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noun ~ death, destruction or some other terrible fate

My nose twitched as I searched for where the dark figure of my mother had disappeared too, but I came up short. I could not smell anything but the smell of woods and ash. I sneezed to dislodge the smell and then tried again but even Celimene could not sense anything.

Strange. Did I imagine it?

Definitely not. Cel huffed.

Why did it lead me here? What was it? Why did it look like my mother?

Cel grumbled as we continued to look around the area but I was drawn once again to that fallen tree. I stopped at the foot of it, looking down at its burnt and crippled trunk. The tree stump was still standing strong in the ground a little to the left. Although charred and splintered, it still highlighted where the tree had once been.

I crept closer to it, my nose to the ground as I tried to make sense of my surroundings. It was drawing me in, I could feel the way it called to me. I know what this meant. I had felt it when I looked at the book of my grandmother's writing. I swallowed harshly, braving myself to raise a paw.

Checking my surroundings and twitching my ears, I found no one nearby. The pull was too strong, I couldn't help but lower my paw towards the tree. Like a whoosh of adrenaline, I felt my mind go numb.


I blinked, shaking my head to clear the fog as I entered another place and time. Looking around, I found myself still in the forest, and still in my wolf form. I called Celimene but found she wasn't there and hummed in confusion. I have never had a dream where I was in my wolf form... Perhaps it was normal?

I heard voices behind me, hushed hurried ones. I tensed and turned my head to seek the sounds out. I wasn't prepared for who I saw, my mind going blank as I caught sight of them.

"Hurry, Raven, we need to get there in time."

Gaia ran through the trees, her back hunched as she dragged Raven behind her. I followed them steadily, keeping myself scarce even though they most likely couldn't see me. Raven was huffing behind her mother, looking less than pleased.

"Why do we have to mother, you have had many visions before, why this one?" She grumbled.

Gaia shot her a glare but kept her attention on avoiding low hanging branches and sharp sticks. "This one is important, this could change the whole planet's future if we are not careful."

"Whole planet?" She wondered.

Gaia nodded. "Werewolves are simple creatures, and if we do not go to where I am needed, then they will fall to the bad side, and take over. They are greedy creatures... we cannot let that happen."

I frowned but kept close as I followed them. The sound and smells of the river hit my nose and I watched as the two witches stopped on the edge of the river, the same spot I had stood before. They didn't move, merely waited for something.

My ears twitched as the sound of fighting and screams filled the air. Grunts of pain and screams of peril were shrill and caused me to wince as their frequency hurt my ears. I stood, waiting, much like the two people in front of me for the vision to unfold. I licked my snout eagerly, patience become thin as nothing happened. Even the two witches before me were breathing softly, Gaia's back tense.

A loud howl sounded from nearby and Gaia inhaled sharply. I grimaced, the sound telling me that someone was angry. Suddenly, Gaia and Raven moved along the riverbed, towards the right. I watched them until they were stood upstream and only followed when they stopped again.

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