voice sounded surprised when he saw me walking down the corridor.

"Hey." I greeted and eyed him where he stood in a white apron full of blood splatter and wiped his hands on paper towels.

He frowned, "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you."

"Why? Has anything happened?" He said worriedly.

"Yes, I guess you could say that." I answered with a hint of hesitation in my voice.

Lu took a step out of the room where he was standing and walked towards me. "Are you alone?"

"No, Clocksworth asked me to show him around."

He took a few more steps towards me and now that he was really close, I could smell the blood off him. "What are you doing?" I asked anxiously and glanced into the room behind him.

"Don't look inside." He warned, but it was too late, in there lay half-conscious humans with tubes in their wrists that emptied them of blood which was filled into bags that hung on the sides of the beds.

I took a few staggering steps back and leaned my palm against a wall. "Jesus Christ Lu." I breathed and closed my eyes to stay focused.

"Come on." He said quickly and took me under his arm, "you need fresh air."

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