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noun ~ a series of thoughts, images and sensations occurring in a person'smind during sleep

I was in the forest again, the smell of burning behind me was overwhelming. I tried to narrow my breathing to not inhale too much of it but it irritated my sensitive nose.

"Run, children, run!"

I spun around from where I stood and took in the familiar scene before me. A woman was running towards me, towards the forest with two small blonde children by her side. Her home, burning to embers behind her as her husband and mate lay dead on the patio. The few guards that remained were fighting off the blood suckers so she could pass through.

It was the same vision I had when I Pollux gave me his blood, only this time, I watched as my mother ran towards me rather than away. She was gasping for breath, not daring to look back as she ran through the battlefield. A vampire charged at her from the back, its long claws scraping down her back  and sides causing her to stumble and cry out in alarm and fall to her knees. A wolf guard wasted no time in launching at the leech and starting a fight with it, but it has already sunk its teeth into her shoulder.

She gasped, the children stood crying in front of her. The girl bent down and gently placed her hand upon her mother's back, her lips moving in gentle mumbles. Mother nodded and shakily got to her feet, taking both children's hands  before trying to run again.

I could see the pain on her face as she stumbled through the treeline. Her body was weakening, the two young children having to pull her into the trees. The young boy, I now see as Pollux, was checking the surroundings as young me tried to coax our mother into the forest.

As they began to disappeared out of site, I found myself walking to follow them, staying slightly behind. I felt my chest rumble with a growl as Mother finally fell to her knees in a small clearing. I kept myself hidden, lurking at a decent distance so I didn't have to look too closely. It felt like I was out of my body, floating as I watched the scene unfold. Everything was different to last time, more clarity, more detail.

"Please! Please help us!" Mother cried.

My eyes darted up as Gaia stepped into my eyeline. She seemed younger, less wrinkled and weathered as she stood in front of my Mother. She was frowning, her brown eyes flashing to a darker shade as she took in the state of the Lycan before her.

"I cannot help you, my dear." Gaia frowned.

My Mother gasped, her chest heaving as the twins cried silently. "Why? Please, my children are too young..."

Gaia smiled gently, looking between me and my twin. "I can help them, but I cannot interfere with Fate and the Moon Goddess unless I want to be punished..."

My mother seemed to understand, a shaky sob escaping her chest. Her head fell, spit, blood and tears dripping from her as she began to shake with pain. She inhaled deeply before raising to her knees to stare at the witch.

"If I am to die, can you tell me that?"

Gaia seemed upset as she nodded ever so slightly, and my Mother's bottom lip wobbled.


Gaia grimaced, looking around her as if someone was watching. I sunk further into the shadows, keeping myself hidden.

"The venom in your system, is weakening you. If you do not stop it, you shall become one of them." Gaia spoke.

"I do not want too."

"Then you only have to ask, my dear. I can make it seem an accident, so your children will never have to know the horrors today." Gaia gestured her hands to her surroundings. "You must make that decision, I can only help in certain ways."

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