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noun ~ a small room in which a prisoner is locked up in

Some time whilst I was being transported, I had fallen asleep. This time, when I came to my senses, I found I could see and breathed a sigh of relief. I blinked, taking in my surroundings to find myself looking at a tall metal roof. There was a cool draft brushing along my side and with a startled wail, I found that I was still naked. All that covered me was a ratted blanket, itchy and barely covering my body.

I raised my hands to pull it more over my body, only to find my movements restricted. I whimpered as I took sight of my hands bound in silver cuffs, a heavy metal chain linked through each cuff before trailing down to the ground. I sat up with a groan, my head rattling with the movement. My body ached and I felt exhausted.

Looking around, I found I was in a small room. Wait, scratch that; a cell. I was in a cell. The floors were dark cement and dirty. Bloodstains marred one wall opposite me, a heavy metal door beside it with a small window looking latch with a metal box on my side like a post box. I had watched plenty of movies and shows with Molly to guess that was where food came through. The cell wasn't your stereotypical jail cell, rather a contained unit. The four cement walls surrounding me did not provide any warmth, constricting my being to its confinement.

The room was bare apart from the skinny framed bed I sat upon, and a small, drafty window. I lifted my hands to find them secured to an anchor point hammered into the ground. The chains were heavy but I guessed if I stood they would be the right height for me to not have to bend down. I tugged on them anyway, but I felt drained and weak.

I shuddered, pulling the blanket around me as the cold draft came from the window of this room. The bed just so happened to be placed beneath it. I tried to tune my hearing in, to see who was on the other side of these walls but found that was dulled too.

Celimene? I called.

She didn't answer and I felt my nerves grow. So I had been taken here unwillingly by Raven, to be chained in a small room without my wolf or her senses.


A small sigh escaped me and I forced myself to swallow the bile that wanted to escape. I felt sick to my stomach, nerves creeping up on me and taking hold of my throat. My head felt heavy and my limbs felt tired like they have just woken up from an hour of cramp.

I wondered if the others have found I am missing? How long have I been gone? Did they notice I wandered off? Now I think about it, I had not only managed to hunt and eat my animal alone, but I followed the dark figure to the clearing, and had a full vision. I had been alone a while, why had no one come for me?

My fear turned from my own to the safety of my friends. I hoped they were okay and uninjured. Whoever had me, whether it was Raven alone or not, had better not hurt them. I don't think my heart could cope if people I called family were injured.

I swallowed harshly, blinking furiously to clear the negative thoughts. I needed my wits about me, no matter how terrified I was. The sound of footsteps suddenly met my weak ears, heavy and calculated, almost teasing as they came to a stop behind my door.

They paused, silence overcoming the room once more. A shuffle of fabric and a hushed mumble sounded before the sound of a lock echoed around the room. I licked my lips nervously, pulling the fabric tighter around me as I awaited the cruel fate. The handle twisted and the door creaked open, all the while I held my breath, waiting for a face to appear.

I was shocked when it did, my breath hitching when two dark eyes met my own. I was sure my face revealed my emotions as when the two figures stepped into the room, the one in front had a cruel smirk on their face, but the upper part of their face was covered in a dark mask. Dressed in dark woollen robes and winter boots caked in mud, the two hovered above me, waiting.

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