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adjective ~ having no one else present


I woke to the sound of voices outside my door. Opening my eyes, I found I was back in the familiar room of my cell. I winced as I pulled myself to sitting, my head swimming with dizziness.

I cupped my head in my hand with a groan. Vivid memories of Master biting into my neck flashed through my mind and my hand dropped to my neck with the realisation. My fingers brushed against some soft gauze taped to my neck.

I was thankful he did not ruin the mark Phoenix gave me, but I hoped it wouldn't scar. His bite felt different from the one I received from the party. Master's felt larger and somehow did not burn as much. I was glad that I didn't turn into some freaky vampire hybrid.

Looking out of my barred window, I saw it was daytime. Time ceased to exist in here; I wasn't sure how long they had held me captive, and I wasn't sure how I was going to escape now. I had hoped that I could get on Master's good side and run, but it appeared I was all part of a larger plan.

Images of Cors entered my mind and I sighed in confusion. Why did my vision show me him? Why was he involved the night my parents died? Did Alexandar know he could not be trusted? I remembered how he couldn't communicate and wondered if he lost his voice because of something he had done.

I idly played with the ring on my finger. Looking down at the dull emerald, I brought it closer to my face. If only I could work out how this works, then I could search the past for more answers.

As if understanding my thoughts, the jewel glowed. I inhaled sharply, running my thumb over the smooth edges. What if I just... closed my eyes.

With my eyes closed, I concentrated on the feeling of the ring. I focused on the way it cupped my finger and the gentle weight of the jewel upon my skin. I thought about I wished to see more answers, but nothing happened. My thoughts were too dilute, and I found my mind drifting off back home.

The ring grew heavier as I searched my memories for those that I loved. My heartbeat increased as the flashing of honey eyes encompassed my mind. I missed Phoenix so much, he would know how to calm my thoughts. He would embrace me and hold me until I felt calm as he always did.

My mind shifted, and I found myself in another place. I walked the mountains, trailed through the snow. I was in my wolf form, my black paws pounding through the cold ground as I charged towards the sunrise. It was cold; a bitter chill running through my fur. My breath fogged above me with every harsh breath.

More footsteps met my ears, and I turned around to find an entire pack behind me. My pulse quickened with excitement when I caught sight of Charlie's wolf, his brown fur swishing with the force of running. I felt the ache in my limbs, the thirst in my throat, and looked around to find a place to settle for a break.

Barking at the pack behind me, we slowed our pace and stopped beneath some trees. The wind had picked up not so long ago, and the trees provided little shelter. I was going to shift back but decided against the cold on my bare skin.

I sniffed around, finding the stream frozen. I leaned the weight of my paws on top of it, hearing a satisfying crack. It was only half frozen, which meant we could drink and still stay warm. Pushing more of my weight onto the ice, my paw broke through the top layer. Nudging it away with the pads of my paws, I cleared a large enough gap for my snout. Bending down, I took a drink, hearing the other wolves do the same. Once satisfied, I leaned away and looked at my surroundings.

Everything was white. White floor, white treetops, white landscape. Snow covered everything. Looking down, it came to my front knees, growing deeper than it was this morning. I wasn't sure how I knew that, but I did.

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