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adjective ~ burned and blackened

My fur was damp with the moisture of the air as we ran closer to the lower regions of the mountain. We had run mostly in silence, the only sounds were our short, sharp breaths. When Alessea began to slow down, the three of us matched her pace instinctively. The trees were dense the lower into the mountain we ran, the moisture filling my lungs with fresh air.

As we trotted to a stop, my tongue darted out to catch falling moisture from the trees above. I let out a shaky breath, looking around at the dark greenery surrounding me. Alessea turned to us and cocked her head. A small yip escaped her and I knew that this was where we were to be.

Are you okay? Pollux's voice filtered into my mind.

I nudged him with my head, licking the dew from his fur. I'm okay, mixed emotions.

I'm right here if you need me. He snorted, licking my cheek back.

Charlie came up beside me, his deep brown fur blending nicely with nature. He nudged me forwards and I turned to see Alessea had started to walk again. I flicked him with my tail before following along behind her. He kept pace behind me, covering mine and my brother's backs as we sauntered through the dense trees.

I knew we were growing closer when the strange prickling sensation started to agitate my brain. My jaw clenched as we walked through the trees, looking around as they began to grow lighter. We were coming to the forest's edge, the greying clouds coming into view. I felt my hackles rise as the uneasy sensation never left and I twitched my ears to try and gauge my surroundings.

We came to a stop by a familiar shimmering border. I felt the need to turn around, and it made sense as to why I felt so on edge. They had a protective spell, a border much like the one Raven had created for the rogues. I noticed Charlie pacing behind me, his wolf unable to repress his need to leave the 'danger'.

Alessea shifted suddenly, stopped right behind a large tree. "The land is enchanted. I just have to link Angela to let us in."

Angela? I knew she was strange but I never knew she was such a strong witch to be able to hold a protective spell so far away. I had to learn more about this woman that was so invested in my destiny. A low grumble escaped me as the border opened and Alessea shifted back to her fur before leading us in.

I kept my head hung low as I walked through the break in the border and just as Charlie entered behind me, I watched as the border sealed itself closed. It reminded me of fire melting something. The way it moved was almost liquid-like as it slowly glowed at the edge and closed like a blind or curtain.

I turned to look ahead of me, finding widespread trees and green grass. The hidden beauty of the place was divine. My ears and nose twitched, taking in the fresh flowers and upcoming rain. I heard small creatures preparing for the weather that was about to come, scurrying on the floor and into burrows.

We walked until we found a clearing and as we broke through, I saw the start of a dirt path. We walked along it, our paws crunching in the small stones. I glanced to Pollux to find him keeping a close eye ahead of us. I looked to see where he was staring so intensely, to see the ground far ahead misshapen and uneven.

I felt a sudden dread in the pit of my stomach as we grew closer to the uneven ground and even more so when we finally came to a stop twenty yards from it. My eyes raked it in, taking in the dark, burnt cement blocks and brickwork. The sight of charred wood and fabrics all piled high in a large mass of debris. It did not spread out for long, having been piled up as orderly as it can in places.

I took in the further surroundings, finding wide green gardens and trees surrounded by fallen leaves. Evergreen hedgerows and animal burrows littered the far tree line. Looking back to the front entrance of the house, I breathed in deeply, feeling sorrow for the destruction of what no doubt was a beautiful home.

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