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adjective ~ kind or affectionate


As soon as Charlie's name left my mouth, chaos erupted. The man holding me sank his claws into my skin, drawing blood. Vampires and wolves alike flooded into the area and I had to watch with bated breath as they all fought. Charlie's brown wolf came charging, but no sooner than he got to us, a dark blur took him down.

"That will show them. Can't trust anyone." Master sneered.

He spun around to glare down at me. I cringed against the restraints; the man holding me, not releasing his claws from my skin.

"You gave away our position." Master snarled before landing a harsh smack to my cheek.

I whimpered and stayed silent. I could feel my body burning with the pains, adrenaline wanting me to run away, but I feared getting caught again. Claws were already two inches deep into my thigh and ribs, and I didn't want them to tear my flesh open any more than that.

Turning back around at my submission, Master dismissed me. I followed his gaze to see wolves fighting. My heart constricted in my chest as a wolf I knew to be Alessea tackled Charlie. They fought for a while before he threw her twenty feet into the air. She came crashing into a building, debris falling around her. Charlie stalked towards her and I had to look away as his face snapped into hers.

She was a traitor?

"We need to move. Find a way out." Master rushed.

Master was pushing us back, back to the safety of the buildings. I could hear slight desperation in his voice, but his face gave nothing away. He forced the others forward first, sandwiching himself in the middle.

My skin suddenly bristled with goosebumps as an unusual atmosphere overpowered the alleyway. I narrowed my eyes, turning to look behind wolfman to see Charlie's wolf wedged in the alley's gap. He was almost smiling, jaws open as blood dripped from his mouth. He looked feral, manic, in fact.

But that wasn't the source of the feeling. The alley was long, wrapping around many walls. Just as I turned to look ahead of us again, a deep grumble shook the cement. The people before me growled and even Master hesitated. I looked at him briefly to see him frozen in place.

The floor rumbled again, and my head finally snapped up to the source of the sound. My breath hitched, my heart racing with adrenaline. Through the darkness of the alleyway, a large figure blocked our exit. Although I could not see any features, not even eyes, my body hummed with energy.

I could feel the energy bristling along my skin, like a vine wrapping around a tree. It travelled through my body, swimming through the air and in the figure's direction. My body became alive at the mere presence of it, and it was what made me know I was safe.

"Phoenix." I whispered.

Phoenix didn't answer, his body tall and dark in shadows. He was nearly as tall as the small space, his shoulders practically brushing the walls. He plunged the alley into darkness as he took two strides closer. The wolf holding me retracted his claws and turned to whisper into Master's ear.

"Now what?" He growled.

"Fight." He whispered. "It's all we can do."

Jay whimpered. "Against him? I can't do that. He already wants me dead."

I didn't care about their conversation. My eyes focused on Phoenix as I searched for his face, or the familiarity of his eyes. I couldn't see a thing without my wolf's vision. I whimpered a sigh, coming up short. He seemed to tense before taking a menacing step forward.

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